Sentences with phrase «quantum matter»

"Quantum matter" refers to materials or substances that exhibit unique and strange behaviors at the smallest possible scale, known as the quantum level. This includes phenomena such as particles existing in multiple states simultaneously, and the ability of particles to be connected even when separated by vast distances. Quantum matter is an area of study in physics and has the potential to revolutionize technologies in the future. Full definition
The team of Dirk van der Marel, professor at the Department of physics of quantum matter of UNIGE Faculty of Science, has addressed this issue and the many challenges associated to it.
Symmetry plays a fundamental role in understanding complex quantum matter, particularly in classifying topological quantum phases, which have attracted great interests in the recent decade.
Using tensor networks, physicists have developed algorithms that enable simpler analysis of quantum matter such as superconductors.
Exotic quantum matter has been coaxed into elegant knots, which could aid new theories of fundamental particles
«Heating quantum matter: A novel view on topology: Physicists demonstrate how heating up a quantum system can be used as a universal probe for exotic states of matter.»
Span a wide range of quantum matter systems, including superconductors, superfluids, supersolids, electronic liquid crystals, topological insulators superconductors & superfluids, heavy fermions, and spin liquids.
Everett's work changed comics forever, but he actually set out to explain why quantum matter behaves erratically.
As one can classify the shapes of objects based on the mathematical concept called topology, an exotic phase of quantum matter can be understood with underlying topology and symmetry in physical materials.
Classification of topological quantum phases has brought about a fundamental notion of SPT phases, which are exotic states under the protection of symmetries, and greatly expand our understanding of the fundamental nature of quantum matter.
The wavelike properties of quantum matter could lead to a scaled - down version of Star Trek technology.
«Our study shows that electrons are flowing in the bulk of the material, so clearly cadmium arsenide is not an insulator, but it is still topological in nature, so this is a totally new type of quantum matter,» he said.
John Reppy has come out of retirement to question the high - profile discovery of a new kind of quantum matter.
The summit will convene scientists from around the world whose research would benefit from the creation of the proposed Magnetic Resonance eXploration (MRX) facility at UCSB, where potential uses range from studying conformational changes in proteins to creating and probing new phases of quantum matter.
Assessment is a quantum matter based primarily on appraisal principal.
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