Sentences with phrase «quantum wave»

While making one set of images, he discovered new properties of quantum waves trapped between walls.
Mathematical consistency demands that the undulating quantum wave in the BEC wrap around the sphere and merge smoothly with itself.
Still other researchers hope to use Bose - Einstein condensates — clouds of cold atoms that behave as a single quantum wave — to reach tight limits.
Eigler went on to create «quantum corrals,» which generated well - defined quantum wave patterns within 48 iron atoms positioned in a circle on a copper surface.
The natural electron waves on the Cu surface were confined by the Fe atoms, leading to a well - defined quantum wave pattern.
Alternatively, fans of Bohr's view could claim that the cat exists as a fuzzy quantum wave inside the closed box; the frazzled feline would indeed be in a combined alive - dead state until someone takes a look.
So in the game the atom is not a simple ball, but is represented by an extended, rippling quantum wave.
To begin, the atom's quantum wave fills a valleylike «potential,» which serves as a trap that holds the wavelike atom in its initial position.
Matter was made from quantum waves, and a tightly knit bunch of waves acted like a particle.
Reality may not be quite as inscrutable as Anil Ananthaswamy suggests in his look at quantum wave - particle duality (5 January,...
The ant's situation is not just an analogy for what happens to the electron's wavefunction — it actually occurs within an abstract geometric space made of quantum waves.
They hoped to produce a long - predicted state of matter called a Bose - Einstein condensate (BEC), in which the atoms shed their individual identities and crowd en masse into a single quantum wave.
If the split paths are separated vertically, one path will be infinitesimally farther from Earth, giving it slightly more gravitational energy than the other path and causing the quantum wave to undulate slightly faster along that path.
In Lundblad's experiment, however, vortices would emerge in a new way — through the interplay of the quantum wave and the geometry of the bubble.
Laser light can split the quantum wave of a BEC into two halves that move apart and recombine.
The quantum waves of all the atoms overlap so that, in some sense, a BEC is like a gigantic superatom.
Four years ago, Matthew Pusey of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, Jonathan Barrett, then at the University of London, and Terry Rudolph at Imperial College London published a paper in Nature Physics where they argued convincingly that quantum waves must be real.
In one way or another, the manifold versions all seek to answer a single question: Are these «quantum waves» as real as the ground beneath your feet, or are they purely mathematical constructs without any physical existence?
Many physicists prefer the idea that quantum waves — or more precisely, their mathematical representations, wave functions — don't correspond to actual physical entities; the wave function simply reflects the probability that a particular experimental outcome will occur.
The trick is to get the quantum wave to «slosh» from the fixed potential into the movable one and then to cart it back to a drop - off zone.
In Bring Home Water, players must move one valleylike potential (left) to capture the quantum wave in another (right) and then bring the wave back to a drop - off zone.
Is the uncertainty that comes with the quantum wave function real or a mathematical quirk?
Entangled particles share a mathematical description, known as the quantum wave function.
Now, Eric Cavalcanti at the University of Sydney and Alessandro Fedrizzi at the University of Queensland, both in Australia, and their colleagues have made a measurement of the reality of the quantum wave function.
In 1927 Erwin Schrödinger wrote down an equation for quantum waves.
That's because, even though quantum mechanics deals in probabilities — such as the likelihood of an electron being in one location or another — the quantum waves that give those probabilities must still evolve predictably, so that if you know a wave's shape at one moment you can predict it exactly at any future time.
The roots of the supersolid controversy go back to 1969, when Russian physicists predicted a state of solid matter in which gaps, or vacancies, in a crystal structure could move together as a single quantum wave — a collective motion reminiscent of the frictionless flow of a superfluid.
the quantum waves that give those probabilities must still evolve predictably, so that if you know a wave's shape at one moment you can predict it exactly at any future time.
Just as the quantum wave function for a single particle gives every possible path the particle could follow between two points, the Hartle - Hawking function represents all the physically possible histories our universe might have.
And in the Bohm - DeBroglie «guiding - wave» interpretation there is a quantum wave which does go both paths, but the interfering particle is more like a surfer on that wave, choosing a particular (but unknown) path through the slits.
Any massive particle must be described by a quantum wave that oscillates up and down even if the particle just sits there.
So the quantum wave for that half of the cloud oscillates slightly slower than the one for the first half of the cloud.
Physicists may soon reach a major milestone in the decades - long quest to build a quantum computer, which instead of flipping ordinary bits would rely on subtler phenomena, such as the interference of quantum waves, to perform calculations.
A magnetized scanning tunneling microscope tip was used to probe the spin property of the quantum wave function of the Majorana fermion at the end of a chain of iron atoms on the surface of a superconductor made of lead.
The plan was to cause the quantum waves associated with each fermion to overlap and constructively interfere, creating two extra peaks in current.
Professor Stefan Rotter's team (TU Wien) analyses the propagation of waves in disordered media, such as light waves in turbid glass or quantum particles moving as a quantum wave through a material with impurities.
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