Sentences with phrase «reason to»

And for all its flaws in practice, there are lots of good reasons to believe in the rule of law — certainly in comparison to its alternatives, rule by force or fiat.
And there are a lot of good reasons to believe that that accelerator will finally have enough energy to start to get some interesting data.
The fact is, there are plenty of reasons to get involved with this market even now.
Because I'll believe the best in each hire until giving reason to believe otherwise.
Keep reading and you will come across many more reasons to buy this stroller.
If the children are begging for a pet... you just moved to a bigger place... or you're lonely... these alone are not good reasons to get a pet.
Read about more reasons to buy in the article here.
It seems to cause just a bit of hesitation, I love driving it and keep trying to think of reasons to keep going instead of heading home!
Despite the drawbacks of being an immigrant scientific worker, there are still many reasons to consider taking a scientific position abroad.
That is very scary and it leaves little reason to go with them when they could be seriously struggling for survival in 5 years or less.
As your child grows, look for reasons to do so, and you will find them.
There is a good deal of truth in this, but in the course of this essay we have seen reason to doubt whether the trouble really lies in the mythology at all.
There are other great reasons to use the best sleep sack for babies.
Of course, many people point to the medical assistant salary and job outlook as main reasons to consider this career path.
If you're looking for reasons to make time in your busy schedule to keep learning, there's no shortage of possibilities.
The legislators clearly saw enough reason to take up these issues, some of which are legitimate cause for concern about public safety.
Well luckily they are in my repertoire now and here to stay — I found reasons to make three separate batches just this weekend.
When we look at how the analysis was performed, we find more reasons to doubt that protein is at fault.
I guess it's because I love finding reasons to celebrate.
Sometimes you don't need reasons to celebrate; you celebrate because you have the company of someone you love more than life.
There are so many reasons to love making bean soup!
The district cited decreasing enrollment growth and increasing test scores in existing schools as reasons to stop creating new schools.
Thankfully, the humor is there for those looking for it, because after you're finished with the campaign, there's very little reason to keep going back.
Is there really enough reasons to worry about our dogs eating grass and other non — food items?
Please come up with a more compelling reason to believe in a deity other than «he's gonna kill you if you don't».
If you read the piece, they say don't invest 10 % unless you've got a really, really, really great reason to do so.
Your story is a great example showing that insulin resistance is not the only reason to avoid refined carbohydrates.
In fact the only reason to pay on our site is to purchase premium features which will allow you do to more with your account.
Of course, the golf courses, diving, and sumptuous sunsets are also good reasons to visit.
The camera, though decent only, is probably the only real reason to choose the Note 5 Pro over the Note 5.
As if that weren't enough reason to stop using cigarettes, here's another: smoking lowers your levels of HDL cholesterol and damages blood vessel walls.
Having other candidates to consider and being busy are not valid reasons to leave you hanging.
While these outside relationships can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, I encourage you to think long and hard about whether this is truly enough reason to stay with your spouse.
Employers have legitimate reasons to look for more entry level candidates.
We are not asked to do this, nor do we need reasons to create.
The main reason to get life insurance is to provide a financial benefit to loved ones in the event of an early and / or unexpected death.
But I have plenty of reason to suspect that it would not hold up well over the long haul.
Another important reason to stay in touch is to offer your support of their networking goals.
And now there's a new reason to want it — the super trendy new lavender color.
For much of time since the financial crisis, there have been plenty of reasons to feel worried about the market outlook.
There are many great reasons to start using a professional writing service.
It's not a bad game by any means, but I don't see much reason to come back to this game.
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