Sentences with phrase «questionable information»

The Internet is full of questionable information about the body and how to care for its various systems and organs — and the lymph system is no exception.
And, like you, I struggle with how to respectfully and gently put more complete information out there when I hear questionable information shared in public.
Typically these letters go to creditors where the accounts are seriously delinquent or report other questionable information.
Don't waste your time, or that of the human resources department, by submitting questionable information.
Also they must do an actual investigation upon receiving a dispute of questionable information.
I do not agree with all the concerns of all Trump supporters and believe some of them to be based on factually questionable information.
Is this an expression of anxiety about Google's questionable information policies, or just distracted, clichéd marketing, or both?
In a survey last year of companies that screen applicants» social media sites, 73 percent said they don't give the applicants a chance «to explain questionable information,» according to the Society for Human Resource Management.
This I define as questionable information, typically involving online surveys from groups I have never heard of, sent in the hope that I will publish them as «click bait» without checking further than the end of my fingertips.
The rumored high - end iPhone 7 Plus with dual cameras could be named the «iPhone Pro,» according to questionable information shared by Chinese website MyDrivers [Google Translate].
FDA squashed an attempt by Pathway Genomics to sell genetic tests at the pharmacy chain Walgreens, and a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation over the summer found that representatives from genetic testing companies were providing false or questionable information to customers.
How can you tell the difference between credible and questionable information?
You have the right to challenge any questionable information on your credit file, and Lexington Law has the skills to analyse your file and act accordingly - sahelio - sahelio
If information recorded on your credit reports does not accurately represent your behavior as a consumer, then you have the right to request that questionable information be removed from your reports.
«A credit bureau dispute is your way of notifying the specific credit bureau whose report contains the questionable information, that you're challenging the accuracy of,» explains Lexington Law, a credit repair company.
If information on your credit reports does not accurately represent your experience paying for financial services or honoring debt obligations, then you have the right to request that questionable information be removed from your reports.
GAO also found that some debt settlement companies provided fraudulent, deceptive, or questionable information to its fictitious consumers, such as claiming unusually high success rates for their programs — as high as 100 percent.
Once you've checked your credit reports, make a list of any errors or questionable information you discover.
We do our best to not include any questionable information.
Questionable information to be sure but doesn't sound too over-the-top to be false.
Not only should each of these online portals be free of any questionable information about you, they should also reflect your dedication to your career.
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