Sentences with phrase «record levels»

The phrase "record levels" refers to the highest or biggest amount or measurement ever achieved or experienced in a certain context. Full definition
But, in spite of record levels of consumers demanding frustration - free packaging, companies have paid little attention to the design for consumer experience.
The economic situation, too, continues to worsen with hyper - inflation at record levels of more than 800 %.
Sales of motor vehicles reached record levels in 2003, reflecting high levels of vehicle affordability, though sales have fallen in recent months.
With both home - sale and remodeling activity at record levels in the last five to six years, some cooling is inevitable.
Other employment options hit record levels of preference this year.
While we have near record levels of people in employment, too many disabled people are missing out.
But, in reality, many families can't afford college, so students are graduating with record levels of student loan debt.
At record levels for months now, the question is....
Some of the fall is explained by the size of the 2017 - 18 winter crop falling from record levels, but industry analysts said wheat prices were the biggest factor.
I see record levels of unemployment across the world, yet businesses are struggling to find the talent they need in many industries and countries.
But much of that is contingent on consumer spending, which is being financed by record levels of debt.
It is estimated that more than two - thirds of individuals are carrying crushing amounts of debt and the total debt of consumers across the nation has reached record levels over the last decade.
Experts say the only way to combat climate change is to aggressively cut global carbon emissions, which hit record levels last year.
Despite record levels of activity, most firms invest in a very small number of the companies considered.
In contrast to yields on nominal bonds, yields on inflation - linked bonds have for the past six months remained close to their lowest recorded levels.
The spreads of the bond market are at record levels since the last depression, and maybe comparable.
In contrast, the trust enjoyed by police officers among the public has risen to its highest recorded level of 74 per cent - up from 61 per cent in 1983.
Production is at record levels as we continue to build cars on three shift 24 hour production to meet global demand.
Today's figures show that teaching is still a hugely popular profession with over 1,000 more graduates training to teach secondary subjects — including record levels of trainees holding a first - class degree.
Despite carrying record levels of debt, households once again responded to the price signal sent to them by their central bank and went shopping.
The increase came as the world has experienced record levels of displacement.
Earnings will grow at about 5.9 percent a year if we assume profit margins remain near their current record levels.
They also argued it is at record levels when it is at the lowest level in 300 million years.
That's a drag on growth, but a welcome one if it means households have begun doing something about record levels of debt.
With so much poor nutrition readily available to the public, it's no wonder that the west is reporting record levels of health disorders and diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
For instance, agriculture has produced record levels for the past few years and yet inventories are the lowest in 40 years because consumption keeps going higher and higher, faster than production does.
In all, this blend created record levels of rain which basically make this a once in 1,000 years flood.
The city water supply, which recorded a level almost three times the new federal safety limit of 70 parts per trillion, first tested positive in 2014.
It's true that affordability is at record levels today, but many buyers need help putting price into perspective.
The company remains the giant in the industry, but it will have to keep fighting in order to regain its dominance and send its stock back toward record levels.
It routinely scores within the top five percent nationally among companies recording levels of engagement.
The move comes as spending on digital marketing also hits similar record levels with 77 % of companies planning to increase their spend on digital marketing in 2015.
Patients recorded the level of pain they felt every 15 seconds during the injections and completed a pain questionnaire about their experience at the end of the experiment.
They measured levels of desire through a journal - based evaluation in which subjects recorded their levels of sexual drive on a daily basis.
The other two measurements recorded levels of two markers in white blood cells of the women and their infants.
Throughout the case, the state has maintained that schools are getting record levels of funding.
Was this an attempt to control record level of consumer debt?
Why not check to see if the company has generated consistent record levels of sales, profits and dividends?
Furthermore, debt levels are reaching record levels throughout the nation.
It's a problem that has reached record levels in this country, with more than $ 1.3 trillion in student loans outstanding.
While winter precipitation came in near record levels, snow pack did not.
It recently reached record levels by one measure, and is helping to drive 2015 to be the hottest year on record.
This recent trend stands in contrast with the fact that markets went more than three years without achieving a new record level.
The housing market has weakened from record levels, export growth has been sluggish and business investment has been weak.
Although digital sales are seeing record levels of success, the industry actually decreased, as a whole.
With record levels of investment in the rail sector, parties carrying out track works should learn from previous disputes to avoid the same mistakes being repeated.
1: Home prices are rising, even hitting record levels in some places.
These volume gains were driven by record levels of farm production, and were supported by stronger prices, particularly for meat and wool products.

Phrases with «record levels»

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