Sentences with phrase «quantum physicist»

A quantum physicist is a scientist who studies the tiniest particles in the universe called atoms and their behaviors. They try to understand how these tiny particles behave differently from what we see in our everyday lives. They use math and experiments to explore this mysterious world of the very small. Full definition
Let's put that picture beside the «physical» structure of the atom discovered by quantum physicists.
For many quantum physicists these entities are no longer to be called particles.
Two leading quantum physicists say information is key to understanding the universe.
So I'm thrilled, because I can go across the street and speak with a world - class quantum physicist.
«I think it's very exciting that scientists are still pursuing new roads to build large - scale quantum computers,» says quantum physicist Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who did not take part in either study.
Hence, the rhetorical question of quantum physicist J. A. Wheeler, «Here is a man, so what must the universe be?»
There are certain truths that can be explained in different words, and with different frames of reference, and yet still produce a spark of recognition among people as diverse as quantum physicists and gnostic philosophers.
As a matter of fact, you won't find too many quantum physicists who believe in a God.
-- You're the first «neo-animist taoist quantum physicist, w / agnostic - atheistic tendencies» person I have ever interacted with!
In the call, chemist Chunli Bai, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, spoke with quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
One is left with the weird impression that quantum particles are playing practical jokes on quantum physicists, like a cabin full of second grade campers short - sheeting their counselor's bed.
The satellite is «a major development,» says quantum physicist Thomas Jennewein of the University of Waterloo in Canada, who is not involved with Micius.
Even more recently quantum physicist J.A. Wheeler has given a life - long message to his fellow physicists: «What is deep is also simple.»
David Bohm, a prolific quantum physicist, says that the new science requires a radical change in how we conceive the world.
But the demonstration is «really the first of its kind in silicon,» says quantum physicist Jason Petta of Princeton University, who was not involved with the research.
The Copernicus Complex, by Caleb Scharf: Do quantum physicists talking about the multiverse make your head spin?
«With quantum computers, there is a real danger that the encryption algorithms we use today may be compromised,» says quantum physicist Andrew Shields of Toshiba.
Patrick Hayden, a Stanford quantum physicist, has an idea similar to complementarity.
«Now that we, the field, can actually start creating these states, we can start thinking more seriously about the implications» for quantum communication, says quantum physicist Paul Kwiat of the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign.
This is good news for lead character Amanda (Marlee Matlin), but sadly, it's not what quantum physicists say.
Shortly afterward, Timoféef - Ressovsky began a project with Zimmer, a radiation physicist, and Delbrück, a young German quantum physicist.
In the meantime, Bring Home Water has left quantum physicists with a puzzle, Calarco says.
Modern science has taken a wrong turn — and it's all because real numbers aren't real at all, argues quantum physicist Nicolas Gisin
The early quantum physicists dealt with this unreality by saying that the «is» — the fundamental objects handled by the equations of quantum theory — were not actually particles that had an extrinsic reality but «probability waves» that merely had the capability of becoming «real» when an observer makes a measurement.
We asked quantum physicist H. Jeff Kimble of the California Institute of Technology to explain how physicists understand quantum teleportation, which turns out to be more relevant to computing than to commuting.
Although conventional photon detectors can already accomplish these results, «it's fascinating from a human point of view — I would always prefer to see a galaxy with my naked eye rather than download a picture from the Internet,» says quantum physicist Sandu Popescu at the University of Bristol in England, who did not participate in this research.
Expert quantum physicists actually do have a good grasp on how it works, even if there's some debate about why it works the way it does.
the eminent quantum physicist Erwin Schrödinger argued that this is what living things must do.
Sometimes, hard problems can be made easier through clever mathematical maneuvering, but quantum physicist Toby Cubitt of the Complutense University of Madrid and colleagues have stamped out that hope for physics equations that describe a system through time.
«It has the potential of providing a very plausible way out of the problems at stake,» says quantum physicist Angelo...
As the great quantum physicist Niels Bohr once remarked, «prediction is very difficult, especially about the future».
The quantum behavior in this new class of materials has led them to be called «topological Dirac semi-metals» in reference to English quantum physicist and 1933 Nobel Prize winner Paul Dirac, who noted that electrons could behave like light.
The study supports long - standing ideas that there is no single sharp boundary between the quantum and classical worlds, says quantum physicist Wojciech Zurek of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
Curiously, in the new field of quantum computing, quantum physicists seem less hesitant to claim that the qubits (quantum bits) are in a state of being «0» and «1» at the same time.
It is not yet certain if Sangouard's group will conduct the experiment or if other quantum physicists will implement it.
Now, quantum physicist Oliver Benson and his colleagues at Humboldt University in Berlin have seen the effect in a diamond crystal — a material that would be easier to manufacture on a large scale for quantum computing.
Of the five electric guitars owned by experimental quantum physicist David Reilly, he likes this one the best.
As worldwide speculation runs rampant about the extra-terrestrials» intent, she and quantum physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) are tasked with entering one of the 12 alien pods hovering in various locations around the globe and gleaning everything they can about this unknown species.
Players assume the role of Jack Joyce, an orphan with a troubled past who has returned to his hometown of Riverport after a long stint overseas at the behest of his childhood friend Paul Serene (played by Game of Thrones «Aidan Gillen), who has become something of a rock star businessman and wannabe quantum physicist working alongside Jack's brother Will.
Taking into account the possibilities of concepts such as the theory of multiple or parallel universes formulated by quantum physicist Hugh Everett (1930 - 1982).»
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