Sentences with phrase «question patients»

One of the most common questions my patients ask me is how to continue eating healthy while traveling.
That's perhaps the most common question patients ask me, especially if they are very concerned or excited about a potential pregnancy.
A frequent question the patients who undergo egg freezing ask is the amount of eggs that is necessary for a successful pregnancy.
When the study began, the researchers questioned the patients about their physical and mental symptoms, including the intensity of their pain, ability to move, fatigue, depression, anxiety and overall well - being.
Make a Good Decision About Back SurgerySpine surgeons explain what questions patients should ask Read moreMore about low back pain
The primary responsibilities of a hospital pharmacist is to keep track of the medicines in the pharmacy and check if they are within the expiry date, answer any medicine related questions patients may have or counsel them on the dosage and way of consuming the drugs, keeping the medicines in good condition and supervise the performance of the junior staff.
Prior studies found that 41 percent of physicians routinely question patients with lumbar disc herniation about sexual problems.
The Departure captures Nemoto at a crossroads, when his growing self - destructive tendencies lead him to confront the same question his patients ask him: what makes life worth living?
How Doctors Think offers direct, intelligent questions patients can ask their doctors to help them get back on track.
Trigger warning: If someone came into an E.R. with a gunshot wound after a botched robbery, it would be insane for doctors or nurses to begin questioning the patient on what they had done to provoke the robber.
The pharmacist can also interact face - to - face in real time with the patient, to counsel them on their prescription and to answer any drug - related medical questions a patient might have.
However, they also help to advise their customers about the drugs that are being prescribed to them, such as dosages, interaction with other drugs, potential side effects and to answer any other questions the patient may have.
Through active audience participation, Tania urged all universities to start teaching their students not just to ask about race, but to further question patients about their experience of racism.
As a clinician with a special interest in fertility and pregnancy nutrition, two of the most common questions my patients ask are:
For example, hospitals now know to question any patient who shows up in an emergency room with Ebola - like symptoms — fever, severe headache, diarrhea, and vomiting — about their travel history, and, if there's anything remotely suspicious, put them in quarantine.
Questioning patients about their medical history and recording the information for dentist's reference
One of the questions patients frequently ask is which type of ACL graft should be used for my surgery: bone - tendon - bone, hamstring, or cadaver?
She is always there to answer any questions a patient might have about the costs involved in their treatment.
Short response, as I've already responded to most of what you say below: I brought up gestational diabetes and the tests and what I've been told and what I've done to illustrate the point that conflicting things are heard from different doctors and that leads to questioning patients who are essentially demanding proof of everything their doctor says.
«The [sequencing] technology changed so quickly» that «we did not have time» to develop answers to the questions patients and doctors are now asking.
They are the people who speak to patients during vital signs, listen to the questions patients have before an exam, and use their computer skills to make sure all that information is kept in permanent records.
We compiled a list of common questions patients have about their medical records.
Give post-operative care instructions as prescribed by the orthodontic by demonstrating good oral hygiene, removable appliances, tooth brushing technique and questioning patients to ascertain home care status, instructing patient / parent in techniques of flossing and brushing in accordance with protocol
Once in the exam room, they may explain what will happen at the visit that day as well as try to answer any questions the patient has.
A podiatric medical assistant's duties include keeping a record of the patient's medical history and vital signs, explaining treatment procedures to the patient and answering any questions the patient may have.
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