Sentences with phrase «quantifiable measures»

"Quantifiable measures" refers to things that can be measured or counted numerically. It means that there are specific numbers or amounts that can be used to evaluate or compare something. It helps us understand and assess things in a more objective and concrete way. Full definition
This includes the use of quantifiable measures of changes in the client's psychological and emotional state during a programme of play therapy sessions.
In the name of efficiency, schools are increasingly reliant on quantifiable measures as a primary avenue for feedback.
Preparing a bookkeeper resume that's laid out in a logical manner, includes quantifiable measures of your success, and specific details on your relevant skill set makes it much easier for a hiring manager to consider you as a serious potential candidate.
Special damages being lost income or some other quantifiable measure of loss.
A good scientist is one who follows the scientific method and uses quantifiable measures and observations to support a conclusion.
He was kind enough to answer a few questions from our Research team, which is working on identifying quantifiable measures of successful social and emotional learning.
And while law school grades aren't a good measure of lawyering skills, grades are, for better or worse, the most quantifiable measure of law school success.
You can also include quantifiable measures such as percentages, dollar figures and other value based details that best way in showing your strengths.
Consider adding quantifiable measures of your performance to reinforce your personal brand message on your resume, as shown in these tips.
As for the art and architecture schools, admissions decisions rely more on student portfolios than on quantifiable measures.
But, even if you don't have dollar figures, there are often other quantifiable measures that you can use to express the value of your contributions and achievements in the workplace.
As this candidate's career progresses, it will be best to include quantifiable measures and dollar figures to support financial achievements.
William P. Jackson is a curriculum development specialist, pedagogical strategist, program analyst, and the founder of Village of Wisdom — an organizing and advocacy entity that develops tools, resources, and quantifiable measures of racial equity to eliminate racial injustice in schools.
Clearly, accountability systems that rely on short - term, quantifiable measures to drive improved performance can lead to unintended consequences.
School systems around the country are trying to use objective, quantifiable measures to identify which are the good teachers and which are the bad ones.
The Framework affirms the important role that school environment factors play in increasing student achievement by including concrete, quantifiable measures that provide important indicators of how schools are engaging and supporting students.
In a separate executive order, the Governor directed the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to create a $ 10 million teacher incentive program to reward teachers who have the most impact on student achievement through objective, quantifiable measures.
Only there has been little real change — to my knowledge — in the status quo because schools are seemingly still beholden to accountability measures that link to the quantifiable measures of NC levels.
The modern Turbo is a better car — a supercar, really — by every quantifiable measure.
Metrics — Metrics, or Business Metrics, refer to quantifiable measures to assess your progress toward a goal.
Besides, beta offers a clear, quantifiable measure that is easy to work with.
Behind the change is a drive to boost current - year performance and profits at the expense of more enduring values for which there are no quantifiable measures.
In today's metric - based work culture, employers are searching for a recruitment tool that gives them quantifiable measures on which to base decisions.
This shows a quantifiable measure of your success.
In an industry where workplace accidents are all too common, having a quantifiable measure of safety is extremely important.
Consider adding specific, quantifiable measures of your performance to your resume, as shown in these tips.
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