Sentences with phrase «questionable morals»

Most of the book's heroes are of questionable moral fiber.
The ones who want to discriminate based upon an ancient book of highly questionable morals are the reasonable, loving ones.
With a decent amount of brutal violence, deep conflicts inside the police department itself and complex characters with questionable moral compasses, this story is a wonderful addition to the genre.
It's here that Ubisoft has made a clear jump from the original Watch Dogs, siphoning off the dull protagonist, grey city and questionable moral compass that made it quite a dour experience.
«The Lakitu: A Tale of Friendship» breaks that trend in the best way possible: ethically questionable moral choices!
«The Lakitu: A Tale of Friendship» breaks that trend in the best way possible: ethically questionable moral choices!
Analysis: This sequel to Denis Villeneuve's 2015 drug cartel crime - thriller looks like a Tom Clancy «Clear and Present Danger» - style action film, except with more questionable morals.
While K2 isn't purely evil like HK47, he has the same questionable morals coupled with HK's perfect twisted sense of humor.
It's based on the John Candy movie, with Mike Epps playing the title character with questionable morals who's hired to «manny» his brother's kids.
Going into the game knowing the character possessed questionable morals up front was definitely new territory in a Silent Hill game, but Murphy completely won me over by the end.
Along with the aforementioned example of the protagonist Player telling Kelly Kapowski to get a DNA test (which he accompanied by announcing he was «no baby daddy») are a host of tasks of questionable moral standing.
He's a member of the «Van der Linde gang,» and appears to have even more questionable morals than most of Rockstar's previous protagonists, threatening to kill a boy who recently lost his father, and shaking down another traveler on behalf of the gang.
«I just need a little more tequila and a woman of questionable moral character,» is how all game videos should start out.
I think any and everyone would agree that John Terry is a person with questionable morals but he is still one of the best CBs in the world and looks to be usurped in that regard by Cahill very soon.
Those that need religion to be moral have questionable morals to begin with.
She would be painted a liar, a disgruntled spouse, a complaining whiney woman, a bad Christian wife, a woman with questionable morals, a neglectful mother, an indiscreet woman who should've kept her marital problems private, demonized as a Jezebel undermining the gospel.
Which literary character would you most like to be and why?I'm almost ashamed to admit that it would be Scarlett O'Hara - some of her questionable moral decisions are balanced by refusal to be beaten by events beyond her control and her unremitting optimism.
A short time later, Bill de Blasio issued a similar statement, minus the not - so - veiled reference to Spitzer's questionable morals.
Despite their questionable moral codes, the two of them really love each other.
Some of the earliest ones held herbs or medicine for the wearer, some held perfume to help mask odours arising from less - than - thorough hygiene and some (owned by people of questionable morals) even held poison!
The film deals with very real (and socially relevant) issues of gun violence in the United States, but more often than not skirts around its questionable morals in order to transport Willis back to the 1980s with catchy one - liners as he takes down the next faceless villain.
The film is loaded with seedy and dysfunctional characters of questionable morals and intelligence, which makes things entertaining in a train - wreck sort of way, but it leaves nobody to root for.
In the world of rom - coms, however, all you need is a case of amnesia, a crude man with questionable morals, and a hoity - toity woman who needs to learn that her real value lies in being a wife and mother.
Characters range from psychopathic murderers, drug addicts, delusional snuff film actors, gang members, and a detective with questionable morals.
Elwes is set to play the «handsome, slick, and sleazy» Mayor Kline, while Jake Busey takes on the role of The Hawkins Post journalist Bruce who has «questionable morals».
The film is entrancing and evocative, like an evil younger cousin to A Bigger Splash and its shared themes of glamour deceiving a questionable moral compass underneath.
For a taste of small town East Texas living and dying, questionable morals, battles between legalities and religion, and the hypocrisy and clouded judgment that occurs when a nice guy gets dirty... this is as good as it gets.
His questionable morals should be our first hint at the film's intention, but like the film, he's able to deceive us — those dance moves help.
But we soon learn the specifics from Hugh (Jake Weary), a young man of questionable morals, after he has sex for the first time with our heroine, Jay (Maika Monroe).
``... it's Refn at his most unwieldy and funny; like if Dario Argento decided to remake SHOWGIRLS and did so with the questionable moral ethics of Stanley Kubrick's LOLITA.»
Bruce, meanwhile, is a journalist for the The Hawkins Post, with questionable morals and a sick sense of humor.
Herman Koch's bestselling novel The Dinner featured a family with questionable morals and several unsavory characters.
She has affairs, has questionable morals, learns to schmooze and make huge deals.
The financial industry is awash with questionable morals.
The third issue conservationists do not typically address is the questionable moral legitimacy of lethal management.
After a falling out with his previous employer (due to questionable morals) as a mercenary for hire he begins working as a freelancer.
The game begins with Cole working his way up the ranks and dealing with other officers who have questionable morals, while solving some very grisly crimes.
Most NPE's are nothing more than a couple of patent attorneys, with questionable morals, who submit patent claims for others» inventions hoping they beat the inventor to it.
Even if he doesn't go that far, the fact that you are dating during your marriage paints you as someone of questionable morals, which may impact custody, alimony or visitation issues.
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