Sentences with phrase «rating system»

A rating system is a way to assess or evaluate something, usually using a scale or numbers, to determine its quality or value. It helps you understand how good or bad something is based on the assigned rating. Full definition
The system helps you find a quality program for your child, much like a star rating system for restaurants and hotels.
Once you have experienced a professional from our site, we encourage you to rate them using our 5 - star rating system so that others can be informed about your experiences with them.
That kind of rating system «will probably come after the technology is on the road, just as it did for regular cars,» she says.
The world moved to a floating exchange rate system in the early 1970s.
Not many, if the state's new ratings system for schools is a good gauge.
This use of an investigative grand jury is the greatest conceptual departure of this proposal from current rating systems used by states.
I don't understand the value of bonus points being awarded in a school rating system for the public.
Do you believe that this new base rate system will be beneficial to loan borrowers?
A beautiful layout will greet your visitors while the extensive interactive features, such as in - built rating systems, will keep them coming back time and again.
As a real estate agent, he wanted to learn about energy rating systems for homes.
The «three - quarter ton» and «one ton» names come from the same outdated rating system as the «half ton» designation for full - size trucks.
The credit rating system used most frequently by banks and credit card companies is where the issue gets murky.
She has worked in multiple states as a coach and facilitator to early childhood programs, supporting them in their pursuit of accreditation and other quality rating systems and programs.
«These benefits should be closely considered when developing rating systems for individual vegetables,» he said.
Understanding how credit rating system works is important since this three - digit number will decide if you will get credit at all.
Each score has a different rating system based on the type of loan you're getting.
It's one of the few ways to judge medical or surgical ability, since there is no skill rating system for veterinarians.
Each rating agency has its own rating system for analyzing the financial strength of an insurance company.
However, this is not to say that governments adopted a pure free - floating exchange rate system.
A good place to start would be to follow our dog food ratings system and pay attention to the most important dog food evaluation factors listed by our veterinarians.
The updated system relies on the same four - tiered rating system used by the city since 2015, where educators are rated as highly effective, effective, developing or ineffective.
Featuring our exclusive In - Person Ratings system which encourages people to actually meet each other in person.
This is a peer - review rating system that recognizes attorneys who have been tested and proven for high ethical standards and legal ability.
The rise of online rating systems make finding a good attorney better in some ways, and worse in others.
A Flat Extra premium involves a risk (or a set of risks) that a typical life insurance rating system does not address.
The governor has proposed a teacher rating system that would base 50 percent of an instructor's evaluation on student performance on state tests — an increase from the current 20 percent.
A feature - by - feature star - rating system allows readers to see at a glance what the dating site has to offer and what it's best at.
You can also select different game rating systems if it's more appropriate for your location or if you like a certain system better than another.
A new rating system helps consumers easily determine what tools will work best for their pet, and updated packaging makes comparisons easier as well.
Our fund rating system tells you everything you need to know about a fund in one glance.
«Why go through the torture of creating something punitive,» she says of the proposed ratings system.
Thirty - five plans included a career - focused metric in their high school accountability rating systems.
The result was the federal loan interest rate system in place today.
The experience rating system (giving penalties and rebates according to «reported» accidents and «reported» recovery) is a «moral crisis».
The county later passed a voluntary rating system for pet stores.
A point rating system is used to determine their quality.
The new system, which takes after some sort of food content rating system is based on traffic lights.
This is a proprietary rating system that is similar to a credit score in that it is predictive of the likelihood of loan default.
The above characteristics also qualify stocks for a «Very Attractive» or «Attractive» Rating, according to our stock rating system.
This résumé also includes a four - level rating system in which some of the skills listed are not rated at a full four bars.
There isn't a standard ratings system between each agencies.
This group could be helping to educate parents about the existing ratings system, and on how to learn about games their kids are buying.
If you're a developer, you might want to update your app to comply with the new age rating system.
Keep in mind that your auto insurance company does not need to follow the Safe Driver Discount guidelines, but they do have to have a merit - based driver rating system.
It comes with a hydraulic dual diagonal circuit, vacuum assisted braking with a dual rate system.
Consumers should also check the financial stability of a life insurance provider from a third party rating system before putting money into a product.
The table rating system typically means that your pricing for life insurance will be the Standard price plus 25 % for every step down the table you are.
Under the old rating system of 1955 that would equate to about 325 hp and 350 pounds of torque.
If they set up an effective rating system, it'd give retailers something to go by.
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