Sentences with phrase «recent statement»

Your two most recent statements from a bank or brokerage will normally satisfy lenders about stocks, bonds and monetary holdings.
For now, just grab the most recent statement from each account to help with this project.
Grab your most recent statement for each account and enter the current value of each fund in the appropriate cells.
However, I've loved the latest jewelry trends like the stacked wrist, and the more recent statement necklace, and it's extremely pricey to embrace these trends with fine jewelry.
Despite recent statement enhancements, there is an obvious flaw in the way their data is set up and the relationships they have with their fund providers.
It helps to have your contract and most recent statement ready.
You'll also supply the two most recent statements covering your bank, retirement, and investment accounts.
Bring your photo ID, a void cheque, and recent statements from the accounts you have with your advisor.
Please include a copy of the most recent statement for the account being transferred.
Then have a look at the most recent statement for each of your debt accounts.
Advocates of raising the minimum wage see hope in recent statements by the leader of the state Senate, and hope a deal can be struck by the end of the year.
Advocacy groups are encouraged by recent statements made by the co-chairman of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's anti-corruption commission, who says he now favors public financing of political campaigns.
Taking into consideration WeWork's Finance Chief's recent statements about not making a profit, seeing WeWork's desperate attempts at attracting new clients to fill up its spaces, and Neumann's claimed sale of shares, the question is:
Some PI lawyers say the court has created confusion in recent statements on causation.
He made this comment when asked to react to a statement credited to a former Minister of Education, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, in which she described his (Adesina's) recent statement as a «terribly indecorous press release.»
Rolls - Royce Motor Cars is issuing this statement in order to clarify confusion and misreporting that has arisen in certain media around the world, following recent statements issued by Rolls ‑ Royce plc..
Balotelli has also been closely linked with Turkish giants Besiktas but club president Fikret Orman strongly denied the claims and called him a «troublemaker» in his most recent statement regarding the striker.
The reason: Nasdaq, according to the note, is crying foul in light of recent statements issued by the company.
But if Price really is Trump's pick (several media outlets, including the Washington Post, have reported that the decision could be announced publicly as soon as Tuesday), there could be some friction between the Congressman's reputation as a hard - liner and the President - elect's apparent willingness to walk back some of his stiffer rhetoric — including recent statements suggesting that he may keep some major Obamacare provisions in place.
It's quite hard to understand what actual stance JPMorgan Chase has on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies — given recent statements made by CEO Jamie Dimon.
I am also not sure after recent statements by Wenger, how many people with actual football knowledge he is willing to allow at the club.
Meanwhile, the PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan has also made recent statements concerning China's vision towards financial technology.
Aside from the fact that Mr. Douthat has no professional qualifications for writing on the subject, the problem with his article and other recent statements is his view of Catholicism as unapologetically subject to a politically partisan narrative that has very little to do with what Catholicism really is.
The latter theory contradicts recent statements by Eric Williamson, Fortnite's lead designer, who said that the development team was not planning any new maps for the time being.
He drew the joke from recent statements credited to the Federal Government that some national assets would be sold as part of strategies to tackle the nation's economic recession.
The Burger King announcement follows the Deputy Head of Russia's Ministry of Finance Alexey Moiseev's recent statements towards introducing regulatory guidelines for cryptocurrency purchases.
This confirms recent statements by Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
The Central Bank of Samoa's most recent statement against digital currency «get - rich - quick schemes» is reflective of an ongoing issue across a number of countries gaining familiarity with the technology.
And while recent statements from senior lawmakers suggest that Russia's State Duma may finally approve rules governing the trade and issuance of cryptocurrencies, statements from earlier this year from president Vladimir Putin are arguably more impactful for the tech's future in the country.
The most recent statement coming out of COP 16 in Cancun just a few days ago does make reference to UNDRIP, to Indigenous knowledge, and to the need to «promote the full and effective participation of Indigenous people and local communities.»
When first asked about altcoins, Dilley echoed recent statements made by Monero developer Riccardo Spagni and stated, «I continue to believe that the vast majority of altcoins are scams.
In Germany, under the leadership of Rolf Zerfass and Norbet Mette, there has been an important revival of practical theology But a very powerful recent statement pointing to its revival can he found in Edward Fancy's recent book, Theologia: The Fragmentation and Unity of Theological Education
Apple's most recent statement corrects their earlier unfortunate and incorrect remark.
Apple's most recent statement also corrects their earlier unfortunate and incorrect remark that keeping the battery charging after the battery indicator reaches 100 % could damage the battery.
LAWYER: Alright, we'll want to see recent statements to verify, but use for necessities isn't going to present a problem.
He also singled out a few of them, including Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, by ridiculing recent statements they have made, although he did not mention their names.
Investment expert Dr. Mark Skousen discusses the bold recent statement from JPMorgan's CEO, Jamie Dimon.
Moked, a leading portal for Italian Jews, praises recent statements by Benedict XVI and Paris» chief rabbi, Gilles Bernheim, in defense of the traditional understanding of marriage.
Yet, sad to say, that is how many Christians have understood recent statements on Catholic ecclesiology.
I'm not sure... but you seem tp be refurring to Hawkings recent statements.
Sirs: After Malcolm X's recent statement advocating use of guns by the nation's 20 million Negroes, I trust the genius who wrote The Black Muslim Hope item in your March 16 issue realizes the Black Muslim cult is far beyond being a religious issue.
And even more so recent statements from Arsene Wenger himself.

Phrases with «recent statement»

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