Sentences with phrase «reason for doing something»

If you take a moment to examine an unwanted dog behavior, you may realize that your dog actually has a very good reason for doing it.
The main reason for doing it at this time is to ensure that you are actually backing up your cover letter.
It's the only valid reason for doing something that is so antisocial.
For young babies, even the fact that they CAN hit themselves can sometimes be the only reason for doing it.
Everyone has different reasons for doing it, like for their ego, to show off, or just because they like nice things.
«There's even less reason for doing it now than before.».
Your yoga journey could be fruitful if you got your own sensible reasons for doing it and let the experience touch your body and soul naturally.
Is there a strong business reason for doing it «the way we've always done it,» or are you simply following the same old protocol because it was never renovated?
My main reason for doing it is simply that I am hooked on the activity of language teaching for its own sake.
I assume that you believed, in some biased analysis, that you had a valid reason for doing something that could have adversely affected someone that you don't even know.
«The main reason for doing it in the first place was to give them the scope to overcome any aero changes they've got — for example airbox, and things like that.
Whole30 was going to fix that and the extra benefit would be a few pounds taken off the waistline, which shhh don't tell was our other reason for doing it.
Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for doing it, such as curbing household destruction -LSB-...]
Study after study has been done that shows when we're presented with extrinsic motivators — a performance evaluation, a stats counter, a grade at the end off a class — these motivators actually become shiny objects that conceal our own intrinsic reasons for doing it.
it's important for businesses and governments alike to know that there are very tangible reasons for doing something about it.
While the road may be hard for women seeking office, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D - New York, has a compelling reason for doing it anyway.
Colman: When you're embedded in a project, you have what you consider to be good scientific reasons for doing it.
Just remember, it might not be the best thing for weight loss and isn't worth sticking to if you're not getting anything out of it — unless, of course, you have a medical reason for doing it.
But they may also have a special - case reason for doing something unusual, that you might never have thought of,» she says.
The second reason for doing it I would say is that it fits... if you follow the traditional auto industry route, the V - 12 would become a V - 8, the V - 8 would become a V - 6, the V - 6 would become an I - 4, the I - 4 would become an I - 3.
«I look at lives saved — that's the whole reason for doing it,» Weitzman says.
There may be administrative reasons for doing it in this two - step way (one step forward, one step back — except that when you finish you're short a licence fee), rather than simply providing that every person who sells cattle shall pay $ 2 per head to the Association.
Dr Kim Kendall BVSc has some strong reasons for doing it even for young cats who may not have gum disease
The other reason for doing it this way is that the dangling lead is going to be connected to chassis anyway.
Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for doing it, such as curbing household destruction in lieu of euthanasia or rehoming.
This omission is only on the US version — models sold in other parts of the world include the feature — and Sony does not seem to have valid reason for doing this
As for whole - animal cloning, I believe the only reason for doing it is for the purposes of treating disease.
Hi Alice, My main reasons for doing it myself are: * You only pay 1 middleman i.e. Amazon — if you go through someone else you pay them as well as Amazon / other retailers * Ease of updates and they are also free — some of these ebook publishers will charge you to update It's really easy to do your own files now, use Scrivener or another package.
If you're not supposed to do something, I think that is a very good reason for doing it
If we need to write more songs or design more light shows only to amuse ourselves and keep us focused (nothing wrong with doing those things; I'm pointing to the reason for doing them), then we have not yet understood that a worship tradition — a worship routine, if you will — is how we reinforce our worship desire.
We believe the Founders knew what they were doing, and their reasons for doing it are as pertinent today as they were two hundred years ago.
Cheating on examinations may be condemned in general, but there is always a reason for doing it «this time.»
He seems to contradict Jesus («as a man thinks in his heart»), and all our Christian training to the effect that nothing you do can be right if your reason for doing it is wrong.
I agree with some of his reasons for doing it, but it's not clear to me that this is a good idea, and I look forward to hearing your suggestions on the subject.
Justified in the modern vernacular, to me, means that I have a reason for doing something.
Cloth diapering is a great lifestyle choice but it's not less work than disposables and I don't think we, as advocates, need the «less work» selling point in order to convince others to try it or validate our own reasons for doing it.
Reasons for doing it could range and include:
It's a reason for doing something that's greater than yourself.
I just feel like I'm being judged by some people because of it even though we had our reasons for doing it.
I don't think anyone questioned it since they knew our reasons for doing it.
I think it's silly of people to judge, especially if you have your reasons for doing it.
Whatever we are doing online and our reasons for doing it, it is inevitable that we will encounter difficulties, as well as positives in our online relationships.
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