Sentences with phrase «question doctrine»

The phrase "question doctrine" refers to an established principle or belief that is open to doubt or scrutiny, encouraging people to challenge or investigate its validity. Full definition
But before I get to any of that, today I just want to explain what led me to start questioning the doctrine of inspiration of Scripture in the first place.
However, the language is unlikely to undermine the movement as the political question doctrine potentially could.
For political reasons rather than constitutional ones, the political question doctrine is likely to remain a troubling issue while constitutional language will not.
Tell that to the ex-Mormons who are kicked out of the church for questioning doctrine.
For example, a believer who has read the activities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Matthew 3:16 - 17 will immediately question any doctrine that denies the Trinity.
An even - numbered court would procedurally merge ripeness with the political question doctrine within a justiciability framework: an issue may be viewed as not ripe if the political environment is still so charged that the court would be unable to reach a majority decision (assuming an even split in ideological appointments).
J. K. MOZLEY»S SURPRISING DISCOVERY The earliest direct attack on the Augustinian synthesis of Christian theism is to be found in those bold individuals who dared to question the doctrine of divine immutability.
If the Catholic Church wants to count them as members, the member have the right to question doctrine.
At no point do they question the doctrines of the divine perfection, impassibility and non-temporality.
I have some reformed friends who equate the gospel with penal substitution, to question that doctrine is to question the gospel and in their eyes make one «unsaved» this makes no sense to me at all.
When someone is questioning your doctrine and all you have is your doctrine to defend it your kind of low on ammunition.
The earliest direct attack on the Augustinian synthesis of Christian theism is to be found in those bold individuals who dared to question the doctrine of divine immutability.
Influenced by Luther's writings, he stressed the authority of the Bible and questioned any doctrine or practice that did not have scriptural support.
We both know something is very much askew when one questions doctrine and is abandoned and even back - stabbed by people who describe themselves as Christians.
That vast breakdown in economic and social structures enforced upon the young the necessity to question doctrines that had been accepted for a century.
Solms was not the only one to question this doctrine.
Keywords: climate change litigation, climate policy, international law, separation of powers, role of judiciary, judicial authority, rule of law, political question doctrine, science and law, politicization of science, scientific consensus, scientism, science - based risk regulation
Because the Constitution expressly gives Congress the power to consent, he said, courts avoid interfering, under the political question doctrine, unless and until Congress asserts that power.
U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte ruled on Wednesday that the jurisdictions had standing, and the political question doctrine is not a bar to the court taking action.
Related Terms: Puisne, Legislative Branch, Political Question Doctrine, Executive Branch, Judicial Immunity, Government
No policy underlying the political question doctrine

Phrases with «question doctrine»

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