Sentences with phrase «quantity of information»

With the vast quantities of information available on the Internet, you really have no excuse not to research thoroughly.
The sheer quantity of information in these tables can be overwhelming unless you know where to focus.
So, this resume format 2018 of resume sample is one of the favorites for those who like social media and send lots of quantities of information through interviews on the internet.
The world today is very different from that of just a decade ago, thanks to our ability to readily access enormous quantities of information.
By mastering the latest tools and methods, today's law librarians can manage greater quantities of information and different types of information more efficiently.
Rather, it means that they can absorb kid - sized quantities of information given time, even if they seem to forget in the moment.
The discovery of DNA revealed that at the core of life is a molecular message that contains a staggering quantity of information.
Today's computers can not process or store such gigantic quantities of information.
Call it the network model of research: as new contacts form among neurons, a network develops that supports an ever - expanding quantity of information and ideas.
As the sheer quantity of information grows exponentially, finding useful information becomes increasingly important.
Employees are exposed to large quantities of information at once, which can lead to cognitive overload.
He excels at making abstract concepts and large quantities of information accessible and actionable for diverse audiences, with particular strengths in writing, curriculum design and project coordination.
Information about companies financial situations was available for anyone who took the time to visit a company's website and spend the time reading the vast quantities of information posted there.
You need to communicate this change of direction via the skills you present, the type and quantity of information provided.
Think about it; they're expected to learn vast quantities of information in a short period of time, and apply that information to a variety of assignments.
This delivery format could hold larger quantities of information, which made them ideally suited for distance learning.
The sheer quantity of information that can be stored in portable form — 25 million personal records on two CDs — creates obvious risks of misuse or accidental loss.
Here you will be able to find the great quantity of information, photos, videos, news and a lot more about the actress.
Now, more than ever before, it's clear that any of us with a Facebook profile has surrendered an unknowable quantity of information about our lives, our interests, our locations, our aspirations — and about our friends, our friends» interests, our friends» locations, and our friends» aspirations.
Data scientists create and execute algorithms to find useful information and solutions, even forecasting into the future and imagining new uses for the massive quantities of information available.
It involves digesting huge quantities of information and focusing on the right bits for the moment.
Now, more than ever before, it's clear that any of us with a Facebook profile has surrendered an unknowable quantity of information about our lives, our interests, our locations, our aspirations — and about our friends, our friends» interests, our friends» locations, and our friends» aspirations.
Using nanotechnology, an advanced civilization might well be able to encode vast quantities of information into a tiny, self - replicating machine and send this machine through a dimensional gateway.
But to those who are in possession of a visual syntax, Alice Neel's virtuosity is striking and it makes me think of shorthand; shorthand as used to encode quantities of information into a symbolic economy that when deciphered discloses every word and every letter representing the contents of the subject, in its completeness.
There are several factors that can enable AI to help transform the legal industry, from its ability to parse information and process natural language to the fact that machines have greater capacity to process quantity of information without concerns for fatigue and mistakes that come with humans.
Dr Cheryl Hurkett from the University of Leicester's Centre for Interdisciplinary Science said: «An important part of being a professional scientist (as well as many other professions) is the ability to make connections between the vast quantity of information students have at their command, and being able to utilise the knowledge and techniques they have previously mastered in a new or novel context.
Sloutsky cautioned that the study does not in any way suggest that kids can absorb adult - sized quantities of information if only they are given time to sleep on it.
Keep in mind that micro-learning is all about small quantities of information that leave a lasting impression upon the student.
But valuing a large quantity of information over better, more fleshed out ideas could mean your learners retain less.
«Given the unprecedented quantity of information learners are exposed to, the librarian's role is more important than ever.
It offers a headache - inducing quantity of information about various ways in which authors might self publish their books, but it doesn't offer a primer on how to figure out which self publish route is best.
The credit bureaus are able to collect, aggregate, synthesize and analyze the enormous quantity of information sent to them.
They propose a PEACE process to maximize the quality and quantity of information obtained by interviewees:
Caring, Confident customer service representative with an exceptional ability to retain large quantities of information correctly that also possesses communication, leadership and multitasking.
Realosophy is a Toronto - based VOW that aggregates copious quantities of information about properties and neighbourhoods to help customers choose their next homes.
Simply put, as the Internet presents individuals with massive quantities of information, their filtering mechanisms — which are premised on their preconceptions, biases, and prejudices — can often become survivalist techniques.
If we adopted the norm of quantity of information, it is obvious that the university has a thousand-fold superiority.
Research based on this model has amassed huge quantities of information.
32) Information density refers to the: Total amount and quantity of information available to all market participants.
The growing controversy has shaken the social - media company, knocking its stock price lower and prompting renewed calls for governments to better regulate technology businesses that hold enormous quantities of information about their users.
Eventually, Musk says, it will drive better than a person, able to process far greater quantities of information, look in several directions at a time, and see things drivers can't possibly see.
I found the sheer quantity of information I needed to summarise into 200 words rather daunting.
Furthermore, CRAs are more concerned with amassing a large quantity of information about an individual because this is what the subscribers demand.
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