Sentences with phrase «queer theory»

Queer theory is an academic framework that challenges traditional ideas about gender and sexuality. It explores how societal norms, like the idea of being "normal" or "straight," restrict people's identities and experiences. Queer theory seeks to understand and support diverse and non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities. Full definition
Her work at the intersection of gender, security studies and queer theory appears in a number of peer reviewed journals.
It is in the name of tolerance that defenders of queer theory demand social recognition for all forms of sexual orientation, but tolerance in this case is nothing but a Trojan horse in the fight against heterosexuality, a social norm that they judge to be an obsolete imposition, since it is built upon sexual difference.
He also touches on queer theory, Errol Flynn «s fearlessness as Robin Hood, the car chase in The French Connection (1971), and tracking shots in I Am Cuba (1964)-- because why not?
In this post, I will use queer theory in an attempt to substantiate the argument that verification ought to be considered contrary to human rights standards.
Queer theory thus invites the individual to leave behind the straitjacket of «manhood» or «womanhood» that he did not choose and express himself according to his self - perceptions.
By distinguishing the sexed (sexuality as a given fact) from the sexual (sexuality as a behavior), queer theory defends the idea that one can be physically masculine but psychologically feminine, or the reverse.
With my dear friend an colleague Julie Tilsen, I have been writing and speaking on the use of queer theory with sexual and gender minorities.
And now they are being taught Queer theory; that gender either doesn't exist, or has nothing to do with biology, or is «fluid».
Queer Threads: Crafting Identity and Community, currently on view at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, confirms how productive a dialogue between queer theory and critical craft theory can be.
He has taught on art, stupidity and queer theory at Goldsmiths College and the University of Manchester.
Pinocchio winds up studying queer theory with Jody Foster, and discovering sex on the island of lost boys.
Grey's work is heavily influenced by queer theory, social justice and Indigenous perspectives, where one person's distress is seen as a suffering of the whole community and «the worst thing you could do is isolate that individual».
I first started claiming the label my first year in graduate school (3/4 years ago) when I had to write a paper on Queer Theory and studied Adrienne Rich, who was a queer feminist poet in the late 80s / early 90s.
Queer theory pushes gender theory to its extreme point and blames as heterosexist the assumption that heterosexuality is the norm and therefore superior to other sexual orientations.
I'm not even sure that this show is good for the history of art, though it's certainly enriching for the burgeoning discipline of queer theory, and food for thought whether or not you agree with the choices and the stance of the curator, Clare Barlow.
The theory is informed by other research unrelated to the ex-gay movement, but Tanya Erzan in her book, Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement, does a good job of unpacking the complexities of understanding sexual identity categories using queer theory.
As we survey humanities courses and monographs and find amidst the solid presentations of Augustine, Dante, Shakespeare, and the classics too many hipster offerings on pop culture, tendentious treatments of social topics, and pseudo-philosophical surveys of Marxist, feminist, and queer theory, we naturally appeal to a long tradition of liberal education that includes Cicero, Kant, Cardinal Newman, Matthew Arnold, T. S. Eliot, and Allan Bloom.
It is an ideology seizing threads of environmental, social, racial, and economic justice, and interweaving them with strands of multiculturalism, gender discourse, gay rights, queer theory, post-colonialism, and anti-capitalism.
As Pearce notes about much contemporary work on Shakespeare: «For the proponents of «queer theory» he becomes conveniently homosexual; for secular fundamentalists he is a proto - secularist, ahead of his time; for «post-Christian» agnostics he becomes a prophet of modernity.»
Queer theory demands the creation of a new anthropology that would not be subject to «obligatory heterosexuality» or to «the self - evidence of heterosexuality,» with the aim of returning to some earlier stage before the existence of sexual or «gendered» difference.
About Blog I am a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science (political theory) and Women's Studies.My interests include modern and contemporary political theory, emotion and affect, feminist theory, queer theory, and neoliberalism.
About Blog I am a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science (political theory) and Women's Studies.My interests include modern and contemporary political theory, emotion and affect, feminist theory, queer theory, and neoliberalism.
Equity in education, teacher education, content and / or disciplinary literacy, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), multi-lingualism and schooling, evaluation of learning, Systemic Functional Linguistics and educational linguistics, discourse analysis, queer theory, linguistic diversity among students with special needs, (auto) ethnography, and youth culture
There is no easy way to communicate with the dead and get their testimony - although the characters in The Stranger's Child try everything from spiritualism to Queer Theory to do so.
About Blog I am a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science (political theory) and Women's Studies.My interests include modern and contemporary political theory, emotion and affect, feminist theory, queer theory, and neoliberalism.
They were known for their magazine FILE (1972 - 1989), their unrelenting production of low - cost multiples, and their early involvement in punk, queer theory, AIDS activism, and other manifestations of the other.
Lin's research - based, interdisciplinary practice is ideally suited to the Artist Lab Residency, connecting her with a long succession of artists whose interests in feminism, gender and queer theory, performance, time - based art forms, and cross-disciplinary research have informed the ethos of 18th Street Arts Center over the past two and a half decades.
Ara's practice draws on her former career as a computer system designer and is concerned with feminism and queer theory.
The often violent, erotic and fantastical narratives, mix science - fiction, anthropology, feminist and queer theory, to re-imagine a world with interlinked cosmologies, myth and histories.
April 17, 2018 Filed under Art Seen: Chicago, CURRENT ISSUE and tagged with Ballet, Brendan Fernandes, Gabrielle Welsh, Queer Theory, The Graham Foundation.
Using form and allusion, rather than directly representing the couple, the work echoes the queer theory of its time, which sought to trouble definitions or fixed identities, whilst privileging ambiguity.
She has taught a range of courses in cultural theory, and her research interests include contemporary visual culture, queer theory, affect studies, theories of mediation, anarchist studies and critical historiography.
The resultant works are arresting, both viscerally affecting and deeply cerebral, heavily informed by film and queer theory.
He works on issues of performance and performativity in the contemporary visual arts, as well as on queer theory, queer cultures and their histories.
Her work engages notions of gender, race and sexuality, drawing from postcolonialism, citizen science, anthropology, feminist and queer theory.
Her work often explores important topics such as contemporary black identity, queer theory, and the power of human language, seen through video, performance, writing and other new media.
Chaimowicz emerged in early 1970s London, playfully synthesizing performance and installation art, while confronting politics, queer theory, and feminism.
Drawing on transgender and queer theory, Getsy offers innovative and archivally rich new interpretations of artworks by, and critical writing about, four major artists — Dan Flavin (1933 — 1996), Nancy Grossman (b. 1940), John Chamberlain (1927 — 2011), and David Smith (1906 — 1965).
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