Sentences with phrase «reality solution»

At this event, you will see demos of interesting augmented and virtual reality solutions, discuss their unique design considerations, and build working experiences that you can then replicate for your organization.
At that time, we welcomed 10 digital and creative agencies to develop mixed reality solutions.
When applied to the classroom appropriately, mixed reality solutions can make a positive difference to student learning.
«The adoption of the Snapdragon 845 for LG's next flagship phone seems inevitable, considering the emerging virtual reality and augmented reality solutions require more powerful data processing capability,» an industry official said.
-- Brooks Augustine, chief customer officer of InContext Solutions, a provider of virtual reality solutions for retail.
-- Tracey Wiedmeyer, co-founder and CTO of InContext Solutions, a Web - based virtual reality solutions provider for retail
(There are other smartphone - powered virtual reality solutions on the market, notably Samsung's Gear VR headset.
Additionally, the upcoming ZenFone AR will also boast support for Google's mobile virtual reality solution once it hits the market this spring.
Additionally, Google has added Vulkan API for delivering insanely powerful graphics, under - the - hold Doze improvements for better battery life, and a native virtual reality solution called «Daydream».
We've seen Google Cardboard and other virtual reality solutions put to use in a variety of situations thus far, and now President Obama has gotten to experience the technology for the first time.
Unlike other virtual reality solutions such as the Oculus Rift and Sony's (NYSE: SNE) Project Morpheus, which use their own dedicated displays, the Gear VR utilizes the 5.7 - inch 2560x1440 pixel screen of the Galaxy Note 4 along with the phone's processor and graphics to do the heavy lifting.
The Lenovo PHAB2 Pro is the very first device to support Tango, Google's indoor mapping and augmented reality solution meant to allow a whole new layer of interaction between the digital world and the real world.
Alas, it's unlikely that Microsoft's augmented reality solution (which is more of a domestic and internet - browsing tool, in any case) will match or beat Sony's toy to market in early 2016.
It was rumoured that Microsoft was planning VR support for the Xbox One X but the company has been more focused on providing a Mixed Reality solution for its PC users and building Hololens, aiming for a more industrial market than a gaming one.
For example, Fujitsu worked with students at UTC Reading to design a virtual reality solution for companies such as Thames Water; Cisco worked with teams to design solutions using Internet of Things to improve the cinema experience or improving the drive through experience.
Italy About Blog Inglobe Technologies is provider of Augmented and Virtual Reality solutions for the enterprise and the end users.
Cost is also a factor, with Mobile Mixed Reality solutions being the cheapest (around $ 20 for a plastic headset with an existing mobile phone), moving through more expensive options in the HTC Vive and Oculus (around $ 500 - $ 1000), to the large cost of HoloLens (at around $ 4000).
And for each of these spaces, it's also possible to use a mobile mixed reality solution, where a standard smartphone is put into a plastic or cardboard headset and used to allow a VR or AR experience.
Maru VR creates custom made Virtual Reality solutions (simulations, attractions and interactive 360 degree videos) and software applications.
The PlayStation 4 Pro is the only console with a virtual reality solution.
Upon the initial reveal of PlayStation VR, known as Project Morpheus at the time, gamers were excited for the possibility of a console - based virtual reality solution.
The integration of the augmented reality solution is done through the smartphone's artificial intelligent assistant Bixby and will allow owners of the new Android flagships to see how they look with various makeup configurations -LSB-...]
The integration of the augmented reality solution is done through the smartphone's artificial intelligent assistant Bixby and will allow owners of the new Android flagships to see how they look with various makeup configurations in real time.
If the company wants to lead the pack in the business of affordable virtual reality solutions, it's a no - brainer to make the Surface Pro 5 compatible.
In addition, the company has announced its partnership with content providers such as Netflix and Twitch to deliver consumers a full - fledged virtual reality solution.
This might come as disappointing news for AR and VR enthusiasts in Europe looking forward to acquiring what some consider to be the best Windows Mixed Reality solution to date.
While firms like Oculus as well as Valve have been pushing for the highest - quality and most immersive virtual reality solutions they can come up with, Google has been trying their best to make the new technology not only accessible to everyone, but affordable, too.
Microsoft is pushing the idea that its mixed and virtual reality solution is completely portable running on most laptops without sophisticated gear.
CA About Blog At iStaging, they make out - of - the - box augmented and virtual reality solutions that help real estate and design businesses sell better and faster.
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