Sentences with word «quidditch»

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup This game released along side the fourth movie in the series.
The Valley of Ben Nevis — The tallest Mountain in the British Isles, the valley below was used for the filming of Quidditch Matches in the movies.
His narration brings out both the charming humor in J.K. Rowling's writing, and the vibrant characters that have inhabited the world of Quidditch throughout time.
After careful consideration, I've decided to stop playing football in favor of trying out for the university of Michigan quidditch team.
LEGO Harry can cast an adorable LEGO version of his stag Patronus, and there's also pretty magnificent looking Quidditch pitch - themed Battle Arena to look forward to.
Here, you can try kayaking in the pitch black in a Perspex kayak off the shore of Moreton Island, go diving with manta rays or if you're a die - hard Harry Potter fan, go play Quidditch with fellow muggles at the City Botanic Gardens.
Today, the expanded universe of books are now officially on sale with Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
In the book, Harry plays several Quidditch games, each meant to help elevate his self - worth and to continue in the competition between the four houses of Hogwarts (Harry and his crew belong to Griffindor, which competes with the slightly evil Slythern house).
Harry Potter spent a great deal of his time at Hogwarts school either training for or competing in Quidditch matches, meaning the sport is tightly interwoven into the Potter lore.
There's no time for Quidditch here.
On August 10th 2016, the garden will also play host to a Harry Potter Hogwarts Banquet, complete with Quidditch matches and Butter Beer.
However, this year has seen movement on a prequel series of films, a documentary about real life Quidditch players, and even a short story updating the...
Radagast the Brown's rabbit sled brings to mind the awful Quidditch scenes in the early Harry Potter films.
Seeing the Hogwarts Quidditch field engulfed in flames is surprisingly moving.
Presumably it would take more than skills at Quidditch to defeat the dreaded Dark Lord.
The world of Harry Potter is very real to some people, so real in fact that there are live Quidditch matches and yes, college teams.
This isn't really the medium for big action CGI - laden climaxes, although admirably, an elemental on - field challenge between Justin and Alex (which clearly aspires to a Harry Potter Quidditch match in visuals) isn't so bad.
For fans of the book, Harry's first Quidditch match clocks in as the high point of the film.
They also have a chance to engage in exciting wizard duels, mix and brew magical ingredients in Potions class and take to the air to lead the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory.
Through several quidditch matches and duels, Holmes and Radcliffe worked together to create amazing stunts and exciting scenes for years.
J.K. Rowling has been writing about Quidditch for Pottermore since March 2014.
There's a wide range of other options out there: archery, sport stacking, Ultimate, water polo, even Quidditch!
This year, for the seventh World Cup, author and inventor of flying Quidditch JK Rowling reported on the match, commentating as Ginny Weasley, long time fan of the sport.
The students engage in a spirited game of the wizard sport known as Quidditch.
Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys.
LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express, Quidditch Match and Hogwarts Whomping Willow sets unveiled
In addition she will come with a second Quidditch arena for the Battle Arena in the Harry Potter Adventure World
Thankfully, from my perspective, there is no 15 - minute Quidditch scene, and no phallic broomstick chases of any sort, which I've always felt as redundant and useless after the first film's depiction of them.
But if your office also has a pool for the Oscars, the Grammys, the US Open, the World Cup, the Commonwealth Cricket Games, and the Intergalactic Quidditch Championships, the more likely you are to get attention you don't want.
What's the connection of the unattributed Quidditch photo at an anonymous college to the story???
Do NOT pour the olive oil on top and try to brush, the eggplant will soak it up «faster than you can say quidditch
Last I checked Quidditch wasn't paid for by the university.
Sure Watson has been struggling to create effective offensive sets (or so it would seem at least), but it would be unfair to ignore the growth curve he displayed while coaching quidditch.
Safe to assume Johnson would be a pretty solid Quidditch player.
Or if Harry Potter is more up your alley, check out the Harry Potter: Quidditch Delue Book and Model Set.
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry's tense Quidditch match against Slytherin results in one of his arms being broken by a rogue bludger.
For anyone unlucky enough to have his pudendal and perineal nerves traumatically stimulated, Leventhal recommends ice for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling, heat for the next 24 to stimulate blood flow and hasten healing, and perhaps giving up softball for a pastime like quoits, or perhaps some online Quidditch.
For those of us who have been with the Harry Potter series since there was still Quidditch in the movies and the possibility of Hermione with a pixie cut seemed unimaginable, this week's premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is as bittersweet as it is exciting.
Because isn't that what all families do at get - togethers, play Quidditch together?
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Silent, stoic and just looking for love like everyone's favourite quidditch player.
Looking to hang out with other potterheads, I could only find a «quidditch club» in Seattle but that's Kind of far away.
I'm a 20 year old quidditch player who regularly bounces around the country refereeing tournaments.
Terribly flawed audio, bland visuals, cut scenes that make no sense in the context of the preceding or following gameplay, miserable Quidditch, horrible potion - making and awkward dueling all add up to make this title a train wreck from which you can look away.
Two minutes of Quidditch distracts enough from evil Lord Voldemort's rise amid the TriWizard Tournament, a three - person competition in which our wizard hero finds himself an unexpected fourth competitor.
When we played in Harry Potter's quidditch stadium, the action was fast, funny and frantic.
Without rules, Ready Player One has created Quidditch: a sport by someone who has never watched sports in their life.
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