Sentences with phrase «recent findings»

The phrase "recent findings" refers to new information or discoveries that have been made recently. Full definition
He introduces an approach to parenting that focuses on providing practical ideas that are effective and in keeping with recent findings from neuroscience, child brain development and behaviour.
HOW would you feel if you discovered that your child's doctor was unaware of recent findings in neuroscience?
As divorce professionals, we have a responsibility to help our clients understanding the most recent findings on how children are affected by divorce.
The paragraphs below are designed to highlight some of the more recent findings on dietary protein and health benefits related to this key nutrient.
But recent findings suggest that it could be an effective way to clean up the carbon mess.
Some of the best - selling books for parents are based on recent findings about the brain and learning.
She's a more recent find for me too so I need to add this book to my list.
Recent findings indicate that such association between disorders and distinct functional modules is more than anecdotal.
Above are some of my favorite recent finds from some of my favorite online sites.
Below are recent findings regarding the correlation between education and crime.
«They've confirmed recent findings that individual women differ from each other,» he adds.
You can read more about some very recent findings here.
I'll mention a few recent findings and then note a general rule of thumb from the auditing profession.
This more recent finding offers confidence that diagnostic methods, vaccines, and other treatment interventions will remain effective.
Although recent findings have suggested that early exposure to peanuts can help prevent peanut allergy, the only effective therapy currently available for existing cases remains avoidance.
The term cosmos itself fails to be satisfactory as a way of describing recent findings.
But that's not the only recent finding about what we wear when we work.
Our study is consistent with similar recent findings that the main global sweetener producer, the cane and beet sugar industry, also supports research that favors their product.
A lot of recent found footage films have become increasingly dull with their inconsistent found footage style of shooting, CGI, lots of death, and even music scores occasionally.
Recent findings point to the importance of building on prior knowledge, constructing learning environments that promote cognitive development, reflection, and deep conceptual understanding.
However, recent findings enable veterinarians to nutritionally manage the condition so the pets can maintain healthy, normal lives.
More recent findings since the publication of the latest IPCC assessment suggest that even more urgent action may be needed.
Recent findings in our laboratory have shown that phenomena that once seemed unrelated may share a deep identity.
The three most recent found her leading by an average of more than 20 points.
Recent findings from experimental studies demonstrate that some areas of a child's learning are best supported by specific responsiveness behaviours or combinations of these.
However, recent findings show that the warming system may also spread bacteria, leading to infections and other serious complications.
However, recent findings about iron and oxygen chemistry under deep - Earth conditions provide an answer to this longstanding mystery.
However, recent findings indicate that reverse T3 is indeed active.
Until then here's a roundup of my favorite recent finds.
We explore a few recent findings, common misconceptions and amazing adaptations.
However, based on more recent findings, I am updating my recommendations regarding cod liver oil, as it may not serve you as well as previously believed.
The importance of LPA2 in lymphocyte motility is suggested in recent findings by Knowlden et al (Knowlden et al., 2014) indicating that Lpar2 deficiency in lymphocytes is associated with inefficient lymphocyte movement within LNs, although it was not shown how LPA2 - signaling affects lymphocyte migration and what kind of cells provide the ligand for LPA2.
In this case, carbon dating wasn't possible... The «Clovis first» hypothesis has been challenged by recent findings at sites like Monte Verde in Chile, where scientists...
Other recent findings by Dr. Seguel's team include a floating debris survey and the role of sea gulls on the health and welfare of South American fur seal pups on Guafo Island that also was funded in part by Morris Animal Foundation.
Recent findings published in the journal Science, though, show it's possible to get O2 from CO2 in just one step.
This 2015 executive summary summarizes recent findings from the AIR research.
Dr. Staci Cannon, Maddie's ® Shelter Medicine Resident at the University of Florida, discusses recent findings from a study of outpatient protocols in the treatment of canine parvovirus gastroenteritis.
The director of research for Common Sense Media shares recent findings on kids» online lives and digital media habits.
The review relies on a range of evidence, including recent findings by Amnesty International UK, showing that black and Asian female politicians face a disproportionate amount of online abuse.
«Their results support recent findings of a five to twelve day shift forward in the timing of peak singing by California birds in the nearby Sierra Nevada and coastal ranges in response to climate change.»
Dr. Hulse will present recent findings suggesting that not only can group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) directly affect B cell function, but that B cells can directly affect ILC2 function, demonstrating that B cells may actively promote type 2 inflammatory responses independently of antibody production.
This conference is organised annually and gives the opportunity to European and world wide researchers to discuss about the most recent findings concerning the surface and interface properties of solids.
Second, we review recent findings concerning the cognitive consequences of attachment - related strategies following the arousal of positive and negative affect.
While recent findings don't completely support Lamarck's theory that the necks of giraffes elongated over the course of generations of reaching for food, some of the evidence is certainly Lamarckian.
Other recent findings related to the people buried in Mound 72 are described in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and a chapter in the book «Beyond Collapse: Archaeological Perspectives on Resilience, Revitalization and Transformation in Complex Societies.»

Phrases with «recent findings»

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