Sentences with phrase «quotation from someone»

If you think the site can or should tolerate any amount of quotation from external copyrighted sources, why?
If you are putting in a direct quotation from a book, you necessarily have to include the page number on which the sentence appears.
Your accomplishment was also noteworthy since one of the company's investors insisted on involving another senior insurance agent who was unable to obtain a firm quotation from any insurance carrier.
You can obtain surrender quotation from the branch of your money plus policy only after completion of 3 years.
This means that you will most likely get a similar quotation from a different insurer.
Therefore this quality, essential for any priest, is declared once more, not with quotations from scripture, not with bold pronouncements, but with a scene from the earthly life of the historical Jesus, or as the writer puts it, «in the days of his flesh.»
True, Whitehead is mentioned favorably (79, 225) in quotations from two of the authors» heroes: Paul Shepard and Arne Naess.
Richardson uses quotation from Newman liberally, eschewing Gerard Manley Hopkin's criticism of Newman's «narrow circle of instance and quotation» which had dissatisfied him on first reading The Grammar.
The cards also included quotations from scripture highlighting the Christian responsibility to care for creation.
The myths are framed by quotations from various critics of megachurches.
Several performers read bits of quotations from various historical figures including President Lyndon B. Johnson, Pope Paul VI and even Adolf Hitler, alongside snippets of media coverage, creating a sort of verbal collage.
To what has already been said about it we may add that it ends with the same quotation from Psalm 118 that was shouted by the crowd at Jesus» entrance into Jerusalem.
1:13, which was deliberately omitted in the longer quotation from Isaiah above:
The book contains many quotations from mothers» own birth stories which describe a variety of joyful experiences.
In an opening shot that may as well be a direct quotation from John Carpenter's «The Thing,» a meteor originating from deep space streaks past the camera, striking a lighthouse along the United States coastline.
Getting quotations from as many companies as you can allows you to make comparisons.
Once, Satan quotes Scripture to support his proposal, but Jesus rejects all three temptations with quotations from Scripture.
It is a phrase from a longer quotation from Martin Luther King.
One reader, a Dr. UK has found a very apposite quotation from Shakespeare's A Midsummer -LSB-...]
With dozens of Quotations from Luther, Feuerbach demonstrates to his own satisfaction that self - love — egoism, narcissism — motivates Protestant piety, and that the piety itself creates the God it needs and wants.
The following quotation from Paul Davies, a well - known contemporary scientist and writer, illustrates the negative light in which the idea of revelation is often perceived today:
Requesting for quotations from companies helps to update the consumer about the changes in the market.
A list of key quotations from Lord of the Flies that students can learn.
A point of further importance for ethics is included in the above quotations from Whitehead.
There are some anecdotes from the author's own experience, including times when she changed her approach or ideas, and text - boxes with quotations from other home educating parents.
'' [Demand fed] babies are sixty times more likely to have colic and colic like symptoms than a PCF [parent - controlled feeding] baby» (p. 57; see also quotation from page 123, below).
We have been telling our dear readers that in order to find cheaper insurance premiums they need to use a comparison - shopping website in order to acquire multiple insurance quotations from various companies.
sixty times more likely to have colic and colic like symptoms than a PCF [parent - controlled feeding] baby» (p. 57; see also quotation from page 123, below).
Its positive counterpart is added in an abridged quotation from Deuteronomy (23:23), «You shall be careful to perform what has passed your lips, for you have voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised with your mouth.»
This answer is rooted in the following quotation from Process and Reality «This genetic passage from phase to phase [of concrescence] is not in physical time» (283).
Generally, the estimated costs of repairs as provided by building surveyors or experts (typically backed up by one or more quotations from repair contractors) are preferred, rather than the estimates of non-expert repair contractors.
Furthermore we must note carefully that in the important work we have referred to, this theology is based on quotations from the Greek Church Fathers and councils — but there is almost no biblical foundation.
this is an astonishingly brilliant collection of important quotations from Christian and Hindu sources for GCSE students.
It seems many of the the atheists can only hash out the usual slogans (delusional, fairy tales, Santa Claus ect) and select quotations from scripture (The bad parts... yes the bad parts are there too) As a skeptic myself I'm not impressed.
At Daring Fireball, John Gruber runs a list of quotations from reviews of the just - released Microsoft Surface Pro, all of which contain «the C word»: compromise.
The diary contained obsessively detailed daily records of Beecroft's eating habits, accompanied by notes about, among other things, guilt feelings, psychiatric visits, comments on her parents, and quotations from Karl Marx.
Mike Huckabee closed his keynote on the «curse» of «judicial supremacy» with an extended quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham City Jail.
It used to be harder to get price quotations from various insurance companies.
In the opening quotation from Adventure of Ideas, Whitehead uses the word «nerves» to describe the role of «importance» in philosophy.
This being the onset of the season of Lent ¯ when Christians think especially on the reality of sin in their lives ¯ I thought I would offer a string of quotations from Newman appropriate to this season now begun, a catena, as it were, of «edifying discourses» from a master at homiletical brilliance.
Using tobacco as both subject and object, the exhibition includes Xu Bing's adaptations of historical texts and graphics: a book made of whole tobacco leaves and printed with an early - seventeenth - century account of Jamestown, Virginia; a poem composed from historical tobacco brand names and printed on cigarette paper; and Chinese cigarettes printed with selections from Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse - Tung (the «Little Red Book»).
This resume uses quotations from past employers to reiterate their success.
The difference in settings is important because the Church faced the task of taking the words of Jesus to a particular audience and presenting them as the word of the Lord in a new situation.2 It took both wisdom and courage for the Church to assume this awesome burden of interpreting, but to have failed to do so out of an overwhelming reverence for quotations from Jesus would have ended the work Jesus began.
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