Sentences with phrase «recent poll»

The phrase "recent poll" refers to a survey or study done recently to gather people's opinions or information on a specific topic. Full definition
A number of recent polls show that women want more time with their children.
Already polls show there is a big gender gap in recent polls, 41 percent to 28 percent in one national polls.
One recent poll of children between ages 9 and 13 found that more than four in 10 feel stressed most of the time or always.
The most recent poll shows him up 48 — 32.
Two recent polls found overwhelming support for banning MPs from holding second jobs and no prime minister wants to be seen as the defender of high wages for politicians.
Taken together, the most recent polling suggests either a dead heat or a tiny Conservative advantage in vote share.
Perhaps this explains why recent polling indicates that younger liberals are less likely than older liberals to think we need to do more to promote racial equality.
That would be at odds with recent polling released on the race.
These results are not too surprising based on other recent polling data.
Recent poll numbers show people are arguing about whether they even believe in global warming.
More recent polls suggest that most of the public want and expect debates at the 2015 election, now that the precedent has been set.
The most recent polling data suggests that Conservatives will still win a majority.
And as recent polling shows, parents are seeing this too.
Many Labour MPs and activists had seized on recent polls which indicated the gap between the two main parties was between 10 - 12 points.
Several recent polls have asked adult members of families their thoughts about education.
Recent polls also show concern from the public about the investigations.
I know this is similar to a very recent poll but I want to compare to the statistics provided.
Two recent polls paint vastly different images of the race.
Our most recent poll question asked women at what point in a relationship they expect a man to be dating them exclusively.
Despite all of this, Question 2 is trailing by double digits in recent polls and appears headed for defeat.
One recent poll found 64 percent of voters supporting an assault weapons ban and 74 percent in favor of the opportunity to vote on it.
Even so, recent polls suggest opposition among the general public has softened lately.
Quite the contrary: a series of recent polls shows that a commanding majority of the public continues to support clean energy and climate legislation.
Less than two weeks into his campaign, two recent polls indicate he's now the front - runner.
As recent polling shows, just 10 % think climate is an election issue.
The results of three recent polls on education policy should provide interesting fodder for the winners of state and national elections.
In 2013, the general public was mostly left out of this debate; however, more recent polls have found that public awareness of the standards has grown.
They claimed that recent polling data indicates that public opinion is shifting in a direction more sympathetic to legal abortion....
It also syncs well with public attitudes in the state as delineated in recent polling by Siena College.
Indeed, recent polls conducted for the Chicago Tribune by Market Shares Corporation indicate 57 percent of Illinoisans approve of civil unions, compared to 32 percent who disapprove.
The most recent poll from Siena College shows Clinton with a 21 - point lead over her Democratic opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont.
The most recent polling for Gillibrand's own race has her leading opponent Wendy Long by wide margins — 64 to 27 percent, says a September Quinnipiac poll — and so the New York senator has sufficient leeway to throw her time and resources behind other campaigns, an unusual luxury for a politician and a traditional path for New York figures to a measure of national power.
He proposes an income tax on people earning more than $ 250,000 — an idea recent polls say Americans largely support.
Peter Kellner: Recent polling reveals a public mood of declining pessimism rather than rampant optimism (Comments: 181)
Recent polls commissioned by the Evening Standard have suggested that Labour's next batch of candidates are nowhere near as well known.
Asked about recent polls showing her down by more than 40 points to the mayor, Malliotakis said her internal polls had shown her down by 16 points in September when measured for a four - way race.
London is the major battleground after recent polls pointed towards a substantial swing to Labour.
This is the first time Siena has polled likely voters, a narrower sample than registered voters, though recent polling of registered voters showed that New Yorkers were becoming increasingly split on the convention question.
One very recent poll does show him polling marginally better than Romney.
He stood by Paladino until he saw recent poll numbers that put his own political career on the line.»
Despite recent polling showing that 78 percent of New Jersey voters support state funding for family planning services, members of the state legislature put politics over women's lives and failed to restore funding for the lifesaving reproductive health services New Jerseyans rely on.
Ms. Gillibrand, meanwhile, enjoyed a considerable lead in recent polls over her closest potential rival.
In the most recent poll released by Siena, Cuomo's favorability stands at 52 percent.
While recent polls by Russia's Levada Centre suggest that the majority of Russians perceived the judicial process against Khodorkovsky as unfair, his public image in Russia may not be as favourable as portrayed by the Western media.
The most recent polls gave the Republicans the edge in the first three, and rated the last two toss - ups.

Phrases with «recent poll»

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