Sentences with phrase «reality simulation»

This includes presenting evidence in mediation and arbitration, such as a virtual reality simulation of a car accident.
Some interesting facts about Virtual Reality simulations for safety on roads, and how the tech strives to solve the drunk driving problem.
It requires a true - blue Divergent, a Factionless individual who can withstand virtual reality simulations of all five factions.
These superhuman violations of the rules of the universe are possible because, unbeknownst to him, Neo's consciousness is embedded in the Matrix, a virtual - reality simulation created by sentient machines.
The virtual - reality simulation component of «My Voice, My Choice» utilizes a software program developed by study co-authors Ernest N. Jouriles and Renee McDonald in conjunction with SMU's Guildhall video gaming program.
Ready Player One is a novel which loves»80s pop culture, and as you're probably aware, Steven Spielberg is a big part of»80s (and»70s, and»90s, and» 00s) pop culture — so when it was announced that he would direct the adaptation of Ready Player One, which takes place in a virtual reality simulation called the OASIS, the question as to whether he would reference his own films was brought to light.
The generic plot device doesn't serve much purpose, either, other than to keep Jeanine busy and provide a staging ground for the special effects - heavy final act that puts Tris through a series of virtual reality simulations designed to test her aptitude in all five factions.
On Tower Level 5, Wong Ping creates a multimedia installation centered on a colorful, racy animated tale that explores the tension between an aging population and the relentless pace of a digital economy; in her paintings and sculptures, Duan Jianyu depicts a surreal, transitory place where the rural meets the urban; and Lin Yilin constructs a virtual - reality simulation featuring a professional basketball star, testing the potential for using technology to inhabit the experience of another.
It is an augmented - reality simulation for the Google Tango tablet, a new platform that allows a mobile device to identify its exact position in relation to its surroundings without using GPS or other external signals.
A virtual reality simulation of emergency preparedness could provide more varied scenarios and help hospitals avoid the hasty, panic - driven thinking which can lead to unnecessary accidents and deaths.
In a new paper published today in the Journal of The Royal Society Interface, researchers describe how the learnings from both insects and humans can be applied in a model virtual reality simulation, enabling an artificial intelligence system to «pursue» an object.
«I think 3D is impressive at the moment, but with this we can get significantly closer to reality simulation
To do this, a team led by Peter Yellowlees, a psychiatrist at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, has built a prototype 3D virtual reality simulation that shows a typical living room projected onto a wrap - around screen.
- The work closest to mind reading comes from Demis Hassabis and Eleanor Maguire at University College London, who scanned subjects who were navigating a virtual reality simulation.
The most Insurgent does to stand out is delve inside its protagonist's mindset, with multiple dream sequences and an extended climax involving a virtual reality simulation that's trippy in the most boring manner possible.
In other words, the full lifetimes of all his progenitors is encoded within Lynch's genome — and the Animus can recreate them like a virtual reality simulation, putting Lynch in the shoes of an ancestor (also Fassbender) from 1492 Spain.
This coupled with the growing trend towards practice and skills - oriented eLearning means that more and more organizations will adopt some form of Augmented or Virtual reality simulation - based training.
Double gold medallist at the Elearning Awards, The Virtual Reality House lets trades trainees such as plumbers practice their skills in a fully immersive virtual reality simulation, allowing them to make mistakes safely and learn from these in order to build confidence and competence before embarking on the workshop - based part of their course.
Luckily, our innovative, mixed - reality simulation, TeachLivE, fit the bill.
What if, instead of traditional schools, children learned by participating in a virtual reality simulation, one that allowed them to experience «life» from birth to death — multiple times?
The 3dRudder is the perfect fit for all kind of motion controls in virtual reality and 3D environments alike: walk through Virtual Reality simulation, manipulate your 3D models, control your perspective,...
Star Trek: Bridge Crew Review: PS4 VR platform For better and worse, Star Trek: Bridge Crew is exactly what's advertised — it's a virtual - reality simulation of operating a Federation starship.
These coordinates are utilized by applications and games to instantly render 3D images in real - time, comprising the heart of the virtual reality simulation.
Through complex video installations, photos, theatrical productions, and virtual reality simulations, Stan Douglas reenacts historical moments of tension that connect the history of Vancouver to broader social movements of struggle and utopian aspiration.
SIGNAL's second show of 2015 takes a contrast to the recent virtual reality simulation that was Rachel Rossin's «N = 7» from January.
Explore a «video game that plays itself» with Ian Cheng's infinitely evolving trilogy of virtual reality simulations, Emissaries, at the Serpentine Gallery
For what was arguably the most controversial piece in the 2017 Whitney Biennial, Jordan Wolfson's Real Violence required viewers to don headsets and headphones to experience a 90 - virtual reality simulation.

Phrases with «reality simulation»

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