Sentences with phrase «quest for knowledge»

It is with enthusiasm that I have been able to gain exposure to multiple technologies, platforms, and operating languages through the course of my perpetual quest for knowledge.
My work is based on extensive training, experience and a continued quest for knowledge, coupled with compassion, intuition, optimism and collaboration.
Science's quest for knowledge about reality presupposes the importance of truth, both as an end in itself and as a means of resolving problems.
The lifelong quest for knowledge of the world and self — not to mention gainful employment — has led me near and far afield, from Europe, across the Asia - Pacific, Middle East and Africa and back home to the Americas.
Our brains no doubt work on the same patterns as other brains in nature, but the human quest for knowledge is not just bounded by the needs of survival.
@S Anity: One day someone will wrire abook on the evolution of man's evolutionary quest for knowledge through the philosophy, religion, science and history of all cultures in the world, complete with morals; and in first grade language so the lazy can understand, as well as with extended annotation for the intelligent to believe as well.
A retired Army Captain, Christabel Dadzie comes across as a purpose driven individual whose quest for knowledge to better the lots of persons she assists can not be easily dampened.
On their personal spiritual journeys, Jobs and Kottke derived inspiration from others who had embarked on similar quests for knowledge.
There the good doctor is plagued by his mad quest for knowledge through his «brain booster» machine, and by Freudian «monsters from the id» as his daughter discovers other men and learns to kiss.
Da Vinci was on a constant quest for knowledge, truth, and beauty.
In an effort to add even more interactivity to Genie's repertoire, our developers have created an eLearning template that can turn your learning content into a literal quest for knowledge.
Brainiac is a collector at the mercy of a neverending quest for knowledge, which he pursues forcefully by shrinking and bottling other planets and civilisations like an over-zealous pickling enthusiast, destroying all remnants in the process.
Attracted by failed quests for knowledge from the past, Conrad Shawcross RA often appropriates redundant theories and methodologies to create large - scale mechanical contraptions and strange robotic devices.
In the increasingly rigorous quest for knowledge acquisition and verification, photography and science are uneasy bedfellows.
On a weekly basis, Dan and Andy had met and recorded their conversations in homage to Flaubert's Bouvard et Pécuchet — his unfinished satirical novel published posthumously - which tells the tale of two Parisian copy - clerks who form a close symbiotic friendship and embark on an exhausting quest for knowledge before returning, with a profound sense of resignation, to the act of copying again.
I have always envisioned an SRLs quest for knowledge and guidance was like asking for directions and being told «when you get to the fork in the road — take it.»
Experiencing this motivated me to go on what has been a lifelong quest for knowledge and wisdom about how the body and the mind work and how to achieve the sort of overall well being we all strive for in life.
Perfect for kids whose quest for knowledge isn't satisfied by nine months of school, Weissman's latest novel features an appealing 10 - year - old who's more certain of facts and figures than of his worth.
Your insatiable quest for knowledge will show prospective employers that you're not one to sit back and be complacent.
In works that span drawing, sculpture, and video, these artists court intoxicating historical visions that haunt modern imagination in our perpetual quest for knowledge and enlightenment.
Listen to podcasts, read books, have meaningful conversations, and always be on the quest for knowledge.
Although not a direct funding source, ACA works with incubators, universities, economic development organizations and others to support entrepreneurship and assist startups in their quest for knowledge about angel capital.
These private firms work in tandem with NASA and support each other from time to time in the quest for knowledge and information.
Science applies to the quest for knowledge in ALL things past present adn future, though admittedly, scientific study of the past is incredibly difficult, because of the alrge number of unknowns.
Philosophers have argued ever after whether sensory input aids or arrests the quest for knowledge.
Sometimes in our quest for knowledge we try to make ourselves God.»
All the best to you in your quest for knowledge!
Each question that is answered opens up more questions — and thus the quest for knowledge never ends.
There remained only the commitment to objectivity and honesty in the quest for knowledge.
Furthermore, we believe that to espouse the so - called subject - object dichotomy, a hallmark of Enlightenment thinking, is to distort and pervert the quest for knowledge and truth.
«Pure science» is justified by the applications to which it may eventually lead in unexpected ways, but it is also valuable as part of man's quest for knowledge.
Whether you are blessed with biological or spiritual children one day, your quest for knowledge won't be wasted.
Particularly physics... Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge
However, many go to the other extreme and set up doubt as the paradigm of virtue in the quest for knowledge without acknowledging the «faith» that any quest for knowledge requires.
In one of those funny coincidences our online book group The Kitchen Reader has made each of its last three choices books that are particularly relevant in my quest for knowledge about our food system.
I have sought out as much information as there is out there and am constantly feeding my quest for knowledge of craft beer and brewing.

Phrases with «quest for knowledge»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z