Sentences with phrase «quest objectives»

"Quest objectives" refers to the specific tasks or goals that need to be accomplished in order to complete a mission or quest. It outlines what you need to do in order to progress in the game or story. Full definition
Once the main quest objective is complete, you are returned to town automatically.
These aren't every day quest objectives though, they are optional objectives that give you additional points at the end of each level if complete.
Risen 3 wisely isn't so stingy with gold and gear as its predecessor — nor does it leave the locations of quest objectives open to guesswork — but its core combat does rely on the same dubious dance of parrying, heavy attacks, and slashes despite fancy new animations.
Fixed issue where quest objectives would occasionally not update properly due to talking activators, intercoms and conversations.
However, mostly this functionality only adds empty space — similar towns with similar shops, only working to make navigation between quest objectives more laborious.
However, mostly this functionality only adds empty space — similar towns with similar shops, only working to make navigation between quest objectives more laborious.
Worlds will vanish or regenerate as quest objectives are completed, and player creations will appear and continue to shape the worlds of Trove as it grows and evolves over time.
Most quest objectives don't require you to venture off the island you're currently on, either, so if you want you can opt to focus on one area before moving on the next.
The design is wonderful, the music is soothing, and I've chuckled as the game makes some not - too - subtle homages to Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros. — Even the story itself, with it's «Find the Princess» seems to be more a metaphor than an actual quest objective.
Whilst I disliked most of the phoned - in voice acting, simplistic cliched quest objectives and the weak ending, I simply couldn't stop playing it.
Things seem to have slowed down, and there is an increased focus on exploration and discovery, done through a higher incidence of rare monsters and through emergent gameplay, through additional quest objectives triggered by your surroundings.
Many quest objectives require strong medals to accomplish.
Fixed an issue with the objective for the «A Dream of Ashes» quest which happened to display two quest objectives instead of only one
Sometimes as main quest objectives and sometimes as sub-quests, you'll be asked to go into large areas of land to farm for materials: fungi, flowers, bugs, ore, and anything else your little brain can imagine.
Fixed an issue in «A Seeker at the Gates» where the quest objective would not update from «Go to the Carja Border Fort» to «Kill the corrupted machines».
The quest objective is to slay a Barroth.
Fixed an issue in «A Moment's Peace» where for some players the quest objective would be updated to «Return to Vilgund» after completing the quest, even though players did not meet Vilgund yet.
To reflect that, the quest objectives here are varied and encourage a wide range of decks and play styles befitting the core PvP league:
Fixed an issue preventing the quest objective marker to be displayed during the quest «Family Reunion»
Again, it's completely optional, but can gain you additional skills or otherwise undiscoverable information about an NPC, treasure location, or quest objective.
The screenshot lent credence to rumors that the new entry would be set in Egypt as it has an Egyptian aesthetic and the quest objective in the top left corner says «Follow Shadya to Khenut's villa.»
This mod adds every map icon to the map all the time, including nearby merchants and any quest objective for any quest in your journal.
Because Disney Infinity provides a helpful quest compass system for all missions, directions to quest objectives are unnecessary.
All my attention immediately locked onto the quest objectives and not the backdrop of the narrative.
There are also a variety of assists that can be chosen in any difficulty level including combat prompts, combat hints, quest objectives, enemy outlines, A.I. awareness markers and mini-map rotation.
Following the quest objective, you'll eventually find your way to the security room and meet Loki.
I won't say Fast Travel is bad in and of itself, but it certainly does encourage lazy game design, since you can just randomly sprinkle your quest objectives about the map.
There is no fall damage in Disney Infinity, but sometimes if enemies fall off the edge of buildings (and too far away from the quest objective) they will despawn, so throwing enemies off roofs is a valid strategy for many missions.
If the player died on the second attempt after having received Gold the first time, the objective would be missing from the quest objective log.
• Fixed an issue in «A Moment's Peace» where for some players the quest objective would be updated to «Return to Vilgund» after completing the quest, even though players did not meet Vilgund yet.
• Fixed an issue in «Hammer and Steel» where for some players the quest objective would not update after gathering all nine Behemoth Cables.
Fixed an issue during «Crocodile Tears» quest that would display a wrong suggested level for one of the quest objectives
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