Sentences with phrase «question members»

The police stop and question members of the public and enter this information into a database, including demographic information and social contacts.
In other words, the more you try to explain the minute details of why there's an increase, the more questions members have.
It appears that both recruits and veterans are taking their new responsibilities very seriously, as evidenced by longer and more frequent committee meetings and the more pointed questions members pose.
Without the CSRQ Center Reports, those most directly responsible for improving education — state officials, school board members, administrators, and teachers — and those concerned about its success — educators, parents, policymakers, and the public — have few resources at their disposal to answer these questions
The other measure, sponsored by Councilman Ritchie Torres of the Bronx, would have officers identify themselves by name, rank and command — and provide a business card — after encounters that amount to a traditional police stop, based on reasonable suspicion of a crime, or while questioning members of the public during an investigation.
The Republican Caucus questions members of the Majority Caucus and their intentions.
In this Podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul addresses questions members have asked about resistance to taking loving care of oneself, resistance to self, others, and Spirit, resistance to the Intent to learn and to doing Inner Bonding.
There are often questions our members have when it comes to online dating in Telford and we have done our best to answer some of these for you here:
The exhibition is one which questions each member's personal histories, cultural background and beliefs as a means of unsettling the idea of a homogenised black experience and its acceptance by white art institutions and discourse.
To deny to members information concerning business that is about to come before the House, while at the same time providing such information to media that will likely be questioning members about that business, is a situation that the Chair can not condone.
For the sorts of calls that you describe, Scooter, many agents — getting no response to their repeated question — feel that if they stay in touch with email questioning member of the public, at least if and when the person ever gets serious, the agent would have some percentage of a chance to put a transaction together, perhaps.
The County of Carleton Law Association held a town hall meeting at the Ottawa Courthouse Wednesday night to discuss alternative business structures and answer questions its members have regarding the differing models as part of their survey process in preparing a report to the Law Society of Upper Canada.
In 1997 FIFA, the governing body of world soccer, sent two investigators to Baghdad to question members of the Iraqi national team who'd allegedly had their feet caned by Uday's henchmen after losing a World Cup qualifying match to Kazakhstan.
So the question the members of the congregation ask themselves when they are invited to stand and confess their faith is, «Do I dare to say the creed?»
He questioned members and nonmembers, including professional associates of Dr. Bob.
As CBS2 first reported, federal investigators have been questioning members of the real estate industry about donations solicited by team de Blasio — including the actions of former campaign treasurer Ross Offinger.
If you read further down in the article there are other benefits that are specific to members of congress but are not relevent to this question
The question every member must ask themselves as they go through the lobby tonight is: do they trust the people?»
Sign up and get access here to answer your questions members, longevity, Dating Single Father, site functionality.
It was the question members of the Television Critics Association asked repeatedly of cast members, including Emily VanCamp (Emily Thorne), Gabriel Mann (ambisexual tech billionaire Nolan Ross), Connor Paolo (Declan Porter) and Josh Bowman (Daniel Grayson), among others, as well as creator Mike Kelley.
Here are answers to a few of the questions our members have been asking.
The AAHC often brings NVAR members to public forums to act as real estate experts, answering any questions members of the Asian community may have about purchasing real estate.
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