Sentences with phrase «quantity of time»

After large quantities of time spent together reading books, your child should get hooked on books!
A parent who is unable to spend large quantities of time with the child, or who has never cared for a baby, might be at a disadvantage in some cases.
Remember you may not be able to spend significant quantity of time with your partner, hence there's information you collect from observation in few meetings.
The closeness of the friendship and the quality and quantity of the time spent together will tend to mitigate and make less believable these negative things being told.
Often times parents spend a large quantity of time with their kids, but fail to be actively engaging with them.
Bathrooms typically have minimum things hanging from the ceiling, is a space that neither you nor the bird spend great quantity of time in, and is an easily - controlled small space.
Here at our Burnsville Toyota Parts & Service Center in Burnsville, Mn, we prioritize the quality of service, not quantity of time spent under the hood — and we promise quality with our genuine Toyota parts.
Of all the avenues offered by Dirt 4, it's this that is steeped in greatest mystery at this point, given the sheer quantity of time required to engage with it and objectively critique its value.
I don't know about you, but I spend great quantities of time crafting my work, pouring my heart and soul into it, making sure it's polished and perfect, and then I have to spend an hour or so on EACH agent's site trying to figure out what they're good for and how to send a query letter?
Based on couples» reports of their recent feelings about their relationships, it seems that declines in satisfaction occurred mainly in the areas of expressions of affection and understanding, and quality and quantity of time together.
If you're thinking of trying to get your ex back, you need to be sure the correct quantity of time has gone after your split in order to approach them once more in areasonable and mature demeanour, in order not to resurrect old injuries.
They don't fully understand the rules of opaque objects (that's why peekaboo behind a napkin poses endless fascination), so high quantities of time spent sitting in front of 2D screens may actually inhibit some of their 3D spatial awareness.
Through our hospice and palliative care services, we strive to help you give your pet quality time when quantity of time is not possible.
Crucially it can free up vast quantities of time for client interaction and therefore income generation,» said Giles.
Substantial quantities of time, money and energy will be diverted from providing care to completing forms and engaging lawyers.
If Carter is about cruelty, then perhaps it is even more cruel to deny this relief for individuals who do not have a terminal illness and may suffer for an even longer, and unknowable quantity of time.
Locating a brand new insurance company can be trying since there's just a specific quantity of time you must locate a brand new insurance company before confronting a fee.
At those moments, the «quality» emerged from the sheer quantity of time spent together; familiarity building up until quietly, below the surface, a bond of trust was forged, memories were made.
Administrative policies, non-instructional duties and personal responsibilities demand large quantities of time that leave teachers tired and with little time to grapple with the linguistic gymnastics in many academic publications.
Although Milkie's research — a large - scale, longitudinal study — didn't dispute the positive and necessary benefits of sharing meals or one - to - one time, it did find that the quantity of time parents spent with their little ones mattered little.
Along with increasing the quantity of time you devote to reading, you might also want to increase the quality of your reading.
Twenge's team sifted through all this information, comparing the quantity of time teens spend staring at screens with reported jumps in depression symptoms and risk factors for suicide.
Trust isn't a function of the quantity of time that you spend with somebody, but more a function of the quality.
Bass's emphasis is not on the quantity of time and how to squeeze the most production out of it, but on its quality.
«but the problem is not so much the quantity of time you spend with your family, it is the quality» lol Wenger says the same thing when it comes to the transfer window to us Arsenal fans as well.
The quality of the time we spent with our children is more important than the quantity of time we spend with them.
Rather than emphasize the quantity of time you spend together, focus on creating quality time together.
Creating two thousand connection points a day isn't about quality time, and it isn't even about the quantity of time spent with our children.
I was super relieved when I read a recent scientific study that proves that quality of time spent with our children trumps the quantity of time.
The one key instance Milkie and her co-authors found where the quantity of time parents spend does indeed matter is during adolescence: The more time a teen spends engaged with their mother, the fewer instances of delinquent behavior.
The study appears to support working mothers who argue that the quality of time spent together by two - worker families may be high even if the quantity of time is not.
While «quality» time can not replace the quantity of time children need with us, we can increase the quality of the time we spend with children by learning how play in those ways that fill up their emotional cup.
While «quality» time can not replace the quantity of time children need with us, we can increase the quality of the time we spend with children by learning how play in those ways that fill up the cup.
It is best to have a good quality feed vs. the quantity of time.
Again, this is about the quantity of time spent in a place.
It can give you more quality and quantity of time to your family.
Quality time is way more important than the quantity of time you spend with your sugar daddy.
* the type of stain on the teeth * Where the stain is located * The peroxide concentrates in the whitening gel * The intensity of the light turning on the bleaching gel * the quantity of time the whitening gel is utilized
Since the quantities of time discussed here are totals, teachers in middle and high school should be aware of how much homework other teachers are assigning.
«Research reveals a complicated relationship between time and learning and suggests that improving the quality of instructional time is at least as important as increasing the quantity of time in school.»
Four stroke refers to the quantity of times a piston travel the bore of an ICE in order to complete the combustion process.
JoAnn Deak: As long as it isn't pressure... JoAnn Deak: It's all in the quantity of times you say it and your tone of voice.
Several students will have to search for Online Homework Help due to the quantity of time and studying necessary for knowing the course materials.
The regulatory burden is the quantity of time and money that is required to comply with the various state regulations and requirements to do business in the state.
Instead of looking at the quantity of time that you might have, reassess everything you've ever thought about owning a dog and consider what's better?
It's not the quantity of time, but the quality of time spent with a Shiba that forms an everlasting bond with a loyal companion.
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