Sentences with phrase «quote mining»

Maybe quote mining and taking things out of context doesn't lead to a logical conclusion.
Ironically, as Jews were persecuted by Christians for centuries to follow, Jews were thrown in prison for objecting to Christians for quote mining and minimizing their faith.
Even worse, discussion of these two papers at World Climate Report contains some of the most egregious examples of quote mining and distortions of others» work I have ever seen.
First, what you have done is called quote mining — taking a quote, or a partial quote and posting it out of context so that it seems the author said or means something they did not say or mean.
The truth project was blatantly intelligent design and loaded with quote mines, arguments from ignorance, god of the gaps, strawmen, etc...
Again, I note you didn't address the dishonesty of Strobel's book; whether quoting a direct misrepresentation from a non-scientist, or via a quote from someone who died long before molecular biology provided the basis for understanding how such transitions can occur, or via the earlier example of a clear quote mine.
Did these brilliant men contradict themselves, or is this yet another instance of religionist quote mining?
You should actually go and read what the JD really says: Or check this article on FAIR lds: See Quote mining — Journal of Discourses 11:269 to see how this quote was mined.
especially partial quote mining,...» Well yes, it's dishonest, but how else to make sure the debate stays in the framework of his narrative?
«Patterson has been quote mined several times by creationists, most notably from a tape recording of a talk he gave in 1981 at the American Museum of Natural History for a systematics discussion group.
How come you didn't notice how blatantly Nova had quote mined Pinker?
Fuji Television Network's Houdoukyoku media arm quotes the mine's lab leader as saying, «The assets we acquire here will be invested into our smart contract business operations.
The fact that the attacks towards Skeptical Science consist of conspiracy theories and quote mining from stolen private correspondence testifies to the high quality content created by the SkS team and the success of the SkS forum internal review quality control system.
Whichever moniker one prefers for the latest release of stolen CRU emails, it is very clear that a new round of out - of - context quote mining and error - filled «analysis» is already unfolding.
It has been pointed out again and again how your quote mining has failed and yet you don't acknowledge it and even persist in doing so.
(Thanks for all the additional «quote mining» from the other people of reason out there.
Why is quote mining and taking statements out of context OK for a Creationist to do with Origin, but not OK for an atheist to do with the Bible?
For your quote mining, I want you to read between the lines: I'm holding the three longest fingers of my hand together.
Perhaps they will one day, if they become aware of Chad's quote mining, respond as Newton might have done:
Steve # 201, I see you haven't given up your quote mining habits.
NTZ's goal - post shifting, straw - man arguments, and quote mining / cherry picking result in a lopsided description of 1970s climate science.
McIntyre has been accused of «quote mining» material from the stolen CRU emails with the purpose of suggesting the IPCC was hiding information.
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