Sentences with phrase «reason for death»

As health care professionals, not being able to provide a clear reason for the death is also a significant burden.
Actually, the real reason for the death of the dedicated e-reader is the growth of e-reader apps — even Amazon's own Kindle Paperwhite (their dedicated e-reader) is in serious boiling hot water.
State the real reasons for the death as simply as possible: «Grandpa had a serious kind of cancer and his body couldn't recover from it.»
The most common reason for death in cystic fibrosis patients is progressive lung disease.
The most common reason for death in cystic fibrosis is due to progressive lung disease.
Personally, I've got a better theology of ministry on Good Friday («Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures»), with all sorts of sound sociological, psychological reasons for death and defeat, than I have a pastoral theology robust enough for Easter («He was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures»).
Well, once you take original sin out from under Christianity, the whole thing kind of collapses... including the virgin birth, immaculate conception, reason for death on cross, incarnation, trinity, grace, the whole thing.
Martyrs are those who suffer but their groans, far from being a disavowal of what they were, express the noble reason for their deaths and change the apparent fatality into an absolute proof of loge.
Recent figures have highlighted that eight babies who died suddenly in Essex last year, all had co-sleeping with a parent named as a possible reason for their deaths.
Ischemic stroke is the biggest reason for disability and also the 3rd biggest reason for death of the elderly in the US, while TBI (traumatic brain injury) is the biggest reason for disability and death in individuals younger than forty five.
Reports show that stroke is the 4th reason for death in the US, with over 137,000 deaths every year and 60 % of these deaths are women.
With the lack of innovation being one of the primary reasons for the death of the genre, these games had to bring something unique to the table to recapture our imaginations and, more importantly, our desire to rock out with plastic instruments.
While the cost of maintaining a large music catalog is the ultimate reason for the death of the service, it was the failure of Microsoft's phone division that was the main catalyst.
Second, while God is just and holy, and while the death of Jesus did satisfy the holiness of God in regard to our sin, this was not the only — or even the primary — reason for the death of Jesus on the cross.
Your kind of judgemental thinking is the reason for the death of «evangelical» christianity in America.
And the reason for death seems to be life, since all that lives dies... also, why do you think there is a reaason?
He came to believe that the reason for his death was the fact that he had wanted to play (not actually do!!)
State the reasons for the death as simply as possible: «Grandpa was very, very old and his body couldn't work anymore.»
The study cited the plastic sheeting as the reason for the deaths of two firefighters during a blaze at the former Deutsche Bank building on Liberty Street in 2007.
Protein aggregates are deemed to be one reason for the death of nerve cells in disorders such as Alzheimer's or Huntington's disease.
Euthanasia is the number one reason for death of dogs under the age of 2 years.
For any death, list the reason for death.
The story serves as little more than a reason for Death to fight and scramble his way across several different worlds that in turn serve to show the undeniable talent of Joe M, a comic book artist whose talent shines through in every stunning locale.
You should be cautious about the pre-existing conditions clauses of the plan you choose because the trip interruption benefits may not be honored if the reason for death was due to an existing condition.
To qualify as a valid claim, the reason for death must not be precluded by the insurance contract.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what many are saying, the general consensus from this article, its predecessor and the comments is that the buyer's rights to the deposit supersedes that of the seller (or at a minimum, should supersede) regardless of the reason for the death of the deal.
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