Sentences with phrase «reason someone broke up»

While our political differences weren't the only reason we broke up, that was definitely high on my list.
Share Wow, I knew there was a reason I broke up the Atlantis posts, but now I am hoping I can recall it all.
Whatever the reason you broke up will always be there, so let go.
The reason he broke up with her is after a lot of soul searching and couples counseling, it became clear they wanted different things.
He or she knows the reason you broke up.
You know the reason you broke up.
Ask him about his ex: Specifically, ask him what she would say is the reason they broke up.
Still, in order for us to move on to find a healthier relationship, we've got to stop thinking about him or her, knock them off the pedestal, because there is a reason you broke up, right?
The reason we broke up was due to travel hacking and credit -LSB-...]
No, I think there's a reason you broke up, so don't reunite.
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