Sentences with word «quck»

about other ways of saving water — there are, some easy, like quck showers, or more complicated (but I do it) just fill basin (again like in the old days) and reuse the water from the basin for washing floor, or flushing toilet.
and it got to me so quck, and it also was perfectly secured in a box in something else and then it even had a plastic like thing on it.
Thanks for the quck response to my loaf pan size queation.
However, Sporting were quck to remind Silva that he signed a new contract with the club earlier this year.
If you have anything invested in the ag sector, I suggest you deploy those funds elsewhere, quck.
We think it's worth popping into the quck - service section for the authentic Italian gelato that comes in chocolate, vanilla or strawberry.
Just a quck note.
It was originally designed to be used as a quck way of intaking new clients, but users wanted the ability to use it for quick intake of a new matter for an existing client.
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