Sentences with word «quintillion»

The word "quintillion" is a very large number equivalent to 1 followed by 18 zeros. Full definition
Hello Games, the developer of No Man's Sky, essentially programmed a fictional version of that mathematical equation, and then flipped a switch that created the over 18 quintillion planets of the Euclid Galaxy in which No Man's Sky takes place.
This is one of quintillions of planets in No Man's Sky.
IBM estimates that we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, and because of the quantity of data and the sophisticated algorithms required to decipher it, run - of - the - mill business analysts can't cope with it effectively.
Sean Murray and his team at Hello Games used an algorithm and procedural generation to create a universe of 18.4 quintillion unique planets — that's 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets, if you want to be precise — and you can travel to, and explore, each and every one.
The exploration trailer offers viewers a look at the different procedurally generated planets they will visit (the trailer claims there are over 18 quintillion possible planet configurations), as well as the fact that players will be able to tag and discover the wildlife and plant - life they encounter.
We combine Bloomberg's global leadership in business and financial news and data, with Quintillion Media's deep expertise in the Indian market and digital news delivery, to provide high quality business news, insights and trends for India's sophisticated audiences.
Exascale computing Supercomputing three orders of magnitude above the current frontier, with quintillions of calculations per second.
Their next step is to continue to rework HipMCL and other computational biology tools for future exascale systems, which will be able to compute quintillion calculations per second.
According to their fairy tale, they believed that, upon their deaths, they instantly landed into the lap of Jesus for the next quintillion years.
Between 2000 and 2011, glaciologist Jason Box estimates that darkened ice caused the Greenland ice sheet to absorb an extra 172 quintillion joules of energy — enough to double melt rates.
No Man's Sky, the first - person space exploration and survival game developed by Hello Games, presents us a universe filled with some 18 quintillion procedurally generated planets.
Or, as the Guardian's Alex Hern wrote, it's «a competition to waste the most electricity possible by doing pointless arithmetic quintillions of times a second.»
Insects are nothing if not abundant; according to some estimates, there are as many as 10 quintillion insects alive at any one moment.
No Man's Sky is orders of magnitude bigger, for one, with a playable universe of 18 quintillion different planets, all with their own terrain, weather and ecosystems able to be scanned, harvested and explored.
Despite the fact that sildenafil was the only compound that Pfizer had tested and demonstrated to induce erections, Pfizer artfully drafted the patent to cover an estimated 260 quintillion compounds, effectively hiding the true invention.
With an additional plugboard capable of swapping letters, Enigma had about 159 quintillion settings.
As mathematician Jeff Bergen of DePaul University explains, there are more than 9 quintillion ways — a 9 followed by 18 zeros — to fill out the diagram of all the NCAA tournament pairings and outcomes (aka, the bracket).
A desolate, virtually starless, 2.5 million light - year gulf — that's nearly 15 quintillion miles — separates our home galaxy, the Milky Way, from its nearest sizable neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy.
It's planned to be an «exascale» machine — one that performs 1 exaflops, or quintillion floating - point operations per second.
If it were up to me, I think I would change the title to The Hobbit: The Battle of Four Armies vs. One Quintillion Orcs.
No Man's Sky promised the freedom to explore quintillions of planets, seamlessly switching from trawling through alien jungles to fighting other ships in space.
-- Earlier in the day, it was reported that Raghav Bahl - owned Quintillion Media's publishing product Quintype raised $ 3.25 million from Bahl himself and other unnamed investors.
If King Francis would have been so wise as to put that money away into an investment that yielded just 7 % per year (roughly the average annual performance of the U.S. Stock market over its history) his $ 580,000 in 1517 would have been worth over 6.9 QUINTILLION dollars in 1962.
The universe in NMS is literally quintillions of planets in size.
Sean Murray and the team at Hello Games spoke of a procedurally generated universe that would create quintillions of planets for players to explore, with all manner of life waiting to be discovered.
Consider this: the volume of the Earth's atmosphere is 4.2 billion cubic kilometers and its mass is in excess of five quintillion kilograms.
Anchorage - based Quintillion Networks has resumed work on a major fiber - optic cable project that'll improve broadband internet service in five communities in northern Alaska.
Quintillion hopes to link the Alaska cable to a larger system that eventually will run from Japan to Europe.
Personnel aboard a ship contracted by Quintillion prepare to reel out more of the fiber - optic cable the company has been burying in the floor of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off Alaska's coast since last summer.
Further, the specification did not contain any information to support the view that sildenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is a separate invention from the use of any of the other quintillions of claimed compounds for that same purpose.
In a cascade of claims, Pfizer claimed a series of uses of compounds to treat erectile dysfunction starting with a claim that encompassed quintillions, and ending with two claims for individual compounds, one of which was the active ingredient in VIAGRA.
That amount in numbers is actually 2.5 quintillion bytes per day.
Through procedural generation we have allowed our engine to create over 18 quintillion unique life events including jobs, relationships, family emergencies, legal troubles, self - destructive tendencies, and even a million different forms of existential dread.
Claim 1 set out a general formula which could produce 260 quintillion possible compounds used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Eventually, in 10 - 100 quintillion years, these stellar remnants will either have escaped their galaxy's pull, or will have spiraled into the supermassive black hole at the center.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, manufacturing accounts for one - fifth of the annual energy consumption in the United States — approximately 21 quintillion joules (20 quadrillion BTU) or equivalent to 3.6 billion barrels of crude oil.
Calling it an open world experience simply doesn't do it justice — the title has 18 quintillion procedurally generated planets to discover.
We combine Bloomberg's global leadership in business and financial news and data, with Quintillion Media's deep expertise in the Indian market and digital news delivery, to provide high quality business news, insights and trends for India's sophisticated audiences.
We combine Bloomberg's global leadership in business and financial news and data, with Quintillion Media's deep expertise in the Indian market and digital news delivery, to provide high quality business news, insights and trends for India's sophisticated audiences.
In simplified terms, bitcoin mining is a competition to waste the most electricity possible by doing pointless arithmetic quintillions of times a second.
There is the painstaking work of taxonomists who continue to catalogue the earth's estimated 10 quintillion insects; the Greek island beekeepers; and the Zika - fighting mosquitoes in Brazil.
This array of small cubes, known as cubies, can be twisted and turned into 43 quintillion different configurations.
The best atomic clock will only be out of sync 3.5 times in every 10 quintillion ticks.
For more on No Man's Sky be sure to check out our previous coverage of the first of the four No Man's Sky trailers which focuses on exploration, and how the 18 quintillion planets in No Man's Sky take up only 6 GB of disk space.
In No Man's Sky, everything outside of the game's single story thread is a side objective, copied and pasted hundreds of quintillions of times across the universe.
Consider that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, according to IBM (ibm).
To the fan, the tournament's unpredictability is it's allure — there are 9.2 quintillion possible outcomes for how a 68 - team bracket can unfold.
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