Sentences with phrase «reality sets»

Then reality set in when you realized that for this marvelous, original idea to come to fruition, you would have to create it yourself.
Then reality set in when you realized that for this marvelous, original idea to come to fruition, you would have to create it yourself.
«That's when reality set in for me and I realized how much better I had to do everything and how much harder it would be,» he says.
As reality sets in, he must decide whether his legacy will be to tell jokes for a living or become the butt of them.
Create a platform for doing job interviews in a virtual reality setting.
And the sooner you can do that before reality sets in, the better!
While I suspect even this simple resolution will be difficult to keep once reality sets in, I figure saying it out loud will help my chances.
You can also use this tip to hide the Mixed Reality settings from the Settings page.
He said he had the sense that «inevitable reality set in» that Silver couldn't continue as speaker.
Come check - out, the bitter reality sets in.
I wanted to like this so much but unfortunately reality set in and I was completely let down.
And yes, fantasy might work in some cases, but it doesn't go far at the workplace... that's where reality sets in as we go about our daily tasks.
However, pregnant travellers should let reality set in.
Of course reality set in and if we were to grow our blog we had to learn about it all.
Building on work in rodents showing that brain regions involved in memory are activated when the animals experience a virtual reality setting, in our experiments we will extend these results to primates.
I believe that when emotions drive a politician's success, it will inevitably lead to their fall when reality sets in.
We thought about making a cake for a full minute before reality set in.
The company is using the browser as a platform to figure out the best ways to interact with web pages in a mixed reality setting.
Then reality sets in, and they must face the fact that while their cancer is «gone» there's still the chance that it can come back with a vengeance.
Everybody would be happy at least until reality sets in and the Ax falls.
In the fourth quarter of last year, investment banks rode the tail end of a year - long bull market in US stocks, underwriting equity issues for companies that wanted to cash in before a new reality set in.
Shortly after the euphoric sense of accomplishment students feel when they graduate college, a stark reality sets in.
Harsh reality sets in when grades are dispensed!
This vision of the ultimate futurity of reality sets biblical religion apart from the other traditions.
Conscious thought then blends with dreams and a trippy reality sets in.
Sooner or later, when the hard reality sets in, they realize how miserable they are because most of their expectations have not been met.»
As humans, we often overestimate what we think we can accomplish, but then we give up the moment reality sets in, and life gets complicated.
Avantis Systems launched ClassVR at Bett, its first virtual reality set designed specifically for schools.
Once the hyping dust settled, ad money dwindled, risk vs. return reality sets in, then they ended up being put in their proper place.
Sony is offering discounts on PlayStation VR headsets and bundles for those that have yet to pick up the virtual reality set starting next week.
Transposing Bertholt Brecht's theory of alienation into photography by making the mechanics of the tools of production an evident part of the picture, Blalock then forces the viewer to question the conflicting realities set before them and, in turn, the contemporary condition of photography itself.
And by the painter I mean the part of me that finds joy and play and possibility in the ways a painting can be its own reality set apart, not entirely contingent upon the conditions of the world as they are.
many of the peak oil theorists (with whom i agree as to the imminent reality of hubbert's peak) seem to be looking forward to the skyrocketing price of oil, as depletion reality sets in and we start down the long slope of hubbert's peak.
The Paris Agreement sets a vision to transform the global economy; now it is time for countries to draw their roadmaps for the coming decades to make it reality
A different reality set in quickly as word of Hurricane Katrina's devastation spread.
When I finally dragged her away, a terrible reality set in.
«Its so cool»... until reality sets in and you relize that its something you could have lived without easily in the gaming world.
Then reality set in when, unlike those television babies who «fall asleep when their head hits the pillow,» your baby had other ideas, and only wanted to sleep at your breast!
«Buying a home is really exciting, but once reality sets in that you'll have to move in a few weeks, that joy quickly turns into stress and frustration,» he says.
Once Marcus reached the hospital, a new reality set in.
Shortly after the euphoric sense of accomplishment students feel when they graduate college, a stark reality sets in.
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