Sentences with phrase «reason for one's answer»

Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered a different point of view.
Then, children often create their own reasons for an answer.
-- offered to a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science the usual college dormitory bull session reasons for answering the question in the negative.
One reason for my answer is that I do not believe the global economy is sustainable.
Give reasons for your answer.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for
Give reasons for your answer.
How often do your pupils calculate the answer to an angle fact question correctly, but then don't get the mark for the «give a reason for your answer «question?
However the reason for the no answer is because in some games the initial experience that we may have loved goes away and becomes dull we mostly find this in a mystery game.
Start your brief, opinion letter, or research memorandum with an up - front summary, which will typically include the principal questions or main issue, the answers to those questions, and the reasons for those answers.
I assumed I passed the course since it said congratulations and I didn't have any correct answer and reasoning for an answer given on the final exam for missed questions from your questionaire.»
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