Sentences with phrase «quantity of books»

If you expect to sell large quantities of your book in printed format, offset printing may be the way to go.
If you really believe in your book and have a lot of spare room, you can pay to get a large quantity of your book printed.
You can sell large quantities of your book in a virtual e-book format that's either self - published or traditionally published.
In other words, they have a printing structure that will print small quantities of your book for cheap as you need them.
To that end, because most of us aren't printing huge quantities of books, you can also easily redo book covers to add them.
Think in terms of quantity of books sold rather than simply relying on a higher royalty per book.
For what time you will read such quantity of books?
A limited quantity of books are available so go get yours!
The emergence of print - on - demand means you never have to print and warehouse a costly quantity of your book just to see it in print.
There are some clients who order large quantities of my books.
A first time self publisher will almost certainly want to print a small quantity of books the first time out, which actually makes the job simpler.
In the first column, make a list of associations, firms, and government departments that might be interested in purchasing large quantities of your books for distribution or resale to their customers, employees, or members.
Wholesaler - A wholesaler can be a company, group or an individual who will buy large quantities of books from a publisher for a discounted rate and then sell them to a retailer at a midlevel rate.
However, thanks in part to social - media movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #WeNeedDiverseBooks, the variety and quantity of books by and about black lives is expanding, and this is good news, since they highlight the distinct ways in which black lives are erased from mainstream American life, even as they remain integral to our nation's dreams of liberty and equality.
Offset Printing: a printing technique using an etched metal plate applied to a rubber surface, then pressed to paper; used for mass print runs and producing large quantities of books at one time
I also ordered an above average quantity of books, two, from Lulu.
Now that Amazon has offered to return to normal terms, including ordering the full quantity of books and discounting; there's nobody saying that it was Amazon's fault that the books were delayed one to two months.
A credit card thief then uses a stolen credit card number to purchase mass quantities of the book; they cash out the money in the account they've set up through Amazon, leaving the author none the wiser.
You may, by now, be half convinced but you're probably thinking about several examples of self - publishers who sold appreciable quantities of their books before being picked up by a publisher — how did they do it, then, if not by word of mouth?
Your (and DataGuy's) point about quantity of books and putting story first is really important.
The fact remains that publishers can shift large quantities of books through Amazon, W H Smith, Waterstones and the supermarkets, which are their main clients.
These independents booksellers are influential in the publishing industry not only because of their ability to move quantities of books relative to many other independent bookstores, but because of their great reputations in their respective communities, the loyalty of their customer base and the business savvy of their ownership, who have continued to be committed to bookselling through a tough and volatile business landscape.
Take a look at Amazon, as the biggest seller of ebooks, and you can see the vast quantities of books now becoming available.
If you're using your book to promote your business and plan to bring it to events or give it away to clients, printing a large quantity of books upfront and participating in expanded distribution might make the most sense.
We believe in Inventory management, it's all about how to manage the right quantity of books that will sell in the market.
-LSB-...] your book: Print proofs, short runs, advance copies, and quantities of books using Print On Demand (POD), short run, and offset -LSB-...]
But even this chart may understate the effects of copyright, since the comparison assumes that the same quantity of books has been published every decade.
You could more than make up for a higher royalty per book (using a price point of $ 2.99 or above) because of the higher quantity of books sold at the lower 99 Cent price.
Because shipping costs are factored on a per book basis, when ordering multiple quantities of books, you may find it most economical to place an order over the phone by calling the Shop directly at 816-457-6147.
DiggyPOD is a great source for printing ARCs since our machines make it easy to print small quantities of books.
Find a balance that ensures you have books on hand without creating a massive quantity of books you then have to lug around and store.
The gigantic structure's columns are wrapped in plastic cladding containing vast quantities of books that are or were forbidden somewhere in the world, many of which are among the staples of German households, including works by Goethe and Brecht, and the diary of Anne Frank.
Her complaint, and it was one I have heard echoed by B&N managers, was that she could no longer order large quantities of books she knew the local schools had on required reading lists.
And you may have this as part of fulfillment but even if someone uses POD, they will need to have a quantity of books printed and shipped to them so they have them on hand for book signings, speaking events, conferences, etc..
The process was costly and often required that the author purchase large quantities of books.
Select a quantity of books you think you can comfortably sell in 12 months.
Once you sign off on the proof, the printer will then produce the quantity of books you paid for and ship them to the address you provide — unless the printer is also handling your warehousing and fulfillment.
Consider your genre, the quantity of books you have or will be publishing, and the target audience when you are planning your website.
It doesn't make him any better, any more then Harlan Ellison or Orson Scott Card are any nicer people for selling huge quantities of books.
But traditional publishers will have backlists of thousands and thousands of titles while indie authors obviously have a small quantity of books, unless your Joe or a few others....
It's the quantity of books (titles) on the lists and all the varied lists under a publisher that pays the bills.
If you were a bit more on the lucky side, you traveled the path of such greats as Edgar Alan Poe and contracted a printer to print a quantity of books for you and you became a publisher....
Costs for printing books will be slightly higher in Case 2 because a smaller quantity of books is being ordered.
If you plan on selling a large quantity of books, you will need to master the basics of marketing.
With offset, large quantities of books are printed in a...
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