Sentences with phrase «quantity consumed»

That's just me (I'm only mildly lactose intolerant, but it builds with quantity consumed as I've noticed by trial).
Offer foods that your baby is interested in - simply mash with a fork and allow them to enjoy it without concern about quantities consumed.
And it isn't just the choice of diet, it is the sheer quantity consumed.
In Saudi Arabia, consumers favour baked goods, according to reported quantities consumed, followed by savoury snacks and ice cream.
Some advisories may not provide adequate protection because they are based on state data that underestimate quantities consumed by minority, low - income populations.
Research has shown that sodium - enriched fresh young coconut water is as effective as commercial sports drinks for rehydration post-exercise with reportings of less upset stomach and greater quantity consumed.
The problem with drugs arises because very low quantities consumed constantly may still be harmful, so even if only a low percentage of the drugs in wastewater get through, a lifetime of exposure to this dilute cocktail of active chemicals poses a threat.
The 90th percentile is just fine for me... plus the cost savings associated with quantity consumed.
Therefore a forcings timeline that shows increasing Beyond mere guesses about quantity consumed, what does their timeline / projection assume about the development of clean coal?
So instead of spending upwards of $ 10 on a bag of «healthier» sugar, I prefer to limit the quantity I consume.
Of course, like most diuretics — substances that make you have to pee more frequently — you should be mindful of the quantity you consume.
Use the calculator above by choosing the beverage consumed from the drop down menu and entering the quantity consumed to find out how many extra calories you consume just from what you drink.
Besides variations in the amount of histamine in food according to storage and maturation, the quantity consumed, the presence of other biogenic amines, and the additional intake of alcohol or DAO - blocking drugs are pivotal factors in the tolerance of the ingested food.
What seems to matter more than the type of sugar a person consumes is the quantity they consume.
It selects all the consumed food items and calculates the amount of calories present in each item as well as the quantity consumed.
The problem is the refined form and the quantity consumed.
While there was enough evidence the quantity consumed through margarines was safe, no such evidence about higher intakes that could come through a broader range of foods had been supplied by manufacturers, Anzfa said.
But along with that one should also take care the quantity consumed.
Also, while the effects of lactose intolerance are related to the quantity consumed, a severe allergic response can occur with exposure to the most minute quantity of milk.
Nicotine poisoning can be severe in dogs depending on the quantity consumed.
Whilst raw potatoes are not the best to give to dogs (better when they are cooked); if the potato was fresh and wasn't green or going bad it shouldn't have had that much of an effect with the quantity consumed, but the effects vary case to case.
Estimates of wood use in Africa show the vast majority of removals are for fuelwood and that the quantities consumed in industrial applications are relatively insignificant everywhere except in Southern Africa (Figure 12).
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