Sentences with phrase «questionable assumptions»

The 2014 letter, then, was based on dubious claims about the effects of school discipline and highly questionable assumptions about what is driving racial discipline disparities.
These are not trivial problems, and attempts to solve them have usually involved making questionable assumptions.
As a data set, there is not much that can be directly presumed without making questionable assumptions.
If you dig deeper, you'll find that the report is riddled with questionable assumptions.
Doug, I haven't had time to peruse the paper thoroughly, but it would appear to be quite full of questionable assumptions.
I find Stephen H. Webb's reflections on Darwinism («How Darwin's Wife Saved His Theory») very interesting, but I think there are questionable assumptions embedded in some of its verbal formulations.
To make the case that it is dangerous to follow the university too far, I will need to show (1) that there are such questionable assumptions and that they are inaccurate, and (2) that the consequences of operating with these assumptions are deleterious.
Welner takes issue with one of these, arguing that Florida's OPPAGA study is based on questionable assumptions regarding the number of students who were induced to leave the public school system because of the STC program.
WRI's response highlights questionable assumptions in Dr. Thorning's modeling and outlines the benefits of industrial sector energy efficiency improvements.
By utilizing questionable adjustments based on even more questionable assumptions, NOAA managed to produce an entirely fabricated increase in the global warming trend from 1998 to 2012.
As Representatives Elijah Cummings and John Tierney have noted, «even based on your own questionable assumptions and data, your most up - to - date analysis demonstrates that principal reduction programs would serve taxpayer interests more effectively than any other alternative.»
Upon reflection, this episode exposed several questionable assumptions that underpin modern genetic counseling services.
In a letter to the CRTC in 2011, Netflix argued that the ISPs» claim they need to charge overage fees in order to reduce network congestion «relies on highly questionable assumptions
Some of the latter (e.g., parents» education) is completely beyond state control, and some is based on questionable assumptions about how much is enough (and whether more is better) when it comes to education spending.
Some other questionable assumptions: 2017 percent price change comparisons: Relating this year's gold and silver's price range to that of bitcoin misses an important point.
Even if they remain elevated, a questionable assumption, earnings can grow only as fast as sales.
This shortfall is in response to a recession less severe than the recent one and with the questionable assumption that the Fed should view unemployment being too low as being as harmful as being too high.
Unfortunately, the study bases this key finding on a questionable assumption.
Unfortunately, this key finding was based on a questionable assumption.
Yet attempts to forecast these consequences are invariably made from a point of view that unwittingly accepts two questionable assumptions.
Without greater long - term investment, the move was extremely unlikely to lead to the savings promised, with the government's modelling based on some questionable assumptions.
, is authored by IAS Policy Analyst Aveek Bhattacharya and claims that «these estimates rely on data that are between 4 and 12 years out of date and sensitive to questionable assumptions and methodological judgements».
With that accomplished, it was possible to identify the consequences of relaxing the questionable assumptions that underpinned the NCES model.
It also relied on questionable assumptions about the level of the minimum Proposition 98 funding guarantee for education.
There are also some questionable assumptions in Howey's methodology, writes Weinberg, and some statistical problems.
This is partly due to questionable assumptions that they're all flawed, amateurish products.
This is a questionable assumption, as I will explain below.
She pokes at the questionable assumptions underlying much of finance theory.
So the comment that all climate scientists think we're heading for a 4 degree warmer world may be true but based on a questionable assumption.
Questionable assumptions at best.
It demonstrates that papers supporting AGW have easier access to being published, despite having several undermining errors and questionable assumptions.
Biomass for electricity generation is also poised to gain a huge boost if the final version of EPA's Clean Power Plan carries over a longstanding but highly questionable assumption that biomass burning is «carbon - neutral.»
Today's climate models are even more clever and complex, dependent on questionable assumptions and massaged data, unable to predict temperatures or climate events, and employed to justify costly energy and economic policies.
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