Sentences with phrase «question centers»

They ask dozens of questions all centered on how to keep kids both healthy and competitive.
Many questions centered around the charging technologies and the performance and lifespan of the lithium ion batteries.
And the viewer question centers around affordable four door sedans around $ 20,000.
Our second question centers on length of blog posts.
We also focus on the resolution of specialized tax problems, as well as questions centered on antitrust, insurance, and employment and labor matters.
One of the most common interview questions centers around asking the interviewee to describe their own weaknesses.
In his legendary early performance «World Question Center», broadcast live on Belgian television in 1969, Byars telephoned several of the world's most renowned scientists, philosophers and artists to determine what questions they believed were of essential importance.
Home sellers often endure a process fraught with questions centered on everything from how to list the home to ways to prep it for potential buyers.
In many parishes today the relevant question centers no longer on beliefs, but rather on how the church can become a community of accepting people regardless of what beliefs are held.
Another unanswered question centers around Swaps's failure to oppose Saturday's Gulfstream Park Handicap field.
The latest questions center on funds from the Maziarz campaign account that were reportedly given to a youth softball team and thousands of dollars in purchases from a WNY business.
Governor Andrew Cuomo was in Buffalo Saturday to deliver toys and clothes donated by state employees at the Lydia T. Wright School, but reporters questions centered around the latest Albany scandal involving a Western New York lawmaker.
Our research questions center on the secretory pathway in which these signaling molecules are made.
For retaining people who are here the key questions center on those 25 to 44 year - olds who have been at the center of DC's recent population growth.
Her arrival at UH in 2015 added a genetic component to the center's work, allowing it to delve more deeply into the epigenetic response to intervention and to address the central question the center seeks to answer: Why do some children pick up reading easily and others struggle?
Without the CSRQ Center Reports, those most directly responsible for improving education — state officials, school board members, administrators, and teachers — and those concerned about its success — educators, parents, policymakers, and the public — have few resources at their disposal to answer these questions
We finally tackle the community question centered around Season Passes, as well as a small continued discussion around the latest MS news.
In 2014 she founded Question Center, a nomadic platform for short exhibitions which establishes generational relationships between artists.
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Aside from people inquiring about how burial insurance works, the second most popular question centers around waiting periods.
Additionally, interns will have clinical opportunities to conduct assessments with referral questions centered around issues of bilingual language development and the influence of culture and acculturation on cognitive, academic, and socioemotional functioning.
The particular tool collection I've come across is found at the Edge «World Question Center,» where the Edge Question for 2011 is «What scientific concept would improve everybody's cognitive toolkit?»
Any time I speak about Alaska Airlines at Frequent Traveler University or other seminars, the most questions center around the companion fare.
Another source noted, however, that the state's questions center on whether the former chairman may have been involved in arranging payments to a subcontractor.
It looks like one big part of your question centers around James 2.
Education, however, says Belth, «deals with the relationship between concepts and powers nurtured in learners, and with the methods of creating concepts as the inventions of intelligence, in whatever fields these methods come to be employed Education becomes a way of raising and answering a question not otherwise asked, a question centering on the problems of improving the ability to think....
It is common for new mothers to have questions about breastfeeding and several of those questions center around the terminology.
Astorino challenged the Council and the business community as complicit in New York's economic shortcomings, and much of the questioning centers on his speech and the audience reaction.
Newsday and other outlets have reported that questions centered on the awarding of a state contract — to LPCiminelli Inc., a major Cuomo campaign donor — to build a $ 900 million solar panel factory in Buffalo.
Another question centered on how the program will help with other expenses, including room and board, for low - income students.
Newsday and other outlets have reported that questions centered on a bidding process that awarded a state contract — to a major Cuomo campaign donor — to build a $ 900 million solar panel factory in Buffalo.
This month's questions centered around New Year, New You.
Kelly moderated discussion and questions centered on the proposed elimination of over 2 billion dollars in Title II, Part A of ESSA in President Trumpâ $ ™ s draft education budget.
Her questions centered on how they came to the school, career plans and how the charter school was helping them continue their education.
Many reporters» questions centered on Marchionne's «Confessions of a Capital Junkie» speech and his well - publicized unsuccessful courting of General Motors as a merger or takeover partner.
Following our talk, we took questions and most of these questions centered on exchange traded funds (ETFs).
As with most components of the negotiating text, the big issues around forests have already been resolved and now the questions center on politics over seemingly subtle semantics.
The questions center on Field's close relationship with the oil and gas industry and long history of glossing over important questions about the integrity of wells and reliability of state oversight.
The questions center on feedbacks and whether the CO2 - induced increase is greater than the noise that we see in climate.
On August 1st, the questions centered around expungement and what it means, the smartest way to -LSB-...]
On August 1st, the questions centered around expungement and what it means, the smartest way to start the divorce process, and issues surrounding custody.
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