Sentences with phrase «quest log»

It also comes without any regular quest logs and all quest are mentioned through dialogue, making it your job to find the storylines you wish to pursue.
And you have a quest marker, directing you toward the next main mission spot, though a more comprehensive quest log is still missing, allowing side missions to be forgotten.
Neither names or difficulty can be changed later on, but space for three quest logs lends the chance to have multiple save files.
This is, after all, a remaster and not a reimagining, so issues such as laborious quest logging still remain, forcing players to track missions one by one instead of intuitively marking them on the mini map.
Monster Hunter is a game series that gives you massive worlds to enormous beasts to hunt, but doesn't do a lot of the legwork to give you a reason to do anything other than a shallow quest log.
In essence, this is a giant quest log for every single Pokemon.
We're not big on the westernized, «accept or decline quest log» - based systems many modern Action - RPGs employ, we want the player to discover things for him / herself.
One thing that I really like about all of these situations is that your companions all have their own quest logs that you can check (if you even think of doing it) while you're in control of them.
Sega's 7th Dragon has the ability to pick up quests from townspeople and even provides a fantastic quest log to keep everything in order.
I realized when I finished reading these points that basically all these fixes can be found in many Western RPG's (Oblivion's anywhere quest log, waypoint's are in almost every I can think of).
Quality of quest logs and waypoint systems in both Western and JRPGs vary widely, and to what extent a player wants to be reminded or directed is highly subjective.
Excluding the fighting, the absence of a map and a quest log and the double - edged sword of freedom of exploration, Quest for Infamy has everything it takes to make an adventurer happy.
Fixed an issue in «Weapons for the Lodge» where players would experience the quest log not being updated correctly after clearing one of the trials in the Snowchants Hunting Ground in The Frozen Wilds.
When you have done everything you can do at this point, reap your reward by visiting the two optional objective sites listed in The Looming Shadow's quest log.
The game does a good job of introducing you to the many activities gradually and features some RPG - style elements, such as a quest log and this helps to guide the player through the main controls and requirements.
Fury of the Sunwell (aka Patch 2.4), promises to bring with it «robust» changes and streamlining to the quest log and UI, as well as a boatload of new content.
• Fixed an issue in «The Point of the Spear» where some players would have the objective «Meet Rost at the North Gate» appear as failed in the quest log once completed.
The pipboy also has a quest log, a local and world map and a selection of radio stations to choose from.
The only thing that Risen 2's main quest line really has going for it is that you get a decent bit of leeway in which order you tackle some of the missions, allowing you to wander away from one mission to tackle another for a while should you be getting fed up or simply angry at the fact that the quest log often provides absolutely no clue as to what you're supposed to be doing.
The quests themselves were fun and engaging, however the quest log lacked substance.
While its inventory management and quest log are low points of the game they do not take away from the otherwise fantastic experience and journey the game has to offer.
There are usually three or four that all relate to the main story, and a metric crap ton of others that make your quest log look like the spam email account you forgot to check last week.
When you are not looting, chatting up NPCs or checking your quest log you are probably killing enemies — lots and lots of enemies whose banter makes for some comic relief as numbers keep popping from their bodies when they die from the effects of the 870 Gajillion guns in the game.
Trying to clear my quests log before moving on to the Ch10.
However, these moments are limited to one or two maximum per new course, and with only eight major courses, the quest log is, to me, left wanting.
As much as this is reminiscent of Minecraft, that quest log thing is something I could have sorely used as I played.
Don't we love it when we cross items off our quest logs?
Is this because my quest log has an «X» next to an objective in a quest / activity?
Unfortunately, there was no quest log style thing sitting in any corner of my screen.
It's a nice little reminder to the player and thankfully there is also a quest log in the game as well.
The game does provide you with a few orbs which you can place down anywhere to act as markers on the map, but it's simply not as easy as having a quest log.
Another, very minor criticism that I have is that there isn't a quest log.
Masks, quest logs, a three day cycle, that foreboding and terrifying moon.
Fixed an issue occurring in the Gormott regular quest «One Step Ahead,» where acquiring the Healing Herb quest item at 12:00 caused the item to fail to be counted in the quest log, preventing completion of the quest.
There are times your quest log will show what is important for continuing the main story, but will fail to mention key details that extend the time it takes to complete a quest.
What's here is your inventory menu, player and horse, quest log, world map and the codex section.
Fixed an issue occurring in the Gormott regular quest «A Young Man's Prize,» where acquiring the Snow - White Rhino quest item at 7:00 caused the item to fail to be counted in the quest log, preventing completion of the quest.
Whether the result of a bug fix or an improvement to the LOD system, the sharper detail is appreciable at medium range, particularly on large surfaces such as those around the quest log.
In particular, note the clarity and detail of windows and building textures in the general vicinity around the quest log, in the center of the screen three streets back, and to the left amongst the many buildings.
's (quest markers), you speak to NPCs by typing full sentences, there is no quest log as what a quest IS varies widely including long - term behavior aspects, and of course includes a deep virtue - based story.
This wasn't an objective marker, nor something to tick off in a quest log — this was my own intuition, and Nintendo knew a flag would be enough to pique my interest.
There are plenty of hidden secrets and items to comb over and collect, with massive, towering monsters serving as information towers that can dump new data into players» quest logs.
Fixed an issue in «Weapons for the Lodge» where players would experience the quest log not being updated correctly after clearing one of the trials in the Snowchants Hunting Ground in The Frozen Wilds.
The quest log even provides a five star rating system that gauges the difficulty of the quest, and clues players in on how to proceed.
Strangely, though, the quest log can only be accessed at a Guild Hall in town, which means that if you forget what exactly you're looking for in a forest you must return to the nearest town.
I can't count the number of times I ended up getting lost just trying to find my way to the next essential area, but thankfully the quest log always updates and offers hints in order to get you on your way.
In addition to main story objectives, the quest log also tracks challenge quests, which are essentially side quests you can complete in order to gain extra items, money and experience.
Not only can you can save anywhere and can discover plenty of teleporters which allow for fast travel, you also have a quest log which allows you to keep track of your current objectives and manage where you need to head next.
over their heads, click on conversation bubbles that won't end until their quest is in your quest log, click on the quest in your quest log, follow the arrow on the map to the quest destination, farm the level 1 creatures with your optimal min - max DPS via your shortcut bar, return to town and repeat... is OVER!
By assigning lower - priority actions such as accessing the quest log and auto - running to these buttons, we were able to keep our commands relatively clean.
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