Sentences with phrase «record show»

State records show cost was valued at just 20 percent of the evaluation of bids, with a 30 percent emphasis on security.
A driver's driving record shows what kind of a driver he is and hence will decide the insurance rates.
Campaign finance records show several payments to the firm.
There are no other public records showing exactly where those ads were placed or how many people they reached.
The history of court records shows how judges and courts have adapted to new processes and innovations.
Figure 5: Five different analyses of surface temperature records show warming of the atmosphere at the surface level.
The campaign currently has $ 31 million to spend on this year's election, state elections records show.
The entire historical record shows this beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever.
The fossil record shows that the major groups of animals appeared suddenly and have remained virtually unchanged.
You can find recorded shows in your account page.
Ice core records show there was a sharp rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — a nearly 50 % increase — at the end of the last ice age.
Proven track record showing success in a variety of industries, as well as, managing both service and product functions on a global stage with a team from a variety of multicultural backgrounds.
According to the story, for at least four years he has reimbursed himself from campaign contributions and has not kept receipts or other records showing how he spent the money.
Imagine having to leave your home because county records show that the seller who sold you the home never really purchased it himself.
Instead, the outsourcing firms are increasingly dominating the program, federal records show.
Even better, we've made it easier to browse your media and record your shows with a more elegant interface.
What do probate records show for the names and addresses of the heirs?
Each administered medication must be entered on the patient's medical record showing date, the name of drug, type, dose, route of administration, and frequency of administration.
The satellite record shows that no month of 2014 was as hot as many other months in the previous decade.
Like for example, there was a period from about 1940 to the early 1970s when records showed a cooling trend.
Her family foundation gave nearly $ 1 million to the institute between 2011 and 2014, tax records show.
During her last three years on the job, her salary grew by $ 50,000, payroll records show.
Having organized financial records shows that you are sensitive to the details.
Most paleo - climate records show that the tropics had mean annual temperatures of 28 to 33 °C, which is not much warmer than today.
I join you for fall favorites with watching recorded shows.
This official record shows a warming at the beginning of the 20th century and also at the end.
Anyway, the whole thing is irrelevant as in thousands of years of searching, not a shred of evidence has ever been recorded that shows there are any gods.
In fact, Campus Police records show only five student arrests related to drug law violations in recent years.
We had no problems surfing the Web or using the system's computer - related features while recording a show at the same time.
If your driving record shows many speeding tickets and accidents, you could be denied insurance or thrown into the more costly high - risk pool.
Police records show that crime in the area surrounding the park has declined by about 3 percent this year compared with 2000.
Well, if the bank records show that you have no effective coverage on your house, the bank will force their insurance on you.
Likewise, in the council, his voting record showed he supported liberal, Democratic positions on immigration and other issues.
The longer - term record shows global temperatures have hardly risen for about 15 years.
You'll get a new area where you'll be able to discover content to watch, schedule recordings and manage them, and play back previously - recorded shows over the network.
If your driving history record shows that you have not made any claims, you may just get big discounts from an insurer.
You can record shows by name or easily control on - screen playback.
(2) Is it true that the long - term historic record shows that atmospheric CO2 level variations happen about 800 years * after * global temperature changes?
As previous records show, then this phone shall also get an update, with better features, though very similar to the model which shall be released during the summer.
When your criminal record shows that you have been convicted of a sex crime the collateral consequences can be devastating.
But the movement's track record shows little to be proud of.
All surface records show quite similar results when examined over regions where they all have coverage.
The government assumes that most servers earn one to four times their salary in tips, unless records show otherwise, she said.
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