Sentences with phrase «recovery ability»

"Recovery ability" refers to the capability or power to bounce back or recover from a difficult or challenging situation. It indicates how well someone or something can regain strength, stability, or normal functioning after going through a setback or adversity. Full definition
I think my seven - year - old daughter may have a better recovery ability than I do.
Proper training volume is regulated by recovery ability of the person and his / her goal.
Here's why: The largest factor affecting these differences is their differences in recovery ability.
The body has amazing recovery ability if only given the right tools and chance, and that is where the recovery effort should be focused on.
I have no obvious reason for having a slow recovery ability so over the years I have basically accepted it.
We adjust workout intensity and volume based on current recovery ability.
Some with less recovery ability or circumstances workout once every 10 days to 14 days.
Patients with voluntary motor control commonly recovery the ability to walk within 2 weeks while those with deep pain but no voluntary motor control might require up to 4 weeks.
Frequency and volume are always determined by recovery ability.
Something that glutamine does which lysine doesn't, however, is improve recovery ability during sleep!
Yet another myth stemming from the belief that ectomorphs have a ridiculously poor recovery abilities.
For example, most resistance training programs call for lifters to rest a certain amount of time between sets, with little regard for individual recovery ability.
If anything, ectomorphs have a high metabolism that leads to a higher protein turnover rate, more protein synthesis and superior recovery ability.
Ben Pakulski has over 15 years of expertise and top achievements in the bodybuilding world, and he has developed a specific training and nutrition routines for the natural bodybuilder — the average Joe with normal recovery ability.
Doing such moron things is a big no - no because we don't have that much recovery ability (well, at least I don't).
A carb is still a carb, but you may need to adjust a few things in order to compensate for things like a lessened recovery ability and metabolic rate.
Recovery ability goes hand in hand with confidence.
Cardio often fails to deliver significant results in people who are trying to lose a lot of weight, but this is not a reason to dismiss it altogether — it brings many benefits, like improved heart health, increased metabolism and improved recovery ability.
This, of course, comes from the belief that all ectomorphs have a terribly low threshold for exercise and poor recovery abilities, so they should never engage in this type of training.
Some people simply have a much harder or easier time building muscle than others, and this is influenced by different factors such as muscle fiber distribution, testosterone levels, growth hormone levels, bone structure, insulin sensitivity, myostatin levels and individual recovery ability.
When I first began implementing EI's into my athletes» training routines there was an obvious increase in recovery ability.
Whenever you read about the top pros, always remember that they have: 1) superhuman genetics geared to pack on muscle size and 2) «special supplements» that further enhance their amazing recovery abilities.
If your recovery ability alowes, you can try adding a lifting day or two in your routine.
* Depending on your recovery ability you can do a light 30 - 40 min cardio session or you can take a day off from training.
Too much exercise and too little rest can harm your recovery ability even further and your progress will stall.
Having that attitude of course comes with the added responsibility of managing your body's recovery abilities.
In a few days (depending on your recovery ability) that muscle will be ready for the same resistance stress again.
Nutrition, Cortisol and Recovery Ability: Nutrition has a powerful effect on recover ability.
When T levels rise, your recovery ability improves.
Since you are striving for fat loss and are on a low to moderate carb diet, your recovery ability will not be maximized.
Getting better at the basics will ensure that you make gains and do not hinder your recovery abilities.
The right one for you depends on your age, recovery abilities, stress level, lifestyle, nutrition, and much more....
Generally speaking, skinny people today do not have as good a recovery ability as naturally bigger men.
It just doesn't work like that, especially since each person will have their own individual volume tolerance, work capacity and recovery ability.
To answer this, we need to know what factors affect our recovery ability.
Training in this area taxes us, depletes our energy and recovery ability, that is, it causes fatigue.
Your body's recovery ability is limited.
This is because we fail to see our recovery abilities as something that can and should trained as well.
Train your bench, deadlift, military press, and other lifts enough to maintain, and hammer your squat as often as your recovery abilities will allow.
The way to combat this is to channel all your recovery ability into just one or two body parts, whilst putting the rest of your body on maintenance training.
A better idea which is explained in detail in our article on training for muscle mass, is to follow a periodized training program which avoids causing such a strain on the body's recovery abilities and will thereby avoid a situation where testosterone is depressed most of the week from training heavy all the time.

Phrases with «recovery ability»

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