Sentences with phrase «questionable items»

Depending on the number of questionable items on your credit reports, this step will be repeated for each subsequent cycle.
Based on the credit improvement strategy developed they will begin to aggressively challenge and remove questionable items from your credit.
It is important to forward each updated report to us so we can track which questionable items were deleted.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) allow you to investigate and challenge questionable items on your credit report.
Its only because people do take some sense of security in their groups of indoctrination, that prevents most people who barely have time to survive on a day to day basis, to want to take the time to challenge and possibly lose a source of social comfort, over what they also may deem to be other questionable items if doctrine.
Last year, the agency — which routinely confiscates questionable items that could be used as weapons — found a record 3,957 guns tucked away in carry - ons, according to the TSA's «Year in Review,» which has tracked the figure since 2005.
This diet has many questionable items in it even Corn Surup, but what it did do is to sharply lower ALL his fat intake.
Once we receive your report with the disputes we will start the credit repair process, drawing upon our vast arsenal of credit report repair strategies to challenge questionable items directly with the credit bureaus.
We all agreed that compared to the last Tokyo Treat premium box we enjoyed together, there were fewer outright disgusting or really questionable items.
You can find questionable items at bargain prices, most commonly Moon Sugar and Skooma.
This improvement will benefit classifiers because they will have more descriptive data which can be evaluated to identify questionable items on the tax return.
For reports with a large number of questionable items, Credit Assistance Network is a good choice — it can dispute up to 45 items per cycle.
b) You agree to cooperate with CRA in the review of your credit history and the identification of inaccurate or questionable items on your credit report.
Cream is the 9th ingredient on the list, after vegetable oil, processed flour, MSG, and other questionable items.
However, the consequences of the tax authorities swooping in to discredit (and even prosecute) questionable items can be quite severe.
I used my homemade taco seasoning for the quinoa stuffed peppers recipe which you can find here but you can also use store - bought taco seasoning -LCB- just check the ingredient list first for any questionable items -RCB-.
Another questionable item concerns how humans were able to deduce the creatures» limitations prior to their rampant depletion (at least if tabloid fodder is any indication)... so the film's resolution feels a bit like M. Night Shyamalan's Signs (2002) and those hydrophobic aliens trying to colonize a planet mostly made of water (and speaking of printing techniques, how Evelyn has a calendar to mark her due date well over a year into isolation also seems suspect).
Legacy will send a dispute letter directly to the creditor, to verify the questionable items that you are disputing.
In addition to working on the questionable items that may be on your credit report everyone will benefit by the additional tried and true tactics we will teach you to both raise and maintain your credit score.
You may want to include a copy of your credit report with the questionable items circled.
An experienced company may have a better chance of successfully disputing any questionable items, and can often save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.
After the completion of the process and the removal of the negative or the questionable items, one can start to restore new credit.
After carefully reviewing your credit report our staff will start to talk about the problematic items with your creditor and inform them of the errors contained in the report and try to persuade them to remove the questionable items.
By resolving all the questionable items from the credit report our experts will present you with an absolute financial freedom and peace of mind which you have never experienced before.
After the creditors remove all the questionable items from the report we will be receiving updates which you can track on your website.
There may be questionable items on your report — including untimely, unverifiable, biased, misleading, incomplete, ambiguous, or unclear items.
Whether it's noticing a questionable item or stopping someone from stealing your identity, the implications to watching your credit are far reaching.
Ovation will send an unlimited number of custom validation dispute letters to the creditors you choose challenging the validity of the questionable items you are disputing.
If you find information on your credit report that you feel should not be there, the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) and the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) allow you to investigate your credit history and challenge those questionable items.
Please apply a dispute to all of the questionable items on your report.
This 4 step cycle sometimes needs to be executed multiple times until the questionable items have been removed and as each new cycle begins, hopefully there will be less questionable items on your credit reports.
Of course, you'll need to ensure your explanation for any questionable items or accounts is reasonable — and factual.
When all fails you can always go shopping with this shady cat who has questionable items for you to buy.
Coins are a bit of a questionable item since they're so readily available on the track and it is disappointing to get a coin when you're hoping for a defensive or offensive item.
PERFORMANCE PROFILE Accomplished Revenue Clerk with over 9 years of experience in monitoring general ledger accounts and bringing any questionable items to attention.
Using any questionable items that have come up on a database search and using address history as a basis of narrowing the local courts down, a quality provider will go direct to the local court system to provide you with accurate records.
We've said this before, but it's important: It's prudent to Google yourself before going in for any job interview, lest you be taken off guard by some questionable item from your past.
Monitoring general ledger accounts, and bringing any questionable items to the attention of the comptroller is something that I keep an excellent lookout for.
Questionable items on the credit report may require a security deposit equal to two month's rent.
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