Sentences with phrase «quote from the article»

I want to share a few quotes from this article that really stick out to me.
Some key quotes from the article... Traditional leadership development programs have missed the mark for years, as they tried to make leaders into someone different.
Put together some compelling quotes from articles and interviews.
The person provides more quotes from articles where one researcher disagrees with another.
Could someone provide a couple of examples that fit this description quoted from the article?
Here's a few quotes from the article that make it easy to understand.
As quoted from this article by CNN, he chose an unrelated bill to be used for the debate.
Here's my favorite quote from the article which keeps making me laugh: «An update from the world of canine wellness news: Dog meditation is officially I thing.
The analysis of the figures is fascinating - as quoted from the article: Some of the major findings were::: Blockers: 20 per cent of Australian businesses block employee access to the sites.
Might it be that we believe in «being honest, chaste, benevolent and doing good to all men» (a direct quote from our Articles of Faith).
But I just couldn't hold back after the following quote from an article entitled «Why Content Marketing is the Only Link Building That Counts» on Brafton:
by Taran Parmar Posted on 2/7/2017 3:06 PM Quote from article: Selina Robinson, the NDP Critic for Mental Health and Addictions, insists this action is coming too late.
Quoting from an article published in the Calgary Herald in 27 May 2014
Pretty sure the below quote from the article above alleges that point but why actually read when you can comment first right?
[Quote from article]» The two areas of expertise in the survey with the smallest percentage of participants answering yes to question 2 were economic geology with 47 % (48 of 103) and meteorology with 64 % (23 of 36).»
Key quote from their article How to Position Your Company in the 3D Value Chain:
Officials say several news sources took an incorrect quote from an article and attributed it wrongly to Pope Francis.
If the headline's not bad enough, here's an actual quote from the article: «You're a mammal.
A pull - quote from the article reads, «Perhaps one byproduct of the yoga boom will be a collective cry: «Stop the madness!
Here's a pull quote from an article he wrote about why he didn't get fat overeating a high fat, low carb diet:
-LSB-...] given the state of self - publishing today (a realistic quote from that article: «• Very few writers of any stripe earn serious -LSB-...]
This one quote from the article bugs me because it was this mentality that helped cause the housing bubble in the first place:
(Actually, I'm not making this up, the exact quote from the article is: «There are plenty of things to do in Miami.»
Quoted from the «Fun at Work» blog by Robin Thompson who quoted from an article in the June 20th 2005 edition of the Register - Herald in Beckley, West Virginia.
Other new features that were in the code include the ability to sync the calendar to add events to better «organize your day,» as well as sharing quotes from articles and updates to only a few friends.
Quoting from this article by CNN - the «ruling is almost entirely based on the «intent of the Trump administration»».
Quoting from an article in Popular Mechanics 4/2000; «Selective breeding of Labrador and Golden retrievers has produced an improved strain of dog guides for the blind.
News Talk 980 CKNW CKNW News Staff Posted: February 07, 2017 02:36 pm Last Updated: February 07, 2017 02:51 pm Quote from article: NDP Health spokesperson for mental health and addictions, Selina Robinson says despite Tuesday's announcement, help...
Below are quotes from an article published on March 28, 2018 in The Wall Street Journal titled «Warning Sign: Tech Stocks Are Dominating Global Markets Like Never Before»:
Just a few quotes from the article will put things in perspective:
very good review for a game that many are excited about... one of the best quotes from the article, «This is the fast - paced skirmish gameplay of Call of Duty viewed through the lens of Battlefield devs DICE.
by Barbara Roden Feb 7, 2017 Quote from article: Coquitlam - Maillardville MLA Selina Robinson, the NDP's spokesperson for seniors, is disappointed to find that the situation regarding daily care for seniors has got worse since the 2015 report.
By Jon Azpiri Global News March 1, 2017 Quote from article: «I was moved from the emergency room proper on a gurney to the lobby and there were four other gurneys there with screens around them.
Quote from article... «Even then, Obama convincingly makes the point that faith has no place in politics and that because we do not share common spiritual eyesight, we can only share common laws.
My favorite quote from this article: «Obviously, this study doesn't prove the nonexistence of God.
As evidence that the humane meat movement is undercutting animal rights, properly understood, he quotes from an article by former vegetarian Tessie Williams.
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