Sentences with word «quester»

To do so, the player must use the Krak Pot at Quester's Rest.
Rounding out the parade will be touring car ace Dieter Quester in the BMW 3.0 CSL which he drove to a class victory in 1973.
The gamepad even boasts a twin - stick shooter element of Quester and Merlin which is quite fun and harkens back to the original.
Hezemans and Dieter Quester also drove a CSL to a class win at Le Mans that year.
«The Daily» is produced by Theo Balcomb, Annie Brown, Paige Cowett, Lynsea Garrison, Andy Mills, Rachel Quester, Ike Sriskandarajah and Clare Toeniskoetter, with editing help from Larissa Anderson.
Here's my response to Ian and the other young questers in the Climate Progress thread (slightly tweaked for clarity):
Other examples of moral heroism may be drawn from medieval romance, in which young knights like Gawain and Percival are presented as imperfect but persevering questers who develop virtues of truth - keeping, courtesy and humility to match their physical prowess and bravery.
Theological questers for the historical Jesus are not mistaken in seeking an historical anchorage for faith.
In short, while various Third Questers have sought to void or avoid the scandal of the cross, Wright shows how it is quite plausible that Jesus would end up as he did.
Wright has an advantage over many other Jesus questers in that he gives full historical weight to the importance of the last week of Jesus» life in understanding who he was.
Whether we work in the universities, in the churches, or in the trenches, whether we are physicists, anthropologists, philosophers, theologians, gurus, or spiritual questers of various sorts, and regardless of our gender, race, or sexual, national or ethnic identity, is there an invariable or common pattern to the processes at work in spiritual quests?
The main difficulty lies in designing and building a vehicle light enough and powerful enough to reach orbit with a viable payload, explains Alan Bond, one of the more persistent of the latter - day grail questers.
Even as a relatively inexperienced Dragon Quester, I found the light - hearted and goofy tone of the game was enough to keep me playing.
In Locus Hardcover Bestsellers Arachne and Cyberweb, by Philip K. Dick Award Finalist Lisa Mason, telelinker Carly Quester confronts an A.I. therapist and finds herself entangled in the machinations of powerful A.I. entities.
You'll begin to profit from Cabot Stock of the Week recommendations like Netflix (+12,037 %), Cabot Growth Investor recommendations like Amazon (+1,200 %), Cabot Emerging Markets Investor recommendations like ARM Holdings (+662 %) and Wall Street's Best Investments recommendations like Quester (+1,683 %).
Is it enough to save the experience for the hardcore Questers?
There is no doubt about it: This car wants to be an elegant and dynamic metamorphosis of a classic BMW, not a de-contented, no - frills follow - up to the thunderbolt wide - body touring car in green Gösser livery that used to scare Capris and Carreras with Dieter Quester, Hans - Joachim Stuck, and Niki Lauda at the wheel.
«The Daily» is produced by Theo Balcomb, Annie Brown, Paige Cowett, Lynsea Garrison, Andy Mills, Rachel Quester, Ike Sriskandarajah and Clare Toeniskoetter, with editing help from Larissa Anderson.
Quester: now that is just embarrassing!
quester: i like her analogy (the idea, the writer and the reader).
«Contrary to popular perceptions, the vast majority of American adolescents are not spiritual seekers or questers of the type often described by journalists and some scholars, but are instead mostly oriented toward and engaged in conventional religious traditions and communities.»
One of the contributors, Quester, recently made a post about hell.
An inner adventure at Corinth Baptist accompanied the outer quest, one that took the quester into scriptural territory.
Hence it was possible for the word quest to become almost sacred in Christian circles, for the leading Modernist journal to publish an editorial on «The Cult of the Questers,» for the Laymen's Appraisal Commission on Missions to suggest that the missionary activity of the church be also made part of the quest for the truth or the true religion.
But I have also been remembering the standard critique leveled at the several different quests for the historical Jesus: that the questers found in Jesus someone who turned out to reflect their own place and time.
No one pretends that the quest has been free of subjective bias: often it has mirrored the quester's own thoughts on Jesus, religion and the church.
Part of this faith - image is certainly made up of traits of the liberal historical Jesus, but then the writings of the liberal «questers» were in their own way kerygmatic; the mistake is to claim them as historical.
In this respect, form criticism is as lethal to this kind of «modern historiography» as it was to the liberal life of Christ research, and the imagination of an existentialist «new quester» would have to be every bit as active as was that of any liberal «old quester».
Although private groups such as the Questers and the Dole Mansion Preservation Society have advocated preservation and raised money for years, the city did not establish its Historic Preservation Commission until 1996, after the pump house was abruptly leveled to make way for a school parking lot.
«We have already hired another company, Quester, who will be designing the tests.
However Arrowhead Studios have gone back to basics and released a new incarnation of the game on PC that is very reminiscent of the original arcade game as players are once again introduced to the legendary warriors named Thor (The Warrior), Thyra (The Valkyrie), Quester (The Elf) and Merlin (The Wizard) in this top down arcade action hack «n» slash.
Several iconic drivers were involved in the American success of the CSL, including Hans Stuck, Sam Posey, Brian Redman, Ronnie Peterson, Dieter Quester, Benny Parsons, Peter Gregg and David Hobbs.
Other notable drivers to pilot CSLs on U.S. soil include David Hobbs, Benny Parsons and Dieter Quester.
Ben believes that Michelle was a planner and knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it, while Annie, like Ben, has a quester's belief that at any given moment there are always destinations to be had.
For one thing, it» is the brand's first resort, and is already accruing nearly three - questers «excellent» reviews by TripAdvisor posters.
Meena appears as one of the special guests at the Quester's Rest in Stornway.
Carver appears as one of the special guests at the Quester's Rest in Stornway.
Players do posses a few unique skills, however: they receive the «Egg On» skill after a scene at the Quester's Rest from Patty early in the game, and will learn the Zoom spell after returning to the Celestrian Observatory aboard the Starflight Express.
Taught to the Hero by Patty from Stornway after you unlock the Quester's Rest as way of thanks for helping her out in The Hexagon earlier.
It is home to the Quester's Rest inn and is generally considered the «central» location in the game, despite only being involved in the early plot.
In the post game, Stornway has many quests which are focused on its royal family, kingdom history, and characters in the Quester's Rest.
Much of Stornway's importance is related to the Quester's Rest inn.
Morrie appears as one of the special guests at the Quester's Rest in Stornway.
Ragnar appears as one of the special guests at the Quester's Rest in Stornway.
Taught by Patty after speaking with her in the Quester's Rest.
The Prince of Cannock is one of many past Dragon Quest characters who come to stay at the Quester's Rest as part of the bonus wifi content.
IX is very reminiscent of III, in that characters are created with the help of Patty and stay at the Quester's Rest in Stornway while not traveling.
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