Sentences with phrase «recent warming»

The phrase "recent warming" refers to the increase in Earth's temperature that has been happening in the most recent years or decades. It means that the planet is getting hotter compared to the past, causing changes in the climate. Full definition
While the northern group showed significant divergence after the 1960s, the southern group was consistent with recent warming trends.
Temperature data showing recent warming didn't demonstrate a clear trend.
Next they pick a single region, and finally they either cut off or ignore instrumental evidence showing recent warming.
According to last month's paper, it makes more sense to compare recent warming trends with the 30 - year period from 1972 - 2001, when temperatures rose more rapidly.
They will continue to rise regardless of whether we attempt to do anything about recent warming.
The main claim [2] by the authors that they have uncovered a significant recent warming trend is dubious.
One question is how do climate models fair against recent warming over the past 50 years.
All the models are unable to predict recent warming without taking rising CO2 levels into account.
Figure 2 shows how much different factors have contributed recent warming.
Some climate skeptics argue that the model - data divergence in recent warming indicates that climate models are too sensitive to CO2 emissions.
That's why recent warming has been a boon for wine producers.
Understanding the staircase is particularly important for understanding how much random variability has contributed to recent warming versus human influences.
We know recent warming is anthropogenic because we know what is causing the recent increase in radiative forcing — in other words, we know the source of the heat.
The effects of recent warming on the microbial community are complicated.
It said there were problems with the computer models that predict future climate change and that solar activity, not greenhouse gas emissions, is to blame for recent warming.
But recent warming trends can not be explained by natural causes / forcings alone.
Figure 2 shows how much different factors have contributed recent warming.
«Almost all CMIP5 historical simulations do not reproduce the observed recent warming hiatus.
If recent warm periods (or interglacials) are a guide, then we may soon slip into another glacial period.
This weekend, temperatures in Khakassia soared to 25 degrees Celsius — 15 - 20 degrees Celsius above average for daytime temperatures in this region even during recent warmer years (1979 - 2000).
From approximately 1926 on though, NOAA's warming and cooling adjustments give all appearances of not being the least bit random, but specifically designed to make historically documented warming periods cooler (such as the extreme warming of 1930s) and the more recent warming of the last two decades - made to appear even greater than reported during real - time.
Not content with misrepresenting or concealing the basic facts of the case, the paper also attempts to claim the sun is responsible for recent warming by trotting out the original graph from Friis - Christensen (1991), which has been resoundlingly rebutted by later work, as explained here.
A new Daily Tech blog post is propagating through the blogosphere, claiming a new NASA study attributes recent warming to the sun.
«Coral reefs have already taken a big hit from recent warm temperatures, but rapid rises in carbon dioxide cause acidification, which adds a new threat: the inability of corals to create calcareous skeletons,» said Harvell.
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