Sentences with phrase «quarterly check»

Now employees set short - term goals that are anchored by quarterly check - ins.
Offer quarterly check - ins so they can come to HR in private with any issues.
The revenues generated — about $ 194 billion in the first year, rising up past $ 250 billion within a decade — would then be redistributed by the Social Security Administration in the form of quarterly checks to every U.S. household.
Given that I'm a freelancer, one thing I've been trying to get better at is doing quarterly check - ins on my finances.
It received $ 1.3 million, the final quarterly check the Senecas sent.
My husband works 3rd shift so he uses the Kefir as an energy drink and unbeknown to us on his first quarterly check up the doctor was amaze to see the liver count come back to normal.
One unique advantage to this singular focus is that the company provides tools and services, such as quarterly check - ins and FICO score updates, to help you stay on top of paying down your debt.
Begay oversees Family Spirit post-training activities, including, but not limited to, management of quarterly reports, facilitation of quarterly check - in calls and on - site technical assistance visits.
PDS collects a quarterly check from SunGard, working in the background while the larger company handles the dirty work of legalities, currencies, and collection.
Better to limit our exposure (quarterly check - ins work just fine) and exercise our status quo bias in this instance.
We generally should put things on autopilot and not look too often, but a quarterly check in is great.
All borrowers will have access to Payoff's Member Experience Advocates, who will set up welcome calls and quarterly check - ins to help you with any issues and to keep you on track with your monthly payments.
Historically, American companies had paid out profits with a quarterly check, known as a dividend.
The company gives you free FICO score updates, job loss support, quarterly check - ins with its membership team and other tools to help you better manage your finances in the future.
I just got my quarterly check from Ebates, and it definitely helped out with some of our household expenses.
The quarterly check delivered to Erie County, said Batavia Downs Gaming president and chief executive officer Henry Wojtaszek, would include an additional $ 400,000 or more.
In addition to spending the weekend with some of the biggest names in wellness, the winners will receive a one - year mentorship from one of mbg's top nutrition experts, Kelly LeVeque; the opportunity to be a teacher's assistant in mbg's upcoming nutrition training program; and quarterly check - ins with a mindbodygreen senior editor.
Quarterly check - in calls with account managers give state or district leaders a forum to discuss engagement and resources for communicating with their staff.
The quarterly check - in would be perfect for the Build Book Buzz Facebook group.
In the early twentieth century, each person on the tribal roll began receiving a quarterly check.
The company gives you free FICO score updates, job loss support, quarterly check - ins with its membership team and other tools to help you better manage your finances in the future.
Quarterly check - ups - a review every three months or so - is more in order.
All borrowers will have access to Payoff's Member Experience Advocates, who will set up welcome calls and quarterly check - ins to help you with any issues and to keep you on track with your monthly payments.
In fact, there are a lot more to dividend investing and simply receiving a quarterly check.
This includes free FICO score updates, quarterly check - ins with a dedicated member experience team, cash flow assessment tools and job loss protection.
I figured if I could buy enough dividend paying stocks that I could live off of the quarterly checks.
Now it's time for my quarterly check in.
It's our quarterly check - in to reevaluate the cards we are carrying to take advantage of the best 2nd quarter 2018 cash rewards credit card bonuses.
Still the quarterly check - in is important to help you see if new information emerges that changes your analysis on a stock.
I cut him a quarterly check and he picks which mutual funds to invest in.
Even though many of the companies I invest in require little more than a quarterly check - up and the reading of annual reports, extrapolating that out over 50 different positions is time consuming.
A quarterly check - in offers that insight.
Dividend investors may be looking at the income, but there is much more to dividend investing than just the quarterly check.
Or you can receive a quarterly check for the funds.
Then, to keep from depressing the economy, you rebate the money from that tax back to Americans in the form of a quarterly check.
In addition to that, Norton gets a quarterly check for a Renewable Energy Certificate payments.
The newly formed Climate Leadership Council — which includes James A. Baker, Henry Paulson, George P. Shultz, Marty Feldstein and Greg Mankiw — is proposing elimination of nearly all of the Obama administration's climate policies in exchange for a rising carbon tax that starts at $ 40 per ton, and is returned in the form of a quarterly check from the Social Security Administration to every American.
We Mireaus have a quarterly check on Terms and Privacy settings since parenting at our house includes responsible use of technology.
To be really involved, you might schedule a quarterly check - in to make sure the employee is still feeling comfortable in his or her situation.
Contact us to receive a more complete overview of what is required during the quarterly check - ins.
I want to encourage you to take your financial life into your own hands and look into investing in cash flowing assets like real estate — to create passive income streams that send you monthly or quarterly checks, to pad your freelance income, and set you up for a more stable income stream now and into retirement.
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