Sentences with phrase «question writers»

There's a simple formula of questions a writer should ask themselves when writing a blurb.
That kind of detail can help answer some of the biggest questions writers face: What am I writing and who am I targeting it to?
A common question writers have is how they can be more productive and get more done.
You can ask your writer how the project is going; you can give additional information; you may be asked to answer questions your writer has about your order.
Ben was a full - time question writer for the quiz show American Genius, where he had worked for the past seven years.
Blair said, «The first question writers need to answer is not, «Which path is best?»
Smarter Balanced partnered with WIDA to help question writers and reviewers examine the language complexity level used in the Consortium's questions.
Literary agent Adriann Ranta explores tough questions every writer should consider before attempting to publish
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware Among the most frequent questions Writer Beware receives are those involving writing contests.
The bard exposes questions writers bump into sooner or later: «What if somebody else publishes my idea?
Thriller author Lee Child posits that the fundamental question a writer must ask is how to cook a meal for a reader and make them hungry at the same time.
Yes, in the year that SFWA — derided as so out - of - touch — at last opened its membership to income - earning self - published writers, the Writer's Symposium believes the most pressing questions writers have about self - publishing is whether it's good or bad.
Summarizing Paul's rationale shows how important it is for the reader to question the writer for the inner meaning of the text.
In pitching a story to Inc., the one question the writer has to answer is, «How will this help entrepreneurs?»
It makes a big difference in Gods world which is some the question writer obviously can not comprehend because it is spiritually discerned.
Question Writer has 20 templates, unlimited quiz takers and online reporting.
After last summer's horribly unfunny A Million Ways To Die In The West, many had begun to question writer / director Seth MacFarlane's true abilities to turn animated success into film gold.
These are questions writer - director Jeff Nichols takes his time answering.
Question writers and reviewers can verify that there is enough diversity in the amount of language complexity used across questions and that the level of language complexity in an individual question is appropriate for the question's purpose.
Ani does a great job of asking the questions all writers want to ask of her guests.
-LSB-...] K.M. Weiland answers 7 questions writers have about scenes vs. chapters, and Jami Gold discusses how strengthening stakes does not always mean going big.
Another question writers often have involves what you see as your role in publishing, and how do you help your clients navigate the slippery territory spawned by Amazon and self publishing?
Eventually you will raise your bleary eyes from your work in progress and ask the questions all writers ask: What day is it?
«All those questions writers ask about how to get noticed in this new world?
They can add information and details; they can respond to questions their writers might have.
I hope you schedule more interviews as you are great at asking all the questions writers have about this exciting new medium.
QuizQuizQuiz for iPhone / iPod Touch is the result of a collaboration between ourselves and the question writer masters at QuizQuizQuiz Ltd..
One question the writers of «legal eduction» studies might ask — perhaps they have, I've never bothered to look — is «what does it tell us about law as a discipline that so many people who claim they're no good at math, sciences, philosophy, logic etc. (and whose transcripts show it), manage to get into law school and then do reasonably well»?
It is therefore important that even minor mistakes such as spelling errors need to be avoided as it questions the writers seriousness towards the job and how crucial the candidate can prove for the organization in the near future.
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