Sentences with phrase «queer identities»

The phrase "queer identities" refers to people who do not identify as heterosexual or fit into traditional categories of gender or sexuality. They may identify as LGBTQ+ or have non-binary, gender-fluid, or other non-conforming identities. Full definition
Both artists identify as queer, and their artworks often address contemporary queer identity.
I thought they had to do with queer identity.
Also exhibited in Stout and Herron's «Black Mirror, Pink Reflections: Portraits of Queer Identity in Contemporary Art» is John Hanning's I Survived AIDS, a sculpture made of 500 stacked c - print posters, reminiscent of Felix Gonzalez - Torres's stacked prints (that unlike Hanning's, are free to take.)
If, as she continues, «texts or figures that refuse to be redeemed disrupt not only the progress narrative of queer history but also our sense of queer identity in the present,» then there would seem to be nothing more of a drag to the savvy contemporary moviegoer than politically démodé gay cinema.
Keltie Ferris's current show at Mitchell - Innes & Nash, «M \ A \ R \ C \ H,» furthers the Brooklyn - based artist's experiments in exploring queer identity with recent selections from her ongoing series of body prints.
Swinton's queer identity emerges from a person who is both presumptively heterosexual and who has largely chosen presumptively heterosexual roles.
Their research and artwork centers around queer identities, the Filipino American diaspora, post-colonial Asian American tropes and stereotypes, and politics of visibility in the context of social justice.
The financial freedom in migrating to more accepting locations and locating housing accepting of different lifestyles further advantages middle - and upper - class queer populations and motivates them to develop a social and political queer identity in the neighborhood.
Gerard Gaskin's photographs feature cos - play people from the Latex Ball or the Evisu Ball; venues that welcome the Ballroom subculture, where queer identity revels in vogue dancing and high glamor fashion, yet this still hovers in the fringes of society.
Her intimate vignettes showcase queer identities using... Continue reading →
Furthermore, commenting on constant restraint and preconceptions queer identity face, the exhibition studies the portrayal of queer experience as a marginalized matter in society.
Abichandani's large - scale color photograph of an Indian drag queen, cell phone in hand and walking down a New York street, titled Under the Western Sky represent the intersection of public queer identity and ethnic pride.
Through paintings made from found materials, a site - specific wall installation, and a sound piece (all dated 2015), Bradford engages the intersectional politics of black and queer identity while maintaining contemporary art language that situates his work within an established conceptual art framework.
The evening honored Zanele Muholi, a photographer and visual activist who explores black queer identities in contemporary South Africa.
Shifting Representations of Queer Identities Exhibit runs through Sunday, January 29, 2017 Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery Hours: Wednesday, 6:00 — 8:00 pm; Saturday + Sunday, 1:00 — 5:00 pm
Night Club's program seems to me to systematically question scenarios of normalization of the self — it often delves into topics such as queer identity, the tension between adolescence and adulthood, the subcultural imaginary, and so on.
With works from the pre-AIDS 1970s, like Homeboy Beautiful, as well as recent paintings and still lifes with HIV medications, he seeks to engage with the exploration of queer identity found in current artistic practice.
The museum will open the renovated space with an exhibition titled «Expanded Visions: Fifty Years of Collecting,» which will look at the evolution of the museum, founded in 1987 amid changing attitudes toward queer identities since the 1950s.
He has shown recently at The Kinsey Institute (2013), Roots and Culture Contemporary Art Center (2014) and curated The Great Refusal, a citywide series of exhibitions and events dealing with queer identities in Chicago.
The foregrounding of ethnicity over other kinds of communities led to the sixth program in 1993, which explored queer identities and was organized by SFAI students.
These acts of subtle transmutation, which merge the practices of drawing and sculpture, are evocative reminders of longing and loss and the formation of queer identity in the aftermath of the AIDS crisis.
A group exhibition featuring three queer, Glasgow - based artists, exploring the gym, folk tales, cruising and monsters and their links to contemporary queer identity.
However, because of my involvement with public art projects and queer identity in early, 90s, I decided to return to paintings with work that looked at the social ideas about the origins of one's sexual identity, often with black humor, of course.
Without directly saying it, or needing to, the it is something that falls in the beautiful spectrum of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identity, it -LSB-...]
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As Kwanda defiantly negotiates his queer identity within this masculine environment, he quickly recognizes the nature of Xolani's relationship with fellow guide Vija.
It is also making a plea to studios to integrate LGBTQ characters more directly into the plot and not to leave a character's queer identity to subtext or interpretation as was the case with «Power Rangers.»
With his groundbreaking examinations of queer identity and his fondness for the heyday of classic melodrama, Todd Haynes seemed almost too perfect a choice to film an adaptation of «The Price of Salt,» Patricia Highsmith's ahead - of - its - time 1952 novel about two women who boldly defied the stifling social conformity of the era.
The film treads similar ground as Dol, in that Ahn is once again exploring Korean - American and queer identities.
As an extension of the residential areas that support the development of queer identity, LGBTQ students have particular needs and face particular challenges within schools.
It's about lesbians, werewolves, and lesbian werewolves (along with some other fun stuff like feminism, faerie culture, gender, class, shape - shifting, queer identities, and so on.)
Through this positive imagery, Muholi hopes to offset the stigma and negativity attached to queer identity in African society.
Zanele Muholi at Yancey Richardson «Zanele Muholi» Through December 9, 2017 Visual artist and activist Zanele Muholi's arresting work revolves around themes of blackness and queer identity in South Africa.
Curated by Nicole J. Caruth, the exhibition focuses on «contemporary artists who Grace Jones has influenced and inspired, and artists who address black bodies and queer identity in ways that recall aspects of Jones» oeuvre,» she said in an interview with Crave.
Filmed in her childhood bedroom, the work interspersed snippets from a 1950s psychodrama about a homicidal schoolgirl, hand - lettered signs and confessional explorations of her queer identity.
Dirk H. Wilms, born 1966, is a german photographer and visual artist whose work focuses on mortality, sexuality and queer identity.
Stout rattled off a long list of artists already lined up for solo shows whose output explore subjects ranging from feminist to queer identities, while others have anti-capitalist motifs.
Through his rigorous physical approach to the material presence of painting, Bradford has addressed powerful issues of our time, including the AIDS epidemic, the misrepresentation and fear of queer identity, and systemic racism in America.
I am inspired by Eisenman: her candor about her queer identity, family history, political beliefs, and her forthrightness — in her work and in interviews — about the importance of introspection, self - awareness, and acknowledging one's own privilege.»
Inspired by former British Museum curator Richard Parkinson's book A Little Gay History, this show brings together key objects from its collection that shed light on the history of queer identity.
The list is more overtly political than in previous years, featuring artists tackling issues of post-colonialism and migration, queer identity, human rights abuses and racial violence.
Forms embody a politics of subversion and queer identities, evoked through the abstracted and contorted dimensions of the female figure.
This week saw the opening of Tate Modern's new exhibition Queer British Art which features work from 1861 - 1967 that relate to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer identities to mark the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of the decriminalisation of male homosexuality in England.
What seemed the most offensive about the fiasco was that the removal of the video suggested not only that it was socially acceptable to censor queer work — or any work for that matter — but rather that gays had no right to speak about real suffering, that there were parts of queer identity that were unfit for public experience and discourse.
Hugh Steers (1962 — 1995) was celebrated for his allegorical painting that captured the emotional and political tenor of New York in the late 1980s and early 1990s, particularly the impact of queer identity and the AIDS crisis.
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