Sentences with phrase «question lawyers»

It has the possibility to expand the range of questions the lawyer asks.
This question is up near the top of the list of questions lawyers always ask about going out on their own.
Some of the most frequently asked questions lawyers receive are regarding arrest.
Each lawyer who participates gets a full profile page that includes information on the types of questions the lawyer has answered and testimonials from companies the lawyer has helped.
Yesterday, the same day an appeals court questioned lawyers about the case, the government filed documents in a lower court arguing that the lawsuit brought by two researchers who oppose human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research should be thrown out.
is one of the most frequent questions lawyers ask practicePRO.
Scalia's critics may argue they do not find Sander's data more persuasive than that of his critics, and that justices should only cite correct facts, even when questioning lawyers at argument.
U.S. appeals court judges questioned the lawyer defending President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban about whether it discriminates against Muslims.
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We also encourage lawyers to stay away from the types of questions Gracey and Neilson dislike: questions lawyers wish their clients would ask.
The Commentary goes on to note that while law societies will generally not be concerned with ``... the purely private or extra-professional activities of a lawyer that do not bring into question the lawyer's professional integrity,» questionable conduct in either private or professional life will reflect adversely on the integrity of both the profession and the administration of justice.
It's those types of personal questions lawyers struggle with and having been coming to Gina Rubel, president and CEO of Furia Rubel Communications, for answers to since 2002.
For some two hours, she patiently questioned the lawyer, the prosecutors, the defendant and others in the courtroom, even as the lawyer continued to entangle himself in an ever - tightening web of fabrications and inconsistencies.
There are two key questions our lawyer will address when defending you against a charge of operating while intoxicated:
«Judges Press C.I.A. Lawyer Over Withheld Documents»: The New York Times today contains an article that begins, «A federal appeals court panel in Manhattan questioned a lawyer for the federal government yesterday as to whether the Central Intelligence Agency had a legitimate national security interest in refusing to confirm or deny the existence of documents authorizing it to detain and interrogate terrorism suspects overseas.»
They're difficult questions lawyers aren't normally trained to deal with.»
The purpose of this guide is to help you answer some common questions our lawyers are frequently asked during their consultations and the goal is to minus that trip to the firm if it isn't needed.
is one of the most frequent questions lawyer ask me.
Summer is also a good time to join a listserv and learn about the types of questions lawyers ask each other without becoming too distracted from your coursework.
Back in January, I copied a portion of an article that provided a list of questions lawyers should ask themselves.
Recall the question the lawyer asked Jesus: «And who is my neighbor?»
Now there's a question lawyers have rowed about for years and there's no set answer.
It is a question lawyers have long debated and debated and debated even more.
This is a question lawyers often face if they do things the Matt Ritter way: freelancing, chasing their alternative careers, supplementing their main practice, etc..
A decision tree is a logical structure that contains every question a lawyer would normally ask when handling typical factual scenarios and legal issues for a certain type of legal matter.
Beyond the requirements of the law societies, Meunier says there are questions lawyers should ask themselves to ensure that they don't end up facilitating laundering — wittingly or unwittingly.
Here are five questions lawyers should be asking their clients or themselves on a real estate matter:
The checklists and forms in the Domestic Contract Matter Toolkit contain points and questions lawyers should systematically consider as they conduct the initial interview on a domestic contract matter and when they meet with the client to review and sign the document.
Her article provides a historical background to the issues around Aboriginal law, a lot of practical advice, and some questions lawyers should be asking themselves (e.g. «am I qualified to serve this person?»).
The questioning lawyer could ask a query aimed to elicit the underlying information as follows: «What did you do that day?»
That makes the right to question a lawyer's bill and have it reviewed an essential component of access to justice.
LAWPRO's Commercial Transactions Checklist (PDF format, Word format and RTF format) contains a series of questions lawyers should ask themselves to help ensure that the commercial documents they are drafting correctly reflect the client's instructions and expected results.
Now fast forward to today, where the failure of a lawyer to answer emails, cell phone calls, and text messages from clients within minutes can cause those clients to question that lawyer's loyalty and competence.
In any case like this those are always the questions the lawyers are asking,» he says.
The checklists and forms in this toolkit contain points and questions lawyers should systematically consider as they conduct the initial interview on a domestic contract matter and when they meet with the client to review and sign the document.
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