Sentences with phrase «quote from one's book»

Critical literal essay ideas must be supported with quotes from a book; you have to show the reader the root of your idea.
Maybe it's a question, maybe it's asking them to share their favorite quote from your book.
You can't quote from a book to a person that does not believe the book.
Love the idea of using quotes from your book to create interest.
You've probably been seeing quotes from the book over the past month as I've been reading along.
That's why I recommend that authors quote from their book or blog and attribute that wisdom to the book title or company name.
I was also quoting from our book with the author's name, name of book.
He could still recall the exact quote from the book — maybe because it reminded him of things in his foster homes he wanted to forget.
When writing an review writing services, the reviewer also must include relevant quotes from the book to provide strength to his arguments.
Readers love short quotes from books that they can share on social media.
I brought it along on a trip last week and read it front to back, and thought I'd write a quick post with just a few quotes from the book.
I rant about quotes from books that I haven't read in their entirety.
The cafe was scattered with lovely little quotes from the book which caught my eyes.
Soon I'll be sharing a link to fun artwork and downloadable quotes from the book that you can use for yourself and to help me to spread the word about the book.
Post about the book release or share quotes from the book on Facebook or Twitter.
In an important move for readers, a new social networking app called Nook Friends will allow Nook users to, our Technology blog writes, «see what their friends are reading, read reviews of books, loan books to each other, share quotes from a book, list their progress in a book and recommend a title to a buddy.»
The article also quotes from a book by Bart Ehrman, due out in March.
You can also create images just for Tumblr, such as quotes from your books, favorite author quotes, quotes about reading, books, libraries, etc..
In February 2014 the company announced an update to its app that lets users make mentions to their friends, giving them the ability to highlight titles and pull direct quotes from the book, even if their friends are not currently engaged in the book.
Race against live opponents typing quotes from books Play Age Of Speed - Master the race tracks of the future as you tackle huge jumps.
Quotes from a book written by old, ethnocentric Hebrew men from the Middle East...?!
Here is a mind blowing quote from the book, Convict Conditioning 2 by Paul Coach Wade.
I see your blog posts and your Facebook updates, I see you typing favourite quotes from the book on top of the beautiful photos you take on holidays, I see you in my mentions on Twitter, I see your names in my email inbox with your precious stories shared, I see you in the crowd when I preach.
In the meantime, please stop quoting from the book, it'll only serve to entrench those who will read from a different one.
As for why I say almost certainly not real, I'll give you a Dawkins quote from his book The God Delusion.
The parson quoted from a book to prove his point, citing that, after all, God is love.
This is when I began quoting from the book of Job and cursing my speaking agent for getting me into this mess.
Adam, you're spewing quotes from a book that was written in a language you don't understand in a time before modern science existed.
Nevertheless, it is in one of the other Gospels, Matthew, that we find a clue to the basis of the eschatological estimate of Galilee — the passage quoted from the Book of Isaiah:
At this point, Jesus quoted from the Book of Psalms, where it is written: «I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High» (Psalm 82:6).
The damage to the reputation of the Labour party of their shadow chancellor quoting from the book of the biggest mass murderer in history is hard to exaggerate.
Indeed, Bookstein talks quickly — in perfectly composed paragraphs, as if quoting from a book — and types even faster.
to the point I can say quotes from book and movie and the rest ~ well just ask:)
Two quotes from the book for women with ms: Building americas trust act, in august.
Race against live opponents typing quotes from books Watch Two Cuties Play a Stripping Speed Color Game online on.
It opens with a cryptic quote from The Book of Invasions (c 1150): «Hallow be their name / And blest be their claim / If you who trespass put down roots / Then Hallow be your name.»
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