Sentences with phrase «questionable sources»

"Questionable sources" refers to information or references that may not be reliable, trustworthy, or accurate. It implies that the sources are not credible and their validity is uncertain. Full definition
Also try to avoid borrowing money from questionable sources like payday lenders and finance companies.
You know, those yellow boxes that contain an entire day's worth of sodium and highly questionable sources of meat.
Why settle for cocoa powders with extra fillers and little to no nutritional value, not to mention questionable sourcing?
Unfortunately inexpensive leather jackets look cheap & no doubt come from questionable sources so I don't even entertain the thought of buying one of those.
Be sure to avoid questionable sources or you may end up with a dog that has a host of problems.
Internet marketing for lawyers is not a quick fix that can be found through questionable sources.
Raw fish, especially obtained from questionable sources, is a great environment for various parasites that can make your dog sick.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has accused some church leaders in the country of not only encouraging corruption but also celebrating people with questionable sources of wealth.
Mixes on the other hand are traded around on classifieds, picked up from friends, backyard breeders, shelters, and other questionable sources for fairly cheap.
As teachers, we've probably seen students use questionable sources in our classrooms, and a recent study from the Stanford History Education Group confirms that students today are generally pretty bad at evaluating the news and other information they see online.
It often comes from questionable sources like China.
Humans are still not evolved much beyond animals — we believe a book that was, literally, cobbled together from several questionable sources all in the name of bringing as many religions together as possible over 2000 years ago.
Sadly, these skills are being lost to Wikipedia, spell - check, blogs and many questionable sources of information.
Where I get long - winded and attempt to back - up some pretty questionable sources.
No matter what email client you use and how profusely they claim to block spam, you are likely to get many spam offers from questionable sources asking to trade links and market your website.
Especially with questionable sources from China containing such toxins as formaldehyde, arsenic, and other contaminants.
Secondly, Americans also have a major issue about the SIZE of these MEGA MOSQUES when the local Muslim community is TINY, and thirdly the SOURCE OF FUNDS which most Americans rightfully fear is often times from Saudi & other questionable sources (with a soft public face to decieve Americans).
Efforts that, as ever, lead to only one highly questionable source.
Police have busted an array of questionable sources of prescription drugs, from a Niagara County doctor to pharmacies.
The bottle's filter is designed to remove and / or dramatically reduce a vast array of health - threatening contaminants from questionable sources of water, including remote lakes and streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries where regulations may be sub-standard, at best.
This is one way to describe the endless, fruitless goose chase of executing marketing advice from questionable sources.
This is because the data is often scraped or crowdsourced from questionable sources and it's collected once and never updated.
A statement by the DSS, which was made available to the Nigeria Politics Online Saturday afternoon, showed that about $ 2million and other foreign currencies of questionable sources were found in the residence of one of the judges while a South South Governor equally provided cover to the judge.
Seeking to regain access to drugs that have passed constitutional muster, several states, including Texas, South Dakota and Georgia, are turning to a questionable source: compounding pharmacies.
But based on my reading of Chapter One, if one were to strip away the questionable sources, there would be precious little left.
I hope that this trend is here to stay, as these small - batch goods with a story are far more responsible than mass - produced, wear - and - tear home accessories from large chains that are often made with questionable sourcing and production methods.
While the data arose from a questionable source -LRB-
While the data arose from a questionable source (Cosmopolitan), it reflects a general feeling of «meh» that many of my patients and online clients have toward sex.
Back when HRT was first developed, the only drugs available were synthetic and made from questionable sources.
Trying to get his life back on track, Dexter hunts a new target, but is distracted and drawn into a precarious situation while helping his troubled acquaintance; Batista discovers an interesting lead in the Santa Muerte murder cases; Quinn learns some new information about Dexter from a questionable source.
To undue her mistake, she sets out on a mission with three Lords to retrieve a wish from a questionable source.
Sometimes the tips they find are from questionable sources and can do more damage than good.
Believe it or not, but it sometimes pays to heed the financial advice of questionable sources.
You can also urge (by petition, boycott or peaceful demonstration) your local pet stores to supply pets from local shelters instead of buying them from questionable sources.
Cheap sticks can be from questionable sources and may not be processed properly.
At the same time, fewer and fewer institutions purchase dogs from random - source Class B dealers, not least because, in October 2014, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stopped funding research involving dogs procured from these questionable sources.
The most important thing to remember though is that cheap medication from questionable sources should never be purchased, even as a last resort.
We have never ever purchased a single puppy from a questionable source or a puppy broker.»
Generically named meats generally come from questionable sources.
Timon of Athens is a corrupted text of indeterminate history, questionable sources, and a dubious relationship to the respected canon.
Having conducted interviews with Solomon and a dozen of his former colleagues, I've come away with a better understanding of how the Energy Probe Research Foundation was created in his image while utilizing his gift for rhetoric, a talent for securing funding — albeit from questionable sources, such as the oil industry — and a never - waning vision of free markets and property rights as an all - encompassing panacea.
The National Science Teachers Association sent a letter to its members in April about the «misleading teaching information from a questionable source» and posted recommended climate resources for members on its website.
But based on my reading of Chapter One, if one were to strip away the questionable sources, there would be precious little left.
The Nunes memo alleges that the FBI may have relied on «politically motivated or questionable sources» to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance -LSB-...]
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