Sentences with phrase «reason for one's absence»

In order to find your cat, consider the possible reasons for his absence.
Illness was the most common reason for absence, accounting for more than half (58 %) of school days missed.
Having said that, if such an investigation does not reveal any good reason for the absence, your employer might consider your leave as gross misconduct and dismiss you from work.
Researchers also identified the following biological reasons for absence of grains in the dietary regimen of cave - men.
The 24 absence reason codes that we created for this study were added to the codes the districts already use to track reasons for absence.
The Switch's online service is beyond poor and, while this may be a large reason for the absence, there is no excuse for this.
INFECTION PREVENTION Illness is the most common reason for absence from schools, accounting for more than half (58 per cent) of school days missed.
He contrasts the functions of the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke and offers reasons for their absence in Mark and John.
Kobi Afek (KA): The main reason for absence of gluten in our cakes is Passover.
(3) The employer receives information that casts doubt upon the employee's stated reason for the absence or the continuing validity of the certification.
The official reason for his absence was a back complaint, but the Spain international's exclusion came amid reports of a training ground row with Conte, framed by speculation that Costa is the subject of a mega-money offer from Chinese Super League side Tianjin Quanjian.
That is probably why little research has been done in the area, yet Davies and a few other scientists suspect a different reason for that absence: Their colleagues are just not looking hard?
First of all, I really wan na apologize for not being very active here but I have a valid reason for my absence and that is, my bestie is getting married and I am so occupied with shopping and all that I hardly find time.
However, while Portman's absence will be explained in the film, you have to wonder if there are other reasons for her absence.
Like some other Renewal schools, P.S. 154 found that asthma was a big reason for absences, as children were kept home when they were sick or when their parents were too ill to take them to school.
One of most easily identifiable reasons for their absence is in - clinic anxiety, an issue easily addressed during construction of a clinic -LSB-...]
Let us begin by looking at possible reasons for the absence of vowing.
Pink eye is a common reason for absences from school and day care.
Although, I'm pretty sure that many of you would agree that a trip to PDX is a pretty good reason for absence....
We note that few very short period (P < 1.6 days) planets orbit within multiple transiting planet systems and discuss possible reasons for their absence.
In an effort to keep parents updated on the current illnesses observed in our schools, periodically, we will post a list reflecting the most common reasons for absences.
Regardless of the reason for the absence, we respond the same way.
The reason for the absence doesn't matter; you're going to be short a key player.
Perhaps another reason for the absence of a Reformation image of the minister as teacher (apart from preacher) was the Protestant concern for study of the Bible by all Christians.
The reason for this absence, megachurch designers say, is that the church does not want to confront potential congregants with off - putting reminders of traditional Christianity.
And the reason for this absence is made clear in an appendix by Sessions.
The reason for our absence is that we have been busy cuddling...
It all seems to have become too much for Ozil and having missed a number of weeks since the turn of 2017, citing different injuries as the reason for his absence, you have to wonder if all these injury concerns were genuine or not.
The reasons for his absence from the NFL title game go deeper than his aversion to socializing at big events.
His Saints teammates have not heard from Fairley regarding the reason for his absence from OTAs, according to Hale.
There is no synagogue in Arlington Heights, and despite scattered anti-Semitic incidents in the past, the reason for the absence of a Jewish house of worship is «nothing sinister,» according to Rabbi Stephen A. Hart of Temple Chai in Long Grove.
I can explain the reasons for my absence in my next post.
He said that Misau, who did not appear before the committee, did not give any reason for his absence.
Efforts by NAN to confirm the reason for the absence of the police did not yield much fruit, with the Benue Police Commissioner, Bashir Makama, merely declaring that adequate security arrangements had been put in place for the exercise.
The team tried to narrow down the reasons for the absence of Plasmodium from most bonobo field sites.
One reason for its absence could be that North American livestock farmers use relatively little colistin — although that will not keep the gene from migrating among bacteria.
Part of the reason for my absence was my first trimester was nothing short of hell.
Is it simply a way to tell me the reason for their absence over the past weeks — as in, we didn't find a second to go for a drink.
Whatever the reason for her absence, Thompson addressed it this weekend in a spectacular subtweet.
Here's the reason for her absence.
All definitions of chronic absenteeism consider both unexcused and excused absences, due to the commonsense assumption that missed learning impacts students regardless of the reason for the absence.
In a recent meeting of the alliance, members reported that they have (1) assessed the extent of chronic absenteeism in the early grades, (2) spoken with parents of chronically absent students to better understand the reasons for absences, and (3) measured the association between chronic absence and later achievement.
Meets every two weeks to look at the cases of chronically absent students and identify the reasons for the absences.
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